my name is adina tarralik leger. i am a half inuit/half irish girl that was raised at the top of the world, in the heart of canadas almost forever frozen arctic. daughter of a preacher man/mom...i was raised in coral harbour, nunavut...known in our language as salliq. music was something that i ran away from for a long time, in part because it was forced upon me, sweetly its snuck its way back into me. jesus gave me back those "i just can't help but belt it out" emotions that lend themselves beautiful to song... and now it comes without hesitation. its clumsy and super lo-fi but jesus don't mind. mostly recorded in a little bathroom in a little apartment in a not so little-big city. one girl with a guitar, a laptop and a heart captivated by eternal things. stammering lipz started with one quiet prayer in the middle of a frozen arctic night...i said jesus...i need you. and all these songs are love songs, because he heard me say...jesus...i need you. i don't have a muse. but i have an open heaven above me, with ears that hear my clumsy love songs. there is a small voice rising from a tiny room...cutting through the noise, he still hears me and i still need him.there was a time, where the heaviness of my life came crashing down on me...not so much because of any specific reason, it was more this intense desire to truly know and that is something i have always carried with me. believing in something other than what everyone can see, or hear or taste...that still small something that resonates inside of us all, but we are rarely quiet enough/ or rarely still enough to hear it. i stopped one night, not because of anything other than broken yeildedness, kind of a white flag surrender. it was a "god if you're real, this is your chance." it was such a small insignificant moment, in a world of six billion souls, mostly all crying, but he heard me and he took his chance and then some. he showed up and saved me, no cliche, i really needed saving.NEW VIDEO TEASER - "i'm just breathing" coming soon.
"If we discover a desire within us that nothing in this world can satisfy, also we should begin to wonder if perhaps we were created for another world."