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About Me

Vernon, TX

WHO IS GQ? 1 Corinthians 15:10 "......but by the grace of God I am what I am."
Interpreted "Grace Quality" cause it's only by the grace of God why I do what I do and whatever I do I try to do for the glory and honor of God. First of all I am a minister/servant at TLCCI, my pastors are Willie and Barbara Hopkins. My wife, Ms. Mello-D and I are the Youth Pastors and partners in ministry. We have a passion to serve the Lord and a heart to reach out to people both young and old alike. We use all available tools that the Lord has given us to use such as rapp, rhythm and praize, praize and worship, contemporary, and skits to minister. I would like to say ministry first starts at home then spreads abroad. Cuz how can you love, reach out or help other people and don't love and reach out to your own family. We also have a family ministry that will be manifested in the near future. I am a volunteer at the TYC youth prison and employee/volunteer at the Vernon State Hospital - drug rehab for teens. My heart and passion is to be a positive influence, a role model and a leader for the youth I encounter with because I care.
My Motto: "Mute tha Music Peep tha Message"

G-Felt Music interpreted "God-Felt" Music main focus is to keep ministry in music. Music is a powerful tool God has created for the well-being of His creation but unfortunately the world behind satan's tactics have made this powerful tool for the defilement and corruption of many. G-Felt Music sole purpose is to minister the Word of God thru music and reach out to a world that doesn't know truth about Jesus. Ministry isn't very popular but I choose to walk down that narrow road for the sake of reaching one soul. People need to know Jesus is love, forgiveness, restoration and hope. Jesus said in John 3:17 "For God did not send His Son into the world in order to judge, to reject, to condemn, to pass sentence on the world but that the world might find salvation and be made safe and sound through Him." AMP - My prayer is the Lord send forth labourers into the harvest cause the harvest is ready but the labourers are few. Matthew 9:37-38
Words of Wisdom: I truly believe before stepping out and doing God's work you need to sit under a Pastor or spiritual leader so you can study and learn to be accountable. It's hard to find faithful and committed servants of the Lord in today's time. Everybody wants to do their own thing, but we must remember that we're no longer our own we were bought with a price and obedience is better than sacrifice. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, 1 Samuel 15:22-23 -- Plus I believe that every Christian artist and ministry needs to go to church and be endorsed by the Pastors. If you can't be committed to your local church, how can you be committed to God? God is not looking for artists, He's looking for hearts.
2 Chronicles 9:16

Jesus said, "...whosoever wants to be great let him first be a servant.." Matthew 20:26 -- Remember Jesus never boasted in himself neither was he arrogant. He was very humble and walked in servanthood from washing the disciple's feet to healing someone and commanding them not to tell anyone. It is not our skills, talents or gifts that please God but our lifestyle, commitment and obedience. It's not by might nor power but by the Spirit. Zachariah 4:6 -- It's the annointing that breaks the yokes. So without the annointing and the Holy Spirit working in our lives what good are we REALLY? Maybe pleasing to men but not pleasing to God. Read Luke 4:18 -- Enough said! God Bless ya.
My vision is that the production will be a step or a channel that will be used to give ministries a stage of opportunity to minister the gift of God that is within them. So many times, people and churches have closed the doors to us for whatever reasons which we have experienced ourselves. I truly believe there are ministries or that one ministry that will reach that one soul and that one soul can be the next Billy Graham. So ministries be ready and stay encouraged and do what the Lord has called you to do. The Lord only expects us to do what we are able to do. If we can only break bread with one another and fellowship beyond our opinions and judgements we can see people's hearts for who they really are. And I have truly met and fellowshiped with some great people.
Sorry for the delay in the album release but unfortunately it's taking more time than expected. But I am working very hard and diligent to have a release date soon.

In my own words: I believe there is a famine in the land for the Word of God. You can see everything that we trust in is failing. Things that seemed to have had the greatest structure is falling. The world will soon realize that the Word of God is true and forever. I pray this album will inject the hope, love, fear and reverence of God in the life of the hearers thru His Son and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Brief teachings on different subjects as the Lord leads me. I believe it's time to use all available tools so I'm tapping into what God is saying.
We are in process of purchasing new audio equipment for our upcoming venues. We will appreciate any donation, as the Lord leads you, in assisting us to achieve this goal. Donations can be made through PayPal. Thanks for your support and prayers.
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Member Since: 13/01/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Gq • Ms. Mello-D • N2G
Influences: L.G. Wise, Prime Minister, Mr. Real, Gospel Gangstaz, T-Bone, CMC's, DCP......these were the catz I listened to when I first got saved.

Sounds Like: Ministry Music

Record Label: N2 GOD Productionz

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