Some new television (not much tho), vampire movies, walking, hanging with friends, and dare I say... karaoke. Oh, and eating my veggies! And taking care of my special guy...
adopt your own virtual pet!
Anyone and everyone. That's not exactly true. I *wish* I had the nerve to meet people. I am good in a group, a group of people I know well. I also tend to only communicate with people who I will most likely never, ever meet. I'm funny like that :) .. Let's compare and contrast, shall we? ..
Quite varied. A sampling of my collection: Evanescence, Fallout Boy, PCD, Sugar Ray, Alien Ant Farm, and a whole lotta 80's. I also like anything popular and pretty much if something is playing.. I'm moving to it.
I like the Superhero movies. I don't care if they are not true to the lore (maybe just a little). I like hot guys in tight clothes jumping and flying and kicking. It's all good. I also tend to like vampire movies. The first one was Lost Boys "You'll never grow old Michael And you'll never die. But you must feed!"
House, Lost, Robot Chicken, Smallville, Heros, Bones, Grey's Anatomy
I enjoy Douglas Adams, Janet Evanovitch and Scott Adams (no relation). I have always liked mythologies.. I wrote a paper for myself and one for a friend and he got the better mark. *Sigh* Go figure.
Anyone who can selflessly give of themselves to help others.