Welcome to The Awakening in San Angelo,TX. We meet at House of Faith located at 321 Montecito Dr. San Angelo, TX. The service time is 7:00pm every Saturday unless noted otherwise on our event calendar. Are you tired of just hearing about God? Then come and meet with him! You will never be the same! Join the Revolution that WILL change the World Forever!! Every relationship with God has started with an experience, a meeting. When you first met God was it not a divine appointment? What about Moses at the burning bush, Paul on the road to Damascus, the disciples in the upper room at Pentecost. Each one had a life changing experience that day. They were never the same. They were wrecked for God!! It went beyond hearing about God to experiencing His true glory. The religious want to tell you all about God but the hungry will lead you to a meeting with him. Why is that? We want everything God has but not willing to pay the price. The only way is to lay it all down and say God here I am. Religion, pride, and dignity are the greatest opposition to the fire of God. When you taste the Fire you are never the same. It is what motivates you to do and seek after the impossible. Just like Peter when he stepped out of the boat and walked on water. He ended up in the arms of Jesus. God is looking for a generation that will love him more than anything, more than titles, positions, and placement.God is looking for a NAMELESS FACELESS generation.
To live as Christ and to Die is gain!!! I would rather spend my life trying and failing, than to live my life in fear. If I lose it all, I will gain it all. I can no longer think logical because there is no faith in that. I am tired of titles, offices and the word I and ME! Traditon and religion has strangled the church and the people in it. There is no longer a plan b for my life. I will not be bought by flattery, money or position. I am no longer my own! I was bought for a price I could not pay!!! BY LIFE OR BY DEATH!! JFW
Greatness is obtained in dry times!! Strength is forged in the fire!! Lives are won in battle!!
JFW“If Jesus had preached the same message that ministers preach
today, He would never have been crucified.†-- Leonard Ravenhill.