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Natasha elisa

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My names Natasha-Elisa... please please entertain mee!!!I love life most the time and try not to take things too seriously... only wen its that time of month then its out of my hands argh...the pleasures of being a women-how horrible is some of the things we have to go thro giving birth,periods and well being horrible wen its completely out of our control(PMT) ive decided we are the superior race purely cos we have to put up with so much plus we are far far more attractive naked...dont get me wrong hairy bottoms can be cute:-)..I at the moment hate the hairy species with dangly bits... and if another guy hurts my feelings one moore time im gunna have to go bk to my lesbein about being let down time and time again...why cant guys just be nice...stop playing games ok if i show i like you,you dont like me and if i play it kool,they dont care and actual fact i prob dont care.So any way soz bout tat got to vent myself!!!So im a 21 year old girl from Brighton.I am also a hairdresserwhich is always handy for my friends!!i am very chatty and outgoing and love to get up to mischeif;-)!!!i am a bit of a socialite and seem to go out most nites!!I stumble in at about 5 at the weekends so i wont see u on here till the afternoon hehe!!! I have been described as stitch off of lilo and stitch hehe big blue eyes wen im good im really good and wen i am bad i can be quite bad hehe!!i have a nick name which i try not to tell ppl about but ill share it with u... its Rudy(like Rudolf the red nose rain deer!!)When i was young went out playing i had a red nose hehe!! Things that make me laugh and giggle are Lepricorns i love em they just make e giggle!! i can imagine them wearing a lil green outfitt hopping from one leg to the other.I love the name Trevor it makes me smile, i dont know why i just associate it with a lil book worm with ginger hair freckles and braces!...I love drinking malabu and pineapple its my favourite drink,it makes me smile cos i get drunk hehe!!...Things that dont make me smile is the name maureen i guess wen i was younger my mum used to say if ur bad i will change your name to maureen and i would be"i dont want to be called maureen ill be good" hehe!...Things that also make me sad are ppl that arent nice and have no depth!!..I would like to be able to fly have a lovely set of white swan wings be able to fly here there and everywhere!!i would love to give upside down kisses!!and fly sooooo fast leave love heart marks in the skies!!i love to invent things!!.As you may have guessed i am a very chatty person...i love to chat find that theres never really orquid silences with me around!!.I am a creative passionate and sensetive person ooooh yess youll know when im not happy!!;-)....i like to joke around as my friends will know i try not to take myself seriously after having a bit of a melt down a few years ago which im sooo glad for IM SOOOO GOOD NOW!!!...I love my Mum and my two brothers and not so much my dad who is kinda rubbish!...:-)Few words: Enjoy your body, use it every way you can, don’t be afraid of it, or what other people think of it, it’s the greatest instrument you’ll ever im kinda sorry about the naked pics ppl if you dont like nakedness for some reason you shouldnt look at my not a tart im just making the most of my body before i go wrinkley saggy and totally discusting....tat hoping no one thinks im tat way WARNING Ive heard this place is a play ground for peadophiles and weirdos scary stuff!!!!!!lol If the last couple of years have taught me anything its how ppl can be oooh so mean...iv realised whos important...dont let any one get the better of you!People can get to caught up in themselves and miss things that can truely make them happy, so figure out what makes u happy and hold on too it!Only trust someone 90% never put all your trust in someone....i say this because i know lol!!!xxx

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My Interests

My interests hey?i can play the recorder... if you call struggling with londons burning!!bless me hey!!I actually love my proffesion cutting hair and making people look beautiful!!which at the moment i do free lancing!!i have another job at a hotel!!I also love to dancing on the trusty dance floor or in the comfort of my own home nothing beats a bit of naked dancing in the house when every one goes out!!I do go to the gym occasionally!!.Im not gonna lie im not that frequent i bet ppl really lie in this section! *Glitter Graphics*

I'd like to meet:

Woooow as if it was as easy as that who would i like to meet??....on the spot now!!i would like to meet some intresting people maybe they can share some thing with me i dont know already oh they got to hav nice teeth!!!some fairly sasy gals and some hot meneven tho this moment in time there not my favourite species im willing to give them another go!! So any beautiful people and nice friendly people are the kind of people i would like to meet!! leave me a msg if ur sweet and hot, if not go away!!!im joking!!i would love to meet lepricorns exp if they wear lil green outfitsand they dance!!i want to meet a trevor with ginger hair and brces and then i could sing him song i have made specially for him hehe!!i want to meet john mayor, jude law and ryan phillipe albert eintein,fraggles,zippy+bongo,kurmit the froggy....oh and where the hell did mr blobby go???.


I love the foo fighters there my favourite they are the legends!!i am prone to a bit of razor light and the killers!!!i love real music i love john mayer too!!but most of all im open minded theres so many i like Ben harper Jack johnson and also james morrison,sister hazel,five for fighting,bic runga,nelly fertardo,Athlete,pink floyd,-so many but i think u can guess what kind of music i likeLife house three doors down,sheryl crow,amarican rejects,counting crows,chantele kravetez "When things go wrong, as they sometimes will when the road your trudging, seems all uphill, When the funds are low, and the debts are high, and you want to smile, but you have to sigh When care is pressing you down a bit - rest if you must, but don't you quit Success if failure turned inside out - the silver tint of the clouds of doubt, and you never can tell, how close you are It may be near when it seems afar, so stick to the fight when your hardest hit... Its when things seem worst that you must not quit!"


One movie i just love its awesome and its even one for the boys-How to lose a guy in ten days!!its a happy film and makes you hope theres a guy just like mathew mac conally out there!!,Man on fire,The Holiday...such a good film and so was The Devil wears Parada,Elf Will Farrell you genius marry me!!


I love the Hollyoaks all the girls are just so beautiful!!i am also i massive fan of the O.C well gutted that marrisa died she was sooo beautiful!!Lets hope they keep Seth hes so perfect!what happend to fraggle rock? i loved them old skool programs and raindows and legendary programs as such(rosie and jim u f**king LEGENDS)!!

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The twits wrote by Roald Dahl!!Ok it is for kids but i dont read that many books im a Autobiography gal myself i read the Dave Groal one recently fasinating i will be reading victoria beckams(extra half and inch) as well but i find books are for ppl with too much time on their hands.


I dont have one but i want to start recruiting!!!!...jude law anywhere??? wanna save me from a boring job and take me on holiday in desperate need!!!!or a rockstar tat has all his teeth!!!tats the main thing!