Books, more books, music, broken-winged boys, alt movies, animals, laughing and loving life, being smart *and* pretty, and kicking butt on trivia games. I used to love Nutter Butters, then my guilty pleasure was this most amazing Cinnamon French Toast from a local hangout, but now for food -- I'm back to my first love, sushi.
Readers, other authors, and fun people
I love music! Thanks for asking. How about Ryan Adams, the Killers, LCD Soundsystem, Lili Allen, U2, Bowie, Duran Duran, Depeche Mode, Smiths, 80's alternative in general, disco, jukebox rock, movie soundtracks (Garden State's is really good) and old records on rainy days.
Sixteen Candles, Lost in Translation, Magnolia, Rockstar (Can't help it!), Heathers, The Apartment, The Philadelphia Story.
BTW, I love going to the movies as opposed to watching them on DVD. Smell of popcorn. Anticipation. Darkness killed with light from the projector booth. Verrrry cool.
I don't watch it much -- but when I do it's Heroes, The Office, SNL, and yes... AI.
My latest fave is The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. Its beauty is haunting. I wish I could work language like Markus does.
My dad.
Meg Cabot.
And, until he had to go and get all big-headed about it, Mr. Hottie of Publishing 2006. :)