caT wHo walks by hERsElf profile picture

caT wHo walks by hERsElf

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter" - Martin Luther King, Jr.
"RIGHT! Hey, good luck on that!" ~~ signed, Cat
ME: [of course it's ALL about ME, it's called MYspace]
a cynic is only a broken-hearted optimist.
"artist, writer, sometimes an autist, and sometimes a misanthrope, but trying not to be closed as a fist..."
"tragically flawed and far from nirvana"
"and, YES, i am FORTY and natural."
"... all photos are from this past year.
i took them myself, w/ tripod & time-lapse"
agnostic, heretic.
"i think sanity & sobriety are overrated."
"not into rampant nationalism.
i am into humanity -pure & simple- it has no boundries."
"i do not believe in:
the institution of marriage,
[never commit yourself to institutions];
monogamy [we're not frickin' cranes];
or ownership
[don't piss on people to mark your territory]."
"i am not - never want to be - a princess.
i do NOT want a knight in shining armor.
get your own crusade."
"to each his own - between consenting adults"
[just please don't do it in front of me unless you ask first,
i probably don't know that much about you].
"NEVER assume or presume with me - ask."
"i am INTENSELY discerning ... but, at the same time,
i DO NOT recommend myself to anyone as friend or lover.
i am an acquired taste, and i am rarely acquired.
i don't NEED people, but sometimes i WANT them, at least temporarily...
okay. you can go now"... "seriously... why are you still here?"
["hey, i'm not 'fishing for JOHNS,' Daddy!"
"i'm just having fun making a public display of myself."...
"would you rather i wear a Berka? ...think about it."]

"The Net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it." John Gilmore (EFF).
~~~ Click on Any of My Paintings Above to See Them Enlarged ~~~
It is very traditional, realism.
[see slideshow below this one]
[most artworks are still owned by myself]...
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What's your favorite....
Beverage (non-alc) ? . Coke Zero
Beverage (alc) ? . red Zinfandel - not white
Color ? . black & deep blood-red or wine-red
Food ? . cherry cheesecake & bloody steak
Item of clothing ? . black lace boy-cut panties w/stockings
Favorite meal of the day ? . the after-orgasmic-sex-munchies
Feature on yourself ? . my Back
Quality in a guy/girl ? . Weird... i love weird... but solid, steady, enduring
Phrase ? . "anything worth doing is worth overdoing"
Song ? . "I Want You" - Elvis Costello
Musical Artist/Band ? . Tom Waits
Sport ? . great sex
Movie ? . depends on my mood
TV Show ? . space ghost
Radio Station ? . WYEP
Type of Chocolate ? . Hershey's Dark - Sugarless
Eye Color ? . my daughters: Periwinkle Blue

Do you?/or Have you ever?...

Have any pets ? . two cats
Smoke ? . smoke what?... only occasionally
Drink ? . absolutely, like the fishies
Have any piercings ? . ears only, 3 in one, 1 in the other
Have any tattoos ? . not yet
Cheat on a boyfriend ? . no. too honest for that.
Had sex ? . have I ever?? or just now?
Gone streaking ? . made naked snow angels,
z'hat count?

Gone skinny dipping ? . certainly
Been to Europe ? . not yet
Been to an island ? . OBX - [The Outer Banks]
Had stitches ? . yes
Broken any bones ? . no
Been stabbed/shot ? . stabbed with what??
Slept until after 12:00 ? . absolutely
Stayed up all night ? . doing it now
Danced like a whore ? . like one? what do you mean by "Whore?"
Been w/ 2 people in one weekend ? . yes, same day even.
Turned down a dare ? . yes, I'm still here aren't I?

Would you ever....

Eat pizza w/chocolate chips ? . maybe, had a burger w/peanut butter...
Kiss someone of the same sex ? . done that, a few times...
Cheat on someone you love ? . what do you mean by: "cheat?"
i don't make promises & i don't lie.

Run away from home ? . every time i walk out the door.
Lie to your parents ? . only if i had no other option
Lie to your boyfriend ? . only if i had no other option
Lie to your best friend ? . only if i had no other option
Give a homeless person money ? . done that - prefer to give them food.
Run from the police ? . if i thought i could give 'em the slip
Bungee jump ? . never. i like my eyes in their sockets.
Sky dive ? . Y jump from a perfectly good plane?
Cross dress ? . am now
Be an exotic dancer ? . if i was hott enough to get paid for it
Walk out of a restaurant without paying ? ... if i was going to "pay more"
because I ate there!

Scuba dive ? . might
Go rock climbing ? . might
Go spulunking (caving) ? . sure. caves "mean returning to your place of origin."

What do you think of when you hear....

Eminem ? . liked his song about his got me.
Bologna ? . garlic & fried
Hott ? . check thermostat
Orange ? . Marlon Brando
Real world ? . puck
Fuck ? . ... but, we just met
Jack ? . in the Green
Cucumber ? . salad
Hip-Hop ? . trip hop
Uniform ? . cuneiform
UniCORN ! ? . porn
Rainbow ? . Bob Ross
Clown ? . PERVERT

My Interests

I recommend: BLUDGEONING TV's, disturbing films,
good red zinfandel
that sneaks up on you
and kicks your ass,
Jehovah's Witnesses
[they taste just like chicken],
provocative discourse, sparring,
2D, tank girl, tea parties
[we need another one!], comedian Steven Wright, German Expressionists, Kathe Kollwitz, Egon Schiele, Albrect Durer, Aesthetic Art, Bertolt Brecht, epiphanies, eroticism, going primal, destroying delusions, Denzel Washington,
Dennis Potter, Nick Nolte,
Roman Dirge: Lenore,
The Little Match Girl,
Spike Lee, Edward Gorey,
Berke Breathed's
Bloom County,
Sidney Poitier,
Harvey Keitel, Bill Murray,
Boondocks, Calvin & Hobbes,
underdog anti-heroes,
Great Lit, Voltaire,
W. C. Fields, Bogie,
Bill Hicks, Orson Welles,
downpours and lightning,
Bernardo Bertolucci, Marlon Brando, Sean Penn, nudity, running away, negating hypocrasy, exposing censorship, being limber enough to manage every conceivable position & some "Inconceivable"...

oh... and i like my humor
very very dry
with a dash of bitters
and blue ruin...

CURRENT MOON moon phases

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I'd like to meet:

Tom Waits: I'd love to have him for lunch;
Wes Clark, Mike Gravel, Betty Page, Berke Breathed,

... people who know who they are.
people who accept no dogma.

and some dead people...
or does it mean i have to be dead, too? .... Gandhi,
although he'd probably make me feel like the worthless, self-absorbed heathen that i am ... Dorothy Parker ... Jane Austen ... Ben Franklin ...
and the Tiananmen TANK MAN ...

You Do Something To Me - Paul Weller

It's Alright With Me - Tom Waits

god's away on business - tom waits, but not for long...
Tom Waits

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Cat's Quirk Factor: 85%
Cat! You're beyond quirky...
You're downright bizarre.
You've lost touch with social norms
and what's appropriate,
and you're loving every minute of it!
How Quirky Are You?

Cat is Very Honest
Cat tells it like it is, no matter what.
Even if the truth hurts, she'll dish it out.
And while some may get hurt by her honesty...
At least everyone knows where she stands! How Honest Are You?


Cat's Favorite Music:
Tom Waits
Neil Young: Sleeps With Angels
Tori Amos
Joan Osborne
Eva Cassidy
Leonard Cohen
Jeff Buckley
Cat Power
Jolie Holland
Elvis Costello
Madeleine Peyroux
Billie Holliday
Violent Femmes
The Pogues
Paul Weller
Patty Griffin
Bob Dylan: Time Out of Mind
The Clash
Nina Simone
k d lang
Louie Armstrong
Gary Jules
Bright Eyes
Willie Dixon
The Sugarcubes
Mazzy Star
Sinead O'Connor
Janice Joplin
Johnny Cash
Bob Marley
Gnarls Barkley
Leon Redbone
Rickie Lee Jones
Bonnie Raitt
Peter Gabriel
Lyle Lovett
Trip Hop: Tricky
Maxime Quaye
Grace Jones
P J Harvey
Cowboy Junkies
Maria Muldaur
Roy Orbison
The Squeeze
Concrete Blonde
David Bowie
Talking Heads
Public Enemy
Christina Aguilera
The Soggy Bottom Boys
Patsy Cline
Thomaso Albinoni: Adagio in G minor
Dead Can Dance
Jethro Tull: Songs From the Woods
Joan Biaz
Mary Hopkin
celtic music
tribal music
The Cure
The Smiths
other givens: Buddy Holly
The Doors
Led Zeppelin
Pink Floyd
The Beatles
The Stones Rolling

Cat Power - "Rockets"


... i like disturbing films...
& others that just make me think.
Some of Cat's Favorites:
[others are listed in Cat's collection]
Man on Fire [2004]
Woman in the Dunes [1964]Japanese, novel: Kôbô Abe
The Little Girl Who Lived Down the Lane [1976]
The Tin Drum [1979] German.
Working Girls [1986] dir.& writ. Lizzie Borden
Naked [1993]
Fahenheit 9/11 [2004]
The Dentist [1932]
Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle [1994]
Belle de Jour [1967] French
Doom Generation [1995]
Crime and Passion [aka Ace Up My Sleeve] [1976]
Day of the Locust [1975]
The World, the Flesh and the Devil [1959]
Touch of Evil [1958]
The Rose Tattoo
The Collector [1965]
On the Beach [1959] Australian
Baby Doll [1956]
Unforgiven [1992]
Crash [2004]
most: Scorsese
Hardcore [1979]dir. & writ. Paul Schrader
Lipstick [1976]
The Color Purple [1985]
Summer of Sam [1999]
Do the Right Thing [1989]
...everything by: Spike Lee
The Last Wave [1977] Australian
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? [1967]
Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels [1998]
Trainspotting [1996]
Vampire's Kiss [1989]
Akira Kurosowa: Seven Samurai [1954]
most: Bernardo Bertolucci:
1900 [aka Novecento][1976] Italian, German, French
The Conformist [1970] Italian, German, French
Last Tango in Paris [1972] Italian, French
Sugarbaby [aka Zuckerbaby][1985] German
The Rapture [1991]
Gorillaz: Demon Days, Live in Concert
Le Belle et la Bete [1946] French
O Brother Where Art Thou? [2000]
anything by: the Coen's
The Search [1948]
Lady in the Water [2006]
The Departed [damn irish][2006]
The Chosen [1981]
Breaking Away [1979]
The Virgin Suicides [1999]
Sofia Coppola et al
Mother Jugs and Speed [1976]
The Road Warrior
Mad Max [1979] Australian [original]
Car Wash [1976]
The Hospital
all: Humphrey Bogart, esp.
The Big Sleep [1946]
To Have and Have Not [1944]
Casablanca [of course] [1942]
African Queen
Harold and Maude [1979]
Cat's Movie Collection:
[Four Stars = Favorites]

Absence of Malice * * ½ 1981
Adaptation * * * ½ 2003
African Queen * * * ½ 1951
All That Jazz * * * ½ 1979
Altered States * * * 1980
Amadeus * * * 1984
American Beauty * * * 1999
Amor Bandido * * ½ 1979
Angel Heart * * * 1987
Angela’s Ashes * * * ½ 1999
Angels and Insects * * * 1995
Annie Hall * * * ½ 1977
Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoy’s * * ½ 1996
Arachniphobia * * ½ 1990
Babe * * * ½ 1995
Bad Influence * ½ 1990
Bad Lieutenant * * * * 1992
Bagdad Café * * * 1988
Barfly * * * * 1987
Barry Lyndon * * * 1975
Basic Instinct * * ½ 1992
Batman Forever * * * 1995
Batman Returns * * ½ 1992
Becket * * * * 1964
Beetlejuice * * * 1997
Being John Malkovich * * * ½ 1999
Being There * * * * 1979
Best In Show * * * 2000
Big Fish * * ½ 2003
The Big Lebowski * * * ½ 1998
Birdy * * * ½ 1984
Blade Runner * * * ½ 1982
The Blue Angel * * * * 1930
Blue Velvet * * * ½ 1986
Body Double * * * 1984
Born Free * * * 1966
Born on the 4th of July * * * ½ 1989
The Borrowers * * ½ 1993
Bound * * ½ 1996
Boys and Girls, The Story of * * ½ 1991
Braveheart * * * ½ 1995
Brazil * * * ½ 1985
The Breakfast Club * * * 1985
A Brief History of Time * * * 1992
Buffalo 66 * * * ½ 1998
Cabaret * * * ½ 1972
Carlito’s Way * * * 1993
Casablanca * * * * 1942
Cat People * * * ½ 1982
Chasing Amy * * ½ 1997
Chicago * * ½ 2002
Chicken Run * * * 2000
Children of a Lesser God * * * ½ 1986
Chillin' With Scrat ? 2006
Chinatown * * * * 1974
Cinema Paradiso * * * ½ 1988
City By the Sea ? 2001
Clean Shaven * * 1993
Clerks * * * 1994
Closer * * * 2004
The Collector * * * ½ 1965
Conan the Barbarian * * * 1982
The Conformist * * * * 1971, Italian
Contact * * ½ 1997
The Conversation * * * ½ 1974
The Cook the Thief his Wife & her Lover* * * * 1990
Corpse Bride * * * 2005
The Crow * * ½ 1993
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon * * ½ 2000
The Crying Game * * * ½ 1992
Dancer In the Dark * * ½ 2000
Dangerous Beauty * * * 1998
Dangerous Liaisons * * * ½ 1988
Dawn of the Dead * * * ½ 1978
Days of Heaven * * * ½ 1978
Dazed and Confused * * 1993
Dead Ringers * * * 1988
Death and the Maiden * * * 1994
Death Race 2000 * * ½ 1975
Deer Hunter * * * * 1978
Deliverance * * * * 1972
Diner * * * ½ 1982
Digging to China * * ½ 1998
Dr. Strangelove * * * * 1964
Doctor Zhivago * * * 1965
Dog Day Afternoon * * * * 1975
Donnie Brasco * * ½ 1996
The Doors * 1991
Dracula, Bram Stoker’s * * ½ 1992
Dressed to Kill * * ½ 1980
The Eagle Has Landed * * * 1977
Edward Scissorhands * * ½ 1990
Elizabeth R * * * * 1971
The Entertainer * * * ½ 1960
Event Horizon * ½ 1997
Exotica * * * ½ 1994, Canadian
Eyewitness * * ½ 1981
The Fabulous Baker Boys * * * 1989
Far From the Madding Crowd * * * ½ 1967
Fahrenheit 9/11 * * * * 2004
Fairy Tale: A True Story * * ½ 1997
Fast Times at Ridgemont High * * * 1982
Father Goose * * * 1954
Flatliners * * ½ 1990
Finding Nemo * * * ½ 2004
The Fischer King * * * 1991
Fishing With John * * ½ 1991
Five Corners * * * 1988
Five Easy Pieces * * * * 1970
Flawless * * * ½ 1999
Flipper * * * 1963
From Dusk to Dawn * * ½ 1995
Forrest Gump * * * ½ 1994
Foxes * * ½ 1980
Gattaca * * * 1997
Girl With Pearl Earring * * * 2003
The Gods Must Be Crazy * * * ½ 1984
The Gods Must Be Crazy II * * ½ 1989
Gone With the Wind * * * * 1939
Good Night and Good Luck * * * ½ 2005
Gonza the Spearman * * ½ 1986
The Governess * * ½ 1998
The Grinch That Stole Christmas * * * ½ 1966
Groundhog Day * * * ½ 1993
Ha! Ha! Ha! America! * * * ½ 2006
The Handmaid’s Tale * * * 1990
Harold and Maude * * * * 1971
Harry Potter & The Sorceror’s Stone * * ½ 2001
Harry Potter & The Chamber of Secrets * * ½ 2002
Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkaban * * * ½ 2004
Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire * * * 2005
Harvey * * * ½ 1950
Heartbreakers * * * 1984
Heathers * * * ½ 1989
Heaven’s Gate * * 1981
High Fidelity * * * 2000
Highlander * * * 1986
Highlander III * ½ 1994
Home Fries * * ½ 1999
The Horse’s Mouth * * * ½ 1958
The Hunchback of Notre Dame * * * animated 1996
The Hunger * * 1983
Ice Age * * ½ 2005
In a Lonely Place * * * ½ 1950
In and Out * * * 1997
The In-laws ? 2003
In the Name of the Father * * * ½ 1992
The Incredibles * * * 2004
Interview With a Vampire * * * 1994
Inugami * * * Japanese 2001
Ironweed * * * 1987
Irreversible * * ½ 2002
Jacob’s Ladder * * ½ 1990
Jefferson in Paris * * ½ 1994
Jude * * * 1996
Jungle Book * * * 1967, animated
Jurassic Park * * * 1993
Kinsey * * ½ 2004
Kingpin * * ½ 1996
Kiss of the Spider Woman * * * 1985
Klute * * * ½ 1971
La Femme Nikita * * * 1991, French
The Last Emperor * * * * 1987
The Last Picture Show * * * * 1971
Last Tango in Paris * * * * 1973
La Dolce Vita * * * ½ 1960
Lenny * * * 1974
Lifeboat * * ½ 1944
The Lion In Winter * * * * 1968
Looking for Mr. Goodbar * * 1977
Lord of the Rings * * * animated 1978
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rings * * * ½
Lord of the Rings: Two Towers * * * ½
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King * * * ½
Lost In Translation * * * ½ 2003
The Lover * * ½ 1992
Lust For Life * * * 1956
“M” * * * * 1931, German
Madagascar * * 2005
Magic * * ½ 1978
Mandingo * * 1975
Mary Queen of Scots * * ½ 1971
M*A*S*H* * * * * 1970
The Matchmaker * * ½ 1997
Midnight Cowboy * * * ½ 1969
Milo & Otis * * ½ 1989, all animals
Moll Flanders * * ½ 1996
Monster * * ½ 2003
Mouse Hunt * * * 1997
My Left Foot * * * * 1989
Naked * * * * 1993
The Nanny * * ½ 1965, Bette Davis
Natural Born Killers * * * 1994
Nell * * * 1994
Never Cry Wolf * * * ½ 1983
Night of the Generals * * * 1967
Night of the Hunter * * * * 1955
Night of the Living Dead * * * 1968
Nightmare Before Christmas * * * ½ 1993
Nora * * ½ 2000
Norma Rae * * * 1979
North By Northwest * * * * 1959
Nosferatu * * * ½ 1980
Nostradamus * * * 1993
Notorious * * * 1946
Old Man, William Faulkner’s * * ½ 1997
Once Upon a Time In America * * * ½ 1984
Once Upon a Time In the West * * * ½ 1968
Open Water * * ½ 2004
The Pallbearer * * ½
Palookaville * * * 1995
Passion Fish * * * 1992
Peggy Sue Got Married * * *
Pennies From Heaven * * * ½ 1978
Penny Serenade * * ½ 1941
The People vs. Larry Flint * * * 1996
Persuasion * * * ½ 1995
The Philadelphia Story * * * * 1940
The Piano * * * * 1993
A Place in the Sun * * * 1951
Pollyanna * * ½ 1960
Popeye * * * ½ 1980
Postcards From The Edge * * *
Prehistoric Planet * * * 2002
Pride & Prejudice * * * 1995
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie * * * ½ 1969
Princess Bride * * * ½ 1987
Pulp Fiction * * * * 1994
Quiz Show * * * * 1994
Raging Bull * * * * 1980
Rashamon * * * 1950, Japanese
Remains of the Day * * * 1993
Reservoir Dogs * * * ½ 1992
Return of the Borrowers * * * 1996
Return of the King * * * ½ 2003
Road Warrior * * * ½ 1981
Robin and Marian * * 1976
Robots * * * 2005
The Rock * * 1996
Rollerball * * ½ 1975
Romeo and Juliet * * * ½ 1968
Romeo is Bleeding * * * ½ 1993
The Rose * * * 1979
The Rose Tattoo * * * * 1955
Ryan’s Daughter * * * 1970
Sabrina * * * 1954
Sabrina * * ½ 1995
The Scarlet Pimpernel * * * 1982
Scarlet Street * * * 1945
Schindler’s List * * * * 1993
Screamers * * 1996
Scrooged * * ½ 1988
The Secret of NIMH * * * 1982, animated
Secrets and Lies * * * * 1996 Mike Leigh
Seven * * * 1995
Seven Years in Tibet * * ½ 1997
sex, lies and videotape * * * 1989
Shadowlands * * * 1993
Shampoo * * * ½ 1975
Shaun of the Dead * * * 2002
Shine * * * ½ 1995
Sid & Nancy * * * ½ 1986
Sideways * * * 2004
The Singing Detective * * * * 1986
Single White Female * * ½ 1992
Six Degrees of Separation * * ½ 1993
Sixteen Candles * * ½ 1984
Sketch Artist * * 1992
Sleepers * * ½ 1996
Sleuth * * * ½ 1972
Sling Blade * * * ½ 1996
Snow White -Tale of Terror * * ½ 1997
Sophie’s Choice * * * ½ 1982
South of Heaven, West of Hell * * 2000
The Spanish Prisoner * * * 1997
Spitfire Grill * * ½ 1996
The Spy Who Came in From the Cold * * ½ 1965
The Stranger * * * ½ 1946
Straw Dogs * * * 1972
The Stunt Man * * * 1980
Sunset Boulevard * * * ½ 1950
Surviving Picasso * * ½ 1996
Sweet and Lowdown * * * 1999
Swept Away * * * ½ 1975, Italian
Swingers * * * 1996
Sylvia Scarlet * * ½ 1935
Syriana * * * ½ 2005
Taxi Driver * * * 1976
“10" * * * ½ 1979
Ten Things I Hate About You * * * 1999
Tess * * * 1980
They Shoot Horses, Don’t They? * * * ½ 1969
The Third Man * * * * 1949
39 Steps * * ½ 1935
Threepenny Opera * * * 1931, German
Throne of Blood * * * * 1957, Japanese
The Tin Drum * * * * German
To Catch a Thief * * * 1955
Tom Jones * * * * 1963
Toy Story * * * ½ 1995
Toy Story 2 * * * ½ 1999
Treasure of the Sierra Madre * * * ½ 1948
True Romance * * ½ 1993
12 Monkeys * * * 1995
Two Evil Eyes * * 1990
200 Cigarettes * * * 1999
Unbearable Lightness of Being * * * ½ 1988
The Usual Suspects * * * ½ 1995
Valley Girl * * * 1983
Valmont * * 1989
Van Gogh * * * 1992 French
Very Bad Things * * * 1999
Victor/Victoria * * * 1982
The Virgin Suicides * * * 1999
Walk on the Moon * * * 1999
Wallace & Gromit:the Curse of the Were-Rabbit ? 2005
The Wanderers * * * ½ 1979
War of the Roses * * * 1989
Who Am I This Time? * * * 1982
Who Framed Roger Rabbit? * * * ½ 1988
The Wicker Man * * * ½ 1973
Wild At Heart * * * ½ 1990
Wild Things * * 1998
Wind in the Willows * * 1996, animated
Wings of Desire * * * ½ 1988, German
Wings of a Dove * * ½ 1997
Winnie the Pooh * * * ½ 1995, animated
The Witches * * * 1990
The Women * * * ½ 1939
Woman in the Dunes * * * * [1964]Japanese
The Year of Living Dangerously * * * 1982
Your Friends and Neighbors * * ½ 1999


The Daily Show,
The Colbert Report,
other than that?...
Flavor of Love I,
Creature Comforts,
not much current... why not have a lobotomy instead?
or just turn it off
and get naked?
i'd much rather have sex...
[of course, i say that to just about everything...]

or find on DVD:
Joseph Campbell:
Power of Myth,
House of Cards [PBS],
The Singing Detective, Underdog, Space Ghost, The Maxx,
Art School Girls of Doom,
The Muppet Show
[Statler & Waldorf rock!],
Pee Wee's Playhouse,
The Addam's Family,
St Elsewhere,
... and everyone who knows me says I should watch
Boston Legal... but I haven't turned the TV on for myself since April 2006...
i'm too busy putting
my phi beta kappa
ass online.


Books & Plays Cat Has Read:
[approx. 350 listed - forgot many more...]
* = favorites
Advertisements For Myself - Norman Mailer
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Twain
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Doyle
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Twain
Aesop's Fables -
The Age of Innocence -
Age of the Pussyfoot - Pohl
Alas, Babylon! -
*Alice in Wonderland &
~Through the Looking Glass - Carroll
Agatha -
The American Dream
*Angela's Ashes - Frank McCourt
Animal Farm - Orwell
The Aristocats
*As Nature Made Him - Colapinto
*The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
The Autobiography of Malcolm X
The Avion My Oncle Flew
*Babel-17- Delany
Basil of Baker Street
The Beast
Before Jane Austin
The Beginning Place
The Bell Jar - Plath
The Best of Philip K Dick
Billy Budd - Melville
*Black Like Me - Griffin
Bleak House - Dickens
Body Language - Fast
The Boys From Brazil - Levin
Breakfast of Champions - Vonnegut
*Breaking Away - Tesich
A Breed to Come - Norton
Brideshead Revisited - Evelyn Waugh
Brighton Beach Memoir's - Neil Simon
*The Brother's Grimm, et al
The Butterfly Revolution
Candide - Voltaire
A Cast of Killers - Sidney D. Kirkpatrick
Castle Barebane - Aiken
Cat's Cradle - Vonnegut
Catch-22 - Joseph Heller
*Catcher in the Rye - J. D. Salinger
The Chocolate War - Robert Cormier
The Chosen - Chaim Potok
Chronicles - Dylan
*The Cider House Rules - Irving
Clan of the Cave Bear - Arun
Clans of the Alphane Moon - Dick
*A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess
*The Color Purple - Alice Walker
The Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe
A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court -Twain
Constant Reader - Dorothy Parker
The Count of Monte Cristo - Dumas
*Crime and Punishment - Dosteyevsky
The Crystal Singers - McCaffrey
Cultural Anthropology - Havilland
*The Dangling Man - Saul Bellow
*Daniel Deronda - George Eliot
David Copperfield - Dickens
Daybreak - 2250 A D - Norton
Dead Zone - King
Death of a Salesman - Miller
Dhalgren - Delany
*Diary of Anne Frank
Diary of an Ex-Prom Queen
Diary of a Mad Housewife
*Do Android's Dream of Electric Sheep? - Dick
Do the Right Thing - Spike Lee
*Doctor Zhivago - Boris Pasternak
A Doll's House - Ibsen
*Dolores Claiborne - King
*Down All the Days - Brown
Dracula - Stoker
Dreaming of Babylon -
Dune - Frank Hubert
The Einstein Intersection - Delany
Emma - Austen
Empire of the Sun
Equus - Peter Shaffer
The Excorcist - Blatty
Eye of the Needle
The Fairie Queen
*Far From the Madding Crowd - Hardy
Fear of Flying
Fiction 100
*Flowers For Algernon/Charley - Keyes
Fool For Love - Shepard
*451 Farenheit
Frankenstein - Mary Shelley
Free Government in the Making
The French Lieutenant's Woman
A Gathering of Stones
Getting Even - Allen
A Gift of Magic - Duncan
The Gift of the Maji
Godbody - Theodore Sturgeon
The Godfather - Mario Puzo
Going Crazy
*Gone With the Wind - Margaret Mitchell
100- The Good Woman of Setzuan - Brecht
The Grapes of Wrath - Steinbeck
Great Expectations - Dickens
The Great Depression
The Great Gatsby - Fitzgerald
Great Short Works of Mark Twain
Gulliver's Travels - Felding
Hans Christian Anderson's Tales
The Happy Prince - Wilde
The Hairy Ape
*Hard Times - Dickens
Harold and Maude - Colin Higgens
Have Spacesuit Will Travel
*Heart of Darkness - Conrad
Hecate's Cauldron
The Heidi Chronicles
Henry IV
Here I Stand, the Biography of Martin Luther
A Hero Ain't Nothin' But a Sandwich
The House of Seven Gables
*House of Stairs
House With the Clock in It's Walls, The
The Hunchback of Notre Dame - Victor Hugo
The Idiot - Dostoeyevsky
If Life Is a Bowl of Cherries,
--What Am I Doing in the Pits? - Bombeck
The Illustrated Man
The Innocents Abroad
Interview With the Vampire
The Invisible Man
The Ion War
Is'nt It Romantic?
It All Started With Jane Eyre
*Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte
Jennifer, Hecate, MacBeth, William McKinley & Me, Elizabeth
*Jonathon Livingston Seagull - Bach
Jude the Obscure - Hardy
Just So Stories
*The Last Picture Show
The Last Unicorn - Beagle
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow - Irving
Les Miserables
Lie Down With Lions - Ken Follett
Lisa and the Grumpet - Coombs
The Lionhearted
Little Broomstick
The Little Brute Family
Little Woman - Alcott
The Long Result - John Brunner
Lore the Witch World
Lord Jim - Conrad
Lord of the Flies
Looters of Tharn
Love Is Just Sex Mispelled
Love Visions
The Love Wheel
Madame Bovary - Gustave Flaubert
Magic - William Goldman
The Man In the High Castle
The Man in the Iron Mask
The Man Who Fell To Earth
Mansfield Park
The Master of Ballantrae
The Mark of Lucifer
The Martian Chronicles - Ray Bradbury
*Metamorphosis - Ovid
Middlemarch - George Eliot
Miracle Play
The Mists of Avalon - Bradley
Moby Dick - Melville
Moll Flanders
Monsieur Beaucaire - Booth Tarkington
*The Mouse and His Boy
The Mouse That Roared
Mrs Dallowway
The Mummy
My Cousin Rachel
My Fair Lady - Shaw
*My Left Foot[The Story of Christy Brown]
*The Name of the Rose - Umbertino Ero
The Nazi's Seizure of Power
A Necklace of Rainbows - Aiken
Nine Stories by J D Salinger
1984 - Orwell
Northanger Abbey - Austen
Nova - Delany
Oedipus Rex - Sophocles
Of Human Bondage - Maugham
Of Mice and Men - Steinbeck
Oliver Twist - Dickens
One Day In the Life of Ivan Denisovich - Solzhenitsyn
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest -
One-Hundred and One Dalmations - Smith
Orphan's of the Sky - Heinlein
Othello - W. S.
The Other - Thomas Tryon
Other Fields Other Grasshoppers
Other Works of Jane Austen
Our Bodies, Our Selves
Out of Africa - Isak Denison
Out There
The Patchwork Girl - Heinlein
A Pattern of Roses
The Pendragon - Catherine Christian
200- *Persuasion - Austen
The Playboy of the Western World
A Pocketful of Rye - Cronin
Podkayne of Mars -
Post Office - Charles Bukowski
The Prairie - Cooper
*Pride and Prejudice - Austen
*The Princess and the Goblin - George MacDonald
The Prisoner of Zenda
The Pursuit of Love & Love in a Cold Climate
Queenie Peevey
Rappacini's Daughter - Hawthorne
Razor's Edge - Maugham
Robinson Crusoe
Romeo and Juliet - W. S.
Roughing It - Twain
*The Scarlet Letter - Hawthorne
The Second Shepard's Play
The Secret Garden - Hodgens
Secret of the Seven Crows
Sense and Sensibility - Austen
Setting Free the Bears - Irving
Shadow of the Condor - James Grady
The Ship Who Sang - McCaffrey
The Silmarillion
Silas Marner
Six Days of the Condor
Six of Swords
Smith of Wooten Major & Farmer Giles of Ham
Social Stratification and Inequality
A Soldier's Pay
A Song of Sixpence - Cronin
*Sophie's Choice - William Styron
*The Sound and the Fury - Faulkner
Split Infinity - Piers Anthony
A Staggering Work of Heartbreaking Genius
Star Driver
Starving In the Shadow of Plenty
Still Life With Woodpecker
The Story of Christy Brown
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Strange Days - Patricia Kneally
The Stranger - Camus
*Stranger In a Strange Land - Heinlein
A Streetcar Named Desire - Faulkner
Swiss Family Robinson
*The Tale of Despereaux, by Kate DeCamillo
A Tale of Two Cities
Tartuffe or The Imposter
Tarzan of the Apes
Tess of the D'Urbervilles - Hardy
Those Who Watch
Three Days of the Condor - James Grady
The Three Musketeers - Dumas
Time Enough For Love
Time Out of Joint - Dick
The Tin Drum
To Kill a Mocking Bird
Tom Jones
The Traitors
Treasure Island
Triton - Delany
Uncommon Women and Others
Vanity Fair
The Vicar of Wakefield
Virtual Mode
Visions of Esmarie
W. C. Fields and Me - Carlotta Monti
War and Peace
The Western Heritage
The Wild Duck
*The Wild Palms
*Willard and His Bowling Trophies
*The World According to Garp
The World of Jane Austen
The Wounded Sky
Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte
The Yellow Wallpaper
Z for Zacheriah
Zone of the Interior
Joan Aiken
- The Wolves of Willoughby Chase
- Blackhearts in Battersea
- Nightbirds on Nantucket
- The Cukoo Tree
Jean M Arun
- The Clan of the Cave Bear
- The Valley of The Horses
- The Mammoth Hunters
Marion Zimmer Bradley
- Darkover Landfall
- The Bloody Sun
- The Winds of Darkover
- The Right Arm of Darkness
Stephen R Donaldson
- Lord Foul's Bane
- The Illearth War
- The Wounded Land
Laura I Wilder
- Little House in the Big Woods
- Little House on the Prairie
- By the Banks of Plum Creek
- On the Shores of Silver Lake
- The Long Winter
- Little Town on the Prairie
- Farmer Boy
- These Happy Golden Years
Ursula LeGuin
- A Wizard of Earthsea
- The Tombs of Atuan
- The Farthest Shore
Madeline L'Engle
- A Swiftly Tilting Planet
- A Wrinkle In Time
Elizabeth Lynn
- The Nothern Girl
300 - The Watchtower
- The Dancer's of Arun
Anne McCaffrey
- Dragon Quest
- Dragon Flight
- Dragonsong
- Dragonsinger
- Dragondrums
- *The White Dragon
- Moreta's Ride
- Nerilka's Story
- The Renegades of Pern
- All the Weyr's of Pern
- The Dolphin's of Pern
- The Girl Who Heard Dragons
C S Lewis
- The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe
- Prince Caspian
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
- The Silver Chair
- The Horse and His Boy
- The Magician's Nephew
- The Last Battle
Mary Norton
- The Borrowers
- The Borrowers Afield
- The Borrowers Afloat
- The Borrowers Aloft
K M Peyton
- Flambards
- Flambards in Summer
- Through the Clouds
J K Rawlings
- Harry Potter and The Sorcorer's Stone
- Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets
- Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban
- Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire
- Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix
- Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince
Robert Stallman
- The Orphan
- The Captive
- The Beast
J R R Tolkien
- The Hobbit
- Fellowship of the Rings
- The Two Towers
- Return of the King
- The Silmarilian
What Famous Leader Are You?
personality tests by
Cat's Type is: INTP
Introverted (I) 75.76%
Thinking (T) 74.29%
Perceiving (P) 67.57%
Intuitive (N) 58.14
Sensing (S) 41.86%
Judging (J) 32.43%
Feeling (F) 25.71%
Extroverted (E) 24.24%
INTP - Cat is the "Architect."
Greatest precision in thought and language. Can readily discern contradictions and inconsistencies. The world exists primarily to be understood. 3.3% of total population.
How Logical Are You?
What Work of Art Are You?


~~ Underdog!! ~~
~~ briar rabbit ~~
~~ Noam Chomsky ~~
Noam Chomsky kicks Wm. F. Buckley's pompous elitist ass... on his own show! ...dispite fact that buckley interupts repeatedly, and noam is much more gentlemanly, ... i bet buckley's pits reeked after this... and he was so glad to be saved by his own bell.
~~ Bill Hicks ~~
~~ Sam Kinison ~~
~~ Mike Gravel ~~
"Sen. Mike Gravel at SC Debates 4/26/07"
~~ Grant Collins ~~
his heroic testimony:
~~ Gandhi ~~
“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians.
Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” - Gandhi
~~ Anne Frank ~~
~~ Geronomo ~~
~~ Malcolm X ~~
the guy that said:
"Go fuck yourself,
Mr. Cheney!!"
~~ [Ben Marble] ~~
~~ Rosa Parks ~~
~~ Woody Guthrie ~~
~~ Benjamin Franklin ~~
~~ Ryan White ~~
~~ Tiananmen Square's ~~
"Tank Man"
.... and since a hero ain't nothin' but a sandwich:
i say make mine, a Jimmy John's: #10, Hunter's Club Unwich [yes, that's right, lettuse wrap - no bread] but with a pickle....i relish it!
~~ Betty Page ~~
~~ Mae West ~~
~~ Katherine Hepburn ~~
~~ Gypsy Rose Lee ~~
~~ Dorothy Parker ~~
~~ Marlene Dietrich ~~
~~ Marilyn Monroe ~~
~~ Greta Garbo ~~
~~ Eartha Kitt ~~
~~ Anjelica Huston ~~
~~ Jodie Foster ~~
~~ Jennifer Jason Leigh ~~
As Bastet

My Blog


CAT COPHONY...   MY TABLE OF CONTENTS: INTRODUCTION to Cat Cophony: a modest proposal: Politics - War in Iraq - and why i hate myself... SLOW: myself on the white horse... just before my wild...
Posted by caT wHo walks by hERsElf on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 08:05:00 PST

You Wanted - I Wanted, and INDELIBLE, by Cat who walks by herself

        You Wanted - I Wanted, by cat who walks by herself     M M  M you wanted soft words caresses cbcb someone to  take care of you _hbe?a to save you from ...
Posted by caT wHo walks by hERsElf on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 03:35:00 PST

a modest proposal:

  modest proposal: have tea party & throw the bastards out... ... once upon a time there was a little thing called direct person = one vote. people got together in town meetings, a...
Posted by caT wHo walks by hERsElf on Mon, 14 May 2007 03:55:00 PST

Politics - War in Iraq - and why i hate myself...

   Politics - War in Iraq - and why i hate myself..., - by Cat  ... a few good reasons.... How do I hate myself? Let me count the ways. Last night, I could not get to sleep because I had squandered my...
Posted by caT wHo walks by hERsElf on Mon, 14 May 2007 03:32:00 PST

INTRODUCTION to Cat Cophony:

HELLO! CAT HERE! If you would like to see all of my Blog entries:go to my Cat Cophony Blog Table of Contents.then you can save address, or subscribe to blog.___________________________________________...
Posted by caT wHo walks by hERsElf on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 03:39:00 PST

clause forbidding war w/ Iran without approval - removed!

    More alarming news! i was afraid of this... the clause forbidding war w/ Iran without congessional approval - removed!   THANK YOU!:   BadGalSal   for reposting this from...
Posted by caT wHo walks by hERsElf on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 01:58:00 PST

please delete me as your friend

... if you will not take 15 minutes of your time to watch this video ...The Truth about Osama bin Laden, Iraq... and Iran... [The Plan to go to War with Iran was made back in 1991!] General Clark - Se...
Posted by caT wHo walks by hERsElf on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 12:15:00 PST

SLOW: myself on the white horse... just before my wild ride...

        SLOW   [a personal story with a lot of "I's" in it, but a universal message of encouragement for holding on, despite daunting odds]   - by cat who walks by hersel...
Posted by caT wHo walks by hERsElf on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 01:38:00 PST

Chomsky on: On Iran, Iraq, and the Rest of the World - Feb.16, 2007

Noam Chomsky is one of the most knowledgable, On-The-Ball Thinkers that I know of today.  But he doesn't get much press, and he is not exactly the most charismatic of speakers... ...
Posted by caT wHo walks by hERsElf on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 07:23:00 PST

The Briar and the Rose: Toads and Diamonds, by cat who walks by herself

The Briar and the Rose: Toads and Diamonds by cat who walks by herself     Once upon a time, there were two sisters who lived with their widowed mother in a cottage in the woods. One was fa...
Posted by caT wHo walks by hERsElf on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 09:52:00 PST