THEATRE BIZARRE 2006carnivals
Some of the projects we have produced under the direction of Mr John Dunivant
We at TB would like to thank all the incredible people who have supported our insanity. Many more than are listed here. Your friends at Theatre BizarreTHEATRE BIZARRE John Dunivant, Ken Porier, Scott West, Mathew Pomroy, Robin Dunivant, Dan Walker, Jason McCombs, Brad Traynoff, Nichole Davila, Brandon Eby, Sarah Grizboski, Russ Skelinger, Patrick Parsons, Jim Grove, Dana McCombs, Brett Carson, Woody, Becca Emerson, Justin Temple, John Bowman, Jeremy Cooper, Dave Presnell, Pete Coe, Jill Bednarek, Casey Miller, Jessica Nelson, Leslie Elizondo, Brenda Baxley, Anthony Guilliom, Eugene Sherrill, Dale Dershimer (great service), James Dwyer (great fluffer ), Larry Dunivant, Charlie Cogo,AndMany More... Thankyou