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Cultural mamager

About Me

I am a Swedish mother from Stockholm with eight (8!) dancing, singing and acting children. The children are very active in many ways in the cultural life of Stockholm including Swedish television. Several of the children go to Royal Swedish Ballet School. I want to help my kids to get connected to the great world out there. I am convinced that if I help my children on their way, they will do the same thing to other peoples.
They also plays a lot of instruments like Harp, Violin, Cello, Guitarr, Piano and Accordion.
Since the kids where small they have been participated in TV-series and programs, perfomances, movies, commercials, models etc. The performances have been in several large theatres in Stockholm (the Royal Opera, Stadsteatern, Göta Lejon, Dramaten/Elverket, Drottningholmsteatern).
Take your time to se the videos with my children. Hopefully, We can be an inspiration for other families with talented children.
You can also visit their own site on Myspace by clicking on the BBx8 icon on my top friends.
Activity by itself is either creative or non-creative. It's the person who makes the action creative. It's not the activity that you do, that defines if it's a creative action. You can dance, sing, paint or play an instrument, but it's You that have to supply creativity to make the dance, the song, the painting or the music creative. This gives me satisfaction. The creativity is not on an occasional visit. It's a part of my life and lifestyle. It's the thing that defines my view of life and what I do with it. This is why I call myself a mamager (Swedish for mama gives). I give the children spontaneously from my heart to let them grow in a creative environment. I love doing this, even if nobody ever sees it. I have been doing these things long before we appeared here or on other places. It is not fame that we primary seek. If you never get famous you have had a rich life anyway because you have made creative actions by love. Small things get big when they are touched by love and joy. This is a part of my life-journey.
With a scent of roses

My Interests

I'm not an idler that wait on things to happen. I am creative and spontaneous and I like to make other people happy. I think on things that makes me proceed and I’m follows my visions. I live in the present and I’m flexible in my mind.

I'd like to meet:

Peoples with honesty and special peoples like those who have devoted their lives to help the children of the world.


Levi, Rufus and their friend Alex content with their song "I min fantasi" in SVT song contest for kids

Temilia sings her own song Wherever I'd go


A preview of a dance by choreograph Kathleen Quinlan with all my eight children


Alpha at SVT "Dra mig baklanges"


I am writing on a book about beeing a mamager for eight children.


All people who are ready to walk an extra mile for another person.

All who have worked hard to achieve a big goal in life.

My Blog

Varmt välkommen till min värld

Jag har inte bara stått vid spisen i tjugo år och lagat mat. Det finns mycket att företa sig eller upptäcka här i livet. För den delen anser jag inte att det skulle vara något fel att ha lagt en stor ...
Posted by Nina on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 11:01:00 PST

Mitt nya år.

Orden verkställande direktör kom till mitt sinne dagen före årets sista dag. Jag hade själv burit omkring på något slags vemod och betänkt att nu, utan en ny dimension, så går kanske luften ur mig och...
Posted by Nina on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 03:45:00 PST

Studio ett

  I morse kom jag hit med lite bävan inombords och en obehaglig känsla som förföljt mig länge nog, av vad jag skall svara ifall någon ställer den enkla frågan: "Vad jobbar du med?" Den där yrke...
Posted by Nina on Sat, 24 Nov 2007 11:13:00 PST

What do I want?

I don't know if we where bad prepared on how much work that would be in China, but it was more than much. The travel with all eight was a piece of cake though. They should have got golden stars. In th...
Posted by Nina on Fri, 16 Nov 2007 12:53:00 PST

Happy thoughts are my keys

I have been busy at home with family routines for over twenty years. It's not so that I've been tied, because I have made a decision by my own in the former situation. Since I'm crazy in love in theat...
Posted by Nina on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 02:03:00 PST

Mors dag 2007

En dag som denna väcks jag med frukost på sängen. Detta är den ena dagen av de två på året. Egentligen har jag varit vaken i minst tre kvart, men jag låtsas-sover för att göra barnen glada. Jag hör de...
Posted by Nina on Tue, 29 May 2007 01:24:00 PST

Mothers day 2007

A day like this I wake up with breakfast in bead. This is one of the two days a year. Actually I have been awake in at least three quarters, but I pretend to sleep to make the children happy. I hear t...
Posted by Nina on Tue, 29 May 2007 03:18:00 PST

Spacy boom

Jag har nu funderat på en återkommande tanke i ett par dagar, eller snarare kanske mer sanningsenligt  halva livet, men av någon anledning känns det bättre med ett par dagar. Finns det någon som kan ...
Posted by Nina on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 04:00:00 PST

The last week I have carried the feeling that something is going to happen.

Today when I made the dishes, I thought how fun it is to write. Sometimes I need more space. That is why I am here on Myspace. My children point out that it is not "real" friends on Myspace, but I say...
Posted by Nina on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 02:45:00 PST