HEADS UP. FLAMING YOUTH! HITHER COMETH, THY DESTINY!!!... YOU WANTED THE BEAST?! YOU -GOT- THE BEAST! Holding steady in the numero uno position comes the 'BEATLEMANIA' of KISS TRIBUTES, "KISS ARMY - The Coolest Band In The World! Over 15 years in the making & now celebrating their 16th YEAR at building the perfect beast. Welcome one & ALL to the 100% OFFICIAL, SUPER SPECIAL "KISS ARMY" MYSPACE SITE! Your ALL ACCESS PASS to ALL of the mayhem behind the scenes! It is -HERE- where we can all celebrate exclusively the countless success stories happening one after the next for this incredible one of a kind Kiss tribute phenomenon minute after breathtaking minute! And if you just so happen to be one of the ever-growing newcomer fans to join our mighty alliance then WELCOME ABOARD soldier! You'll quickly notice that this is also -the- very same group that's now thrilling audiences by the masses across the great ol' U.S. of A. and beyond after earning their way to the top the hard way through countless trial and error that's now propelled them to the status of HEADLINING everywhere from the worlds finest THEME PARKS to CASINOS, FAIRS, FESTIVALS, CORPORATE EVENTS, HOUSE OF BLUES/HARD ROCK CAFES, YOU NAME ITS and THEY'RE DOING ITS in addition to rocking only the absolute BEST of the nightclub scene left in existence today! We ain't talkin' smack. Chew on this!: ROCKLAHOMA '07 OPENING NIGHT HEADLINERS! HOUSE OF BLUES/ORLANDO, FL., REVOLUTION/FT. LAUDERDALE, FL., PIERE'S/FT. WAYNE, IN., COYOTES/93.1 THE FOX BIRTHDAY BASH, LOU., KY., FULL MOON FEVER TATTOO FEST/NASHVILLE, TN., STADIUM VIEW BIKER BASH/GREEN BAY, WI., RED RIVER MEMORIAL DAY BIKER RUN, RR-NM., SOUTH MISSISSIPPI BIKE RALLY/HATTIESBURG, MS., CHOPPER X-PO/ATLANTIC CITY, NJ.? YEP, them too. PIPELINE CAFE/HONOLULU, HI. w/5 LIMOS in 4 days & VIP treatment as guests of -the- DON HO? CHECK. 16 SHOWS @ THE MONTE CARLO CASINO/LV-NV. w/a TOURBUS LIMO? CHECKEROO TOO. An entire MONTH w/33 shows @ SIX FLAGS, NJ. for FRIGHTFEST? CHECKAMUNDO. SIX FLAGS/AURORA, OH.? Rocking 7,500+ @ 'DAWGS ON HAWGS' TEXAS BIKER RALLY? 17,000 @ 'STARS & STRIPES EXPLOSION'/NEPTUNE BEACH, VA.? 30,000 @ PORTLAND FEST/LOU., KY.??? The EL REY THEATRE/LOS ANGELES, CA.? UNIVERSAL STUDIOS/HOLLYWOOD, CA. w/15,000 in attendance along with -the- original monster of KISS himself, GENE SIMMONS there sticking his tongue out too?? YES! *SOLD OUT* HOOTERS SWIMSUIT FINALS of ATLANTA, GA. & ST. LOUIS, MO.? Woo hoo! YES!!! What's that you say? THE WHISKY A GO-GO/HOLLYWOOD, CA. w/5 opening bands? The GULFPORT & BILOXI, MS. GRAND CASINOS? The SUNSET STATION CASINO/LV-NV.? SUNCOAST CASINO/LV-NV.? HARLEY DAVIDSON-CAVALCADE OF WHEELS/NOTRE DAME A.C.C. ARENA/SOUTHBEND, IN.? HAWAIIAN TROPIC FINALS/KEY WEST, FL? Oh, -and- hand picked as the official KISS COFFEEHOUSE GRAND OPENING FINALE HEADLINERS w/13,000+ in attendance along with -the- DOC MCGHEE loving every minute of it too? YES. YES. YES! & YES ALREADY! In short, it's the only tribute group to ever have both BILL AUCOIN (*original 70's Kiss manager) & EDDIE BALANDAS (*70's Kiss bodyguard/intro announcer from KISS ALIVE II) proudly introduce them onstage with total CONVICTION & enthusiastic PRAISE! UN-REAL. And if that weren't enough, how about having LYDIA CRISS (*Peter's ex-wife) as an onstage guest for a priceless rendition of Kiss's first breakthrough hit of the 70's, "BETH".? See what we're saying here? That's what we're trying to tell you. When it truly comes to the coolest tribute act in the world, there can be only ONE 'KISS ARMY'. NO SUBSTITUTES! Driven by integrity, passion, determination and a relentless focus on the primetime of yesteryear both visually -and- musically, the four pseudo celebrities who now 'makeup' so to speak, "KISS ARMY" are not to be taken lightly. Every single performance is more than a mere tribute to the heroes of 70's greasepaint rock and roll. Rather a perfected assault on the senses the likes that would surely bring a tear to not only the eyes of their mentors but to their countless die hard fanbase of mega millions too! Abner Devereaux eat your heart out. Made only of the finest ingredients: identicle makeup, outrageous outfits, classic instruments and enough musical muscle to tell it like it was, "KISS ARMY - THE COOLEST BAND IN THE WORLD" have grown stronger than ever as they now feature their most bombastic lineup to ever hit the Kiss tribute stage yet, packed with brutal honesty & total finesse they're mmm MMMM GREAT! WATCH OUT. "KISS ARMY" are: MARC SHADOWS - the ultimate gene splicer/GENE SIMMONS - The Blood Spitting, Fire Breathing, Bass Pounding Demon circa 1977!, STEVE CLARK - representing primal PETER CRISS in his absolute 70's prime and then some w/9 lives, 13 drums & a 39" Gong. ME-OUCH!, BRYAN ANGEL - PAUL STANLEY, the ultimate frontman/Starchild supreme, DOUG GERY - ACE FREHLEY, the 'spaced out of this galaxy, intergalactic time traveller' that holds the perfect "Ace" card in the "KISS ARMY" deck. Ack! Yes, it's an all out and super pro minded all star cast clearly on a mission from God. The God of Thunder that is! Steve Clark, drummer for the group, describes their ongoing quest for ultra sheer perfection best: "Hey, Rome wasn't built in a day, and hell, the ultimate Kiss tribute experience wasn't either, this took a LOT of time, serious effort & relentless dedication. There's something incredibly unique and very special going on here that you just don't see everyday or just anywhere, especially these days. Kiss fans & the vintage ones in particular should really take notice of us before we're discovered so that they can all jump on the bandwagon and say 'I saw these guys before they really made it, they're awesome!' Ok, so maybe back to reality. But if you're gonna dream right? I mean we dream big and bigger by the day. At this point I wanna believe we're destined to be the next biggest discovery for Gene Simmons since Van Halen. The real Van Halen that is. lol. An entertainment group that not only he could wholeheartedly appreciate as a quality salute to the genuine article, but one that could win the same level of appreciation and acceptance from Paul, Ace & Peter too. We don't pay tribute to four makeup designs, we salute four very legendary rock star personalities in their heyday with as much complete and utter justice as we're able to provide as individuals. I mean our mission is all about throwing hammers in our message, to basically try and take fans back to the days of when their parents were afraid of Kiss coming to their town. All four original members as if it were 1977 all over again. That's our recipe. Shock value. Putting the fear of God back into the message, you know, specializing in reinventing the classic Kiss wheel. To love all of our heroes equally in our representation of all four original members and it really shows now more than ever like never before, just ask the fans at our shows every night these days and they'll tell you and with great enthusiasm too! They feel it almost instantly and can easily tell right away that we're just 4 very talented and dedicated purists/professionals at what we do. I mean we're all completely aware that "we're" not really 'Kiss', just great pretenders to the throne. Honestly, there could never truly ever be another Kiss like their once was all those years ago... another Gene, Peter, Paul & Ace all tearing the stage apart as a unified assault like back in the day. But hey, leave it to "KISS ARMY - The Coolest Band In The World" to be the chosen ones who can take you back to the very next best thing imaginable. Seriously. How can you not love us? lol. I mean, we've been back to the 'drawing board' more times than I care to count and by now we'd better be able to scream with utmost confidence: "YOU GOTTA CHECK US OUT!" well... and -really- mean it is what I'm saying. I'm not just portraying Peter Criss onstage, I've trained myself to be what I'd consider not only to represent Peter at his peak in likeness & spirit, but to be the ultimate Kiss style drummer overall in his likeness in the process. I intentionally incorporate all of Peter's classic chops and signature playing style/personality every night I play the role, but I tweak it with Eric Carr's power and Eric Singer's meter to tighten it up a bit and give it the perfect mix of aggression -and- swing without losing any of the groove whatsoever, and hopefully bringing the perfect foundation for the rest of the band to build upon from there. We all try to dial in our character portrayal likeness to perfection and it's not contrived at all, that's the beauty of it. It's just the best of the best now because that's what kind of level we're at here lately and fans have grown acustom to looking for and expecting us to exceed our absolute best at this point and we try to exceed their expectations nightly. We take from the very best teachers that we've ever known, Kiss themselves, while still continuing to strive for better overall impact and showmanship value at the very next show that we're lucky enough to be able to put on for fans just like us. We didn't invent the Kiss tribute, millions of kids just like us did from one end of the world to the other, jumping up and down on their beds while playing air guitar with their moms brooms. lol. We just happened to come together through some kind of fake superstar fate, simply trying to perfect it as best as humanly possible with no B.S. about it whatsoever. This could very well be considered more like kick ass cloning if it's your first time seeing us now. lol. The way I see it is if all four of us are equally capable/determined & focused entertainers that are also equally driven for success as a unit, then screw the Eagles, we'll take it to the limit every time. lol. In short, we're more like Peter Jacksons' "KISS ARMY" so there better be a damn difference or I quit... haha. 'Larger than life' sized ultra action figures that bite. The resume speaks clearly for itself and I'm sure you wouldn't hear anyone complaining about scoring with the number one tribute to Jessica Alba either. lol. And you should know just by looking at her if she really is or not. We're proud to be able to do this in the first place and wouldn't continue if we didn't love doing it. It's simply all about respect. But we also love to feel like the voice of fans just like ourselves onstage every night we're able to, rocking and rolling over the country in our heroes namesake while always striving at being the best "KISS ARMY" on the planet. Always. We're like the best date you ever went on. We make sure that we put out on the first date and just as well every date thereafter too. lol. We aim to please and trust me, you'll wanna brag about spending a night with the four of us every time we're in your town." GROUPIES PUT ON YOUR MAKEUP! DON'T MISS the HOT NEW, ALL NEW, KISS ARMY/'SPIRIT OF 70'S KISS TOUR' COMING YOUR WAY NEXT! COLLECT ALL FOUR ON TOUR NOW. CLASS OF '77 but GREAT LIKE '78! "KISS ARMY" uses Gibson guitars & Pearl drums because they're supposed to. visit: www.KISSARMYRULES.com and enjoy exclusive video from the all new*****KISS ARMY TOUR
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