What is The Burn?
The VISION is rebuilding the Tabernacle of David.The VISION is understanding that WE are that Tabernacle.
The VISION is an army arising from the most remote, hidden places.
The VISION is that army looking past religion and embracing the heart of our Father.
The VISION is unity.
The VISION is continual night and day worship and intercession.
The VISION is understanding the vow we have made. (Psalm 132:2-5)
The VISION is walking into the all consuming fire of God and allowing Him to change us.
The VISION is fulfilling our God given purposes and dreams.
The VISION is living a life that matches the life of Jesus.
The VISION is doing all of this until we breathe our last breath.
Stay As Long As You Like
After attending his first Burn event, Amarillo director Jeremy Hudson said, "It was awesome! The presence of God was so strong that I couldn't leave. I didn't sleep for over 36 hours."Trust us when we tell you, you will not want to leave. Plan on coming early and staying late. The "night watch" from 11pm - 4am is especially amazing. Stay the entire 24 hours if you can.Volunteer
If you would like to be part of Burn Amarillo, please click here to send an email to Jeremy and Sandy. If you are a DJ, VJ, photographer, vidiographer, painter, dancer, singer, musician, or other creative... and you have been looking for a place to worship God with your talent, the Burn is for you! If you volunteer to help you will need to meet with Jeremy and Sandy before the Burn and you will need to attend each pre-burn leader's meeting. We are looking for people who love Jesus and want to see God honored above all.Donations
Now you can help support Burn Amarillo by making a one time donation through PayPal. This will help us get the word out even more effectivly. If you would like to make a monthly commitment to Burn Amarillo, contact us to recieve a monthly committment card.Click the PayPal button to make a donation with your credit card or PayPal account now.Go to BurnAmarillo.com for more information.
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Burn 24-7
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