"The Burn" is an attempt to fulfill the prophecy spoken of in Amos 9:11 and Acts 15:16 in "rebuilding the Tabernacle of David." And that tabernacle in the Old Testament was a 24/7 prayer house run by the Levites and full of psalmists, minstrels, musicians and worshippers whose sole purpose in life was to lift up the name of God in belief that he would come and change the atmosphere around them --- and to literally "dwell in the praises of His people!" We are the modern day Levites and carry that same mandate in our cities. This burn will require the fuel of passionate hearts that are willing to give up daily routines of apathetic american christianity, inward and selfish desires of mtv driven culture and fleating hopes of becoming a "powerful and recognized" christian figure.We are a gathering of radical interceding and worshipping warriors. We are lovesick. We are in need. We have a purpose for living. And we are crying out to the Father to come with radical fire to our streets, schools, churches and cities full of dry bones. We carry a burning mandate from Heaven to establish a 24/7 nonstop house of prayer that will last unto eternity. His name shall be praised with intecession, psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. The Lord will hear our cries, and we shall exalt His name forever. . ."But His word was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones..."
-Jeremiah 20:9-
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