"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter" - Martin Luther King, Jr.
"RIGHT! Hey, good luck on that!" ~~ signed, Cat
ME: [of course it's ALL about ME, it's called MYspace]
a cynic is only a broken-hearted optimist.
"artist, writer, sometimes an autist, and sometimes a misanthrope, but trying not to be closed as a fist..."
"tragically flawed and far from nirvana"
"and, YES, i am FORTY and natural."
"... all photos are from this past year.
i took them myself, w/ tripod & time-lapse"
agnostic, heretic.
"i think sanity & sobriety are overrated."
"not into rampant nationalism.
i am into humanity -pure & simple- it has no boundries."
"i do not believe in:
the institution of marriage,
[never commit yourself to institutions];
monogamy [we're not frickin' cranes];
or ownership
[don't piss on people to mark your territory]."
"i am not - never want to be - a princess.
i do NOT want a knight in shining armor.
get your own crusade."
"to each his own - between consenting adults"
[just please don't do it in front of me unless you ask first,
i probably don't know that much about you].
"NEVER assume or presume with me - ask."
"i am INTENSELY discerning ... but, at the same time,
i DO NOT recommend myself to anyone as friend or lover.
i am an acquired taste, and i am rarely acquired.
i don't NEED people, but sometimes i WANT them, at least temporarily...
okay. you can go now"... "seriously... why are you still here?"
["hey, i'm not 'fishing for JOHNS,' Daddy!"
"i'm just having fun making a public display of myself."...
"would you rather i wear a Berka? ...think about it."]
"The Net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it." John Gilmore (EFF).
~~~ Click on Any of My Paintings Above to See Them Enlarged ~~~
It is very traditional, realism.
[see slideshow below this one]
[most artworks are still owned by myself]...
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What's your favorite....
Beverage (non-alc) ? . Coke Zero
Beverage (alc) ? . red Zinfandel - not white
Color ? . black & deep blood-red or wine-red
Food ? . cherry cheesecake & bloody steak
Item of clothing ? . black lace boy-cut panties w/stockings
Favorite meal of the day ? . the after-orgasmic-sex-munchies
Feature on yourself ? . my Back
Quality in a guy/girl ? . Weird... i love weird... but solid, steady, enduring
Phrase ? . "anything worth doing is worth overdoing"
Song ? . "I Want You" - Elvis Costello
Musical Artist/Band ? . Tom Waits
Sport ? . great sex
Movie ? . depends on my mood
TV Show ? . space ghost
Radio Station ? . WYEP
Type of Chocolate ? . Hershey's Dark - Sugarless
Eye Color ? . my daughters: Periwinkle Blue
Do you?/or Have you ever?...
Have any pets ? . two cats
Smoke ? . smoke what?... only occasionally
Drink ? . absolutely, like the fishies
Have any piercings ? . ears only, 3 in one, 1 in the other
Have any tattoos ? . not yet
Cheat on a boyfriend ? . no. too honest for that.
Had sex ? . have I ever?? or just now?
Gone streaking ? . made naked snow angels,
z'hat count?
Gone skinny dipping ? . certainly
Been to Europe ? . not yet
Been to an island ? . OBX - [The Outer Banks]
Had stitches ? . yes
Broken any bones ? . no
Been stabbed/shot ? . stabbed with what??
Slept until after 12:00 ? . absolutely
Stayed up all night ? . doing it now
Danced like a whore ? . like one? what do you mean by "Whore?"
Been w/ 2 people in one weekend ? . yes, same day even.
Turned down a dare ? . yes, I'm still here aren't I?
Would you ever....
Eat pizza w/chocolate chips ? . maybe, had a burger w/peanut butter...
Kiss someone of the same sex ? . done that, a few times...
Cheat on someone you love ? . what do you mean by: "cheat?"
i don't make promises & i don't lie.
Run away from home ? . every time i walk out the door.
Lie to your parents ? . only if i had no other option
Lie to your boyfriend ? . only if i had no other option
Lie to your best friend ? . only if i had no other option
Give a homeless person money ? . done that - prefer to give them food.
Run from the police ? . if i thought i could give 'em the slip
Bungee jump ? . never. i like my eyes in their sockets.
Sky dive ? . Y jump from a perfectly good plane?
Cross dress ? . am now
Be an exotic dancer ? . if i was hott enough to get paid for it
Walk out of a restaurant without paying ? ... if i was going to "pay more"
because I ate there!
Scuba dive ? . might
Go rock climbing ? . might
Go spulunking (caving) ? . sure. caves "mean returning to your place of origin."
What do you think of when you hear....
Eminem ? . liked his song about his girl...it got me.
Bologna ? . garlic & fried
Hott ? . check thermostat
Orange ? . Marlon Brando
Real world ? . puck
Fuck ? . ... but, we just met
Jack ? . in the Green
Cucumber ? . salad
Hip-Hop ? . trip hop
Uniform ? . cuneiform
UniCORN ! ? . porn
Rainbow ? . Bob Ross
Clown ? . PERVERT