"And it shall be in the last days, says God, I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh......Acts2:17
I'm a singer/musician/songwriter with a with a deep passion for worship. David, who was said to be a man after God's own heart, found the keys to having close intimacy with our creator through worship. David sang with his heart, and not just his lips. Music sets the atmospere for us to express our heart and love for God, as we connect with God. Like David, I seek to know the heart of God in a more intimate way, diving deeper , all the way into the throne room of God. My goal in ministry is that others would encounter and come to know this same living God. I'm not in this to entertain or exalt myself, but simply to exalt the name of "Jesus", who is the only Star. I believe in ministering to people inside and outside the walls of church. I minister in the streets, projects, prisons,drug centers, teen centers, state hospitals, youth groups, college groups, churches, revivals, ect. It's all about Jesus. I'll go anywhere God opens the door.