Electricity. Nikola Tesla. Induction Motors, Power Generation. Motors and Engines. Restoring Vintage cars and Trucks and the like. Whiskey of Course, but that's pretty much a given...
People that have been led to water and learned how to drink on their own.
Persephone from the Matrix Movies (she is flippin hot)!!! .
Pretty much anyone who is cool, not a PC nazi, has a good sense of humor, and can handle the notion "Pursuit of Happiness"!
People I don't want to meet: Liars, Cheats, and bitches from hell or Whores of Babylon... aka; See defintion for Sucubus or Whore of Babylon.
Yep Punk, Old school, or melodic, or HC but no emo ass shit here. Oh yeah all the rad 80's music, (From Go Go's,to Big Country, to Duran Duran and Dead or Alive and the Glam Bands and Rock) Favorite band has always been The Clash. The 1st punk album I got when I was 10 was Mommy's little Monster by Social Distortion and was hooked ever since. Agent Orange, The Faction, GBH, The Exploited, Agnostic Front, Judge, Old Bad Religion (last good album was Generator, it went to shit after that), Descendents, The Cure, Pennywise, Face to Face, Pivit (from San Diego--They Rock), Stiff Little Fingers, "Mr Brightside" by the Killers, Mr Cash, and old school country music is awesome. To many other rad bands I've heard or played shows with over the years.
Cheesy horror flicks, ie. Evil Dead 2, Army or Darkness. Sci-fi...Serenity, Equallibrium, Shit like that, quarky Quakry and offbeat, Big Trouble in Little China, because old Jack Burton from the pork chop express knows best. As well as the Oscar winning Joe Dirt, Zoolander, Dodgeball, Dude, Where's my Car, and Caddyshack of course and Conan the Barbarian and Destroyer. Anything with Christian Bale, He's a rad actor. See Equallibrium, American Pscho, The Machinist, Batman Begins, and pretty much everything else he has played in. Kiera Knightly in Domino, she is fuckin 'A' Hot!!! Oh yeah, I can't forget old motherfuckin' Chuck Norris Movies beotch!
Crap, Crap, and More Crap....First Wave, Firefly, Angel, Eureka, Sci-fi, and Fantasy Horror. Battle Star Galactica either old or new dont care.
Lately I like to read the Tao Te Ching, which is 81 verses that you can comtemplate meaning in life. It was written by Lao Setung (spelling it so you can read it), which was written before Confucious and the Taoist Philosophy. Also, the Tibetan book of the Dead is a great book to read. I like Astonomy and Astophysics and books on Creating Zero Point energy and Overunity. This is all possible without violationg the second law of Thermodynamics. Renewable and alternative energy sources intrigue me as well.
Nikola Tesla, Edwin Gray, Faraday, Fermi, Anyone who doesn't try to complicate things too much, Frank Chu (of the 12 galaxy conspiracy)...You see him in SF with his sign, Cade Foster.