Those wishing to know the story of any of the names here please send me a line. These are American Soldiers, giving their life for your freedom. Please don't forget them. Below is list of those who have fallen during our current war..
*N* Sgt. Krisna Nachampassak.. Spc. Russell H. Nahvi.. Spc. Paul T. Nakamura.. Spc. Nathan W. Nakis.. Pvt. 2 Kenneth A. Nalley. M-a-A 3rd Class Roger A. Napper Spc Richard Junior D Naputi. SSgt. Joe A. Narvaez, Sgt. Casey W. Nash. CWO2 Christopher G. Nason.. LCpl. Ryan J. Nass. Airman 1st Class Jason D. Nathan. Spc Peter J Navarro. Maj. Kevin Nave.. Spc. Rafael L. Navea. Spc Brynn J Naylor. Cpl. Jacob H. Neal LCpl. Troy D. Nealey. 1st Lt. Phillip I. Neel, Spc. Charles L. Neeley. Sgt Peter C Neesley. SSG. Paul M. Neff II.. SSG. Regilio E. Nelom.. Sgt. Julio E. Negron.. Pfc. Gavin L. Neighbor. Pfc. Andrew H. Nelson. Cpl Christopher J Nelson. Pfc. Albert M. Nelson. Sgt. Craig L. Nelson. Sgt. Mario Nelson Spc Lex S Nelson. SSG Travis L Nelson. Cpl. Keith V. Nepsa. PO 3rd Class Marcques J Nettles. Sgt. Paul C. Neubauer.. Spc. Joshua M. Neusche. Pfc. William R. Newgard. SSG Clinton T Newman. 1st Lt. Gwilym J. Newman LCpl Randy L Newman. Sr Airman William N. Newman. SSG Daniel A. Newsome. Cpl. Meresebang. Spc Christine M Ndururi. Ngiraked. Spc. Dan H. Nguyen. Sgt. Long N. Nguyen Sgt. 1st Class Tung M. Nguyen. LCpl. Joseph L. Nice.. Cpl. Dominique J. Nicolas.. Pfc. Louis E. Niedermeier.. Spc. Isaac Michael Nieves.. Cpl. Patrick R. Nixon.. SSG. Travis W. Nixon. Hospitalman Daniel S. Noble. Spc. Allen Nolan.. Sgt. Joseph M. Nolan.. Cpl. Marcos O. Nolasco. Hospitalman Kyle A. Nolen. Sgt. Nicholas S. Nolte. Capt Michael A. Norman. Sgt. William J. Normandy. Spc. Joseph C. Norquist. Sgt. Curtis L. Norris. Pfc. Christopher M. North Tech. Sgt Jason L Norton. Sgt Justin D Norton. Sgt. Byron W. Norwood.. 1st Lt. Leif E. Nott. Spc Shaun A Novak. LCpl. Andrew W. Nowacki. Sgt Justin L Noyes. SSG. Todd E. Nunes. Cpl. Jason Nunez. Spc. Joseph C. Nurre.. Spc. David T. Nutt.. SSG. Nathaniel J. Nyren..*O* Spc. Donald S. Oaks Jr.. Pfc. Francis C. Obaji.. Pfc. Branden F. Oberleitner. Spc. George R. Obourn Jr. Pfc. Alex Oceguera Sgt. 1st class James Scott Ochsner.. LCpl. Patrick T. ODay.. Sgt. Maj. Robert D. ODell. Spc Justin L O’Donohoe. LCpl. Shane K. ODonnell.. Spc. Charles E. Odums II.. Sgt. John B. Ogburn. Cpl. Wade J. Oglesby LCpl. Walter K. O’Haire. Spc. Ramon C. Ojeda.. SSG. Tony B. Olaes. Cpl Tanner J O’Leary. Cpl. Brian Oliveira.. Sgt. Nicholas J. Olivier. Maj Andrew J. Olmsted. LCpl. Daniel R. Olsen. Cpl. John T. Olson.. SSG. Todd D. Olson. Spc. Toby R. Olsen. Pfc. Evan W. ONeill.. Sgt. Michael C. ONeill.. 1st Lt. Robert C. Oneto-Sikorski.. Spc. Justin B. Onwordi.. Sgt. Bryan J. Opskar. Pfc. Michael K. Oremus,.. Spc. Richard P. Orengo.. Lt. Col. Kim S. Orlando.. LCpl. Eric J. Orlowski. Sgt Adrian N Orosco. 1st Lt. Osbaldo Orozco. Pfc. Cody J. Orr.. SSG. Billy J. Orton.. Pvt. Elijah M. Ortega. Capt. Maria I. Ortiz. Sgt. Timothy R. Osbey. Sgt. Pamela G. Osbourne. Sgt John C. Osmolski. CWO3 Mark S. OSteen.. SSG. Ryan S. Ostrom. CWO 3 Scott A.M. Oswell. LCpl. Deshon E. Otey.. Pfc. Kevin C. Ott.. SSG. Michael C. Ottolini.. Boatswains Mate 1st Class Brian J. Ouellette. LCpl. Tyler R. Overstreet Spc. Anthony C. Owens. SSG. Michael G. Owen... Capt. Bartt D. Owens.. LCpl. David Edward Owens Jr...*P* SSG Paul S Pabla. Sgt. Steven M. Packer. Sgt. Timothy P. Padgett. Hospital man Geovani Padillaaleman. Pfc Rex A Page. Pvt. 2 Shawn D. Pahnke. Capt. Mark C. Paine. Spc. Gabriel T. Palacios. Capt. Anthony Palermo. Capt. Eric T. Paliwoda.. Spc. Jacob C. Palmatier. Cpl. Charles O. Palmer II. Pvt. Christopher L. Palmer. Cpl Cory L Palmer. Cpl. Eric C. Palmer. Cpl. Joshua D. Palmer.. 1st Lt. Joshua M. Palmer. LCpl. Nicklas J. Palmer. Sgt. Jason T. Palmerton. LCpl Eric A Palmisano. SSG. Dale A. Panchot. Cpl Carlos Arellano Pandura. A Sgt. Larry W. Pankey Jr. Spc Phillip J. Pannier. Cpl. Jennifer M. Parcell. Sgt Alfred G Paredez Jr. Pfc. James David Parker.. LCpl. Bradley L. Parker.. Pfc. Daniel R. Parker. Sgt Elisha R Parker. Sgt. Evan S. Parker.. Pfc. Kristian E. Parker.. Sgt. Kenya A. Parker.. SSgt. Saburant Parker.. Cpl. Tommy L. Parker Jr.. Engineman 1st Class Vincent Parker.. Sgt. Harvey E. Parkerson III. Pfc. Larry Parks Jr. Sgt. Brandon A. Parr. LCpl David S Parr. LCpl. Brian P. Parrello. Sgt. Lawrence L. Parrish. SSG. Michael C. Parrott.. Sgt. David B. Parson.. Sgt. 1st Class Lonnie J. Parson. Pfc. Justin T. Paton. Sgt. Willard T. Partridge. Capt Christopher T Pate. LCpl. Matthew P. Pathenos. Capt. Travis L. Patriquin LCpl Andrew G Patten. SSG. Esau G. Patterson Jr. Sgt. Jayton D. Patterson.. Machinists Mate 2nd Class Eric S. Patton. SSgt. Ronald L. Paulsen. Cpl. Bradford H. Payne. Spc. Cameron K. Payne. Cpl. Ronald R. Payne Jr.. Spc. Rocky D. Payne.. Master Sgt. William L. Payne.. Cpl. George J. Payton. Spc Joshua M Pearce. Sgt. 1st Class Eric P. Pearrow. Sgt. Brice A. Pearson. Spc Samuel F Pearson. Sgt. Michael F. Pedersen. Sgt. Michael C. Peek. Spc. Sgt. Travis D. Pfister Gennaro Pellegrini Jr.. Gunnery Sgt. Javier Obleas-Prado Pena. Sgt Roger P Pena Jr. Seaman Pablito Pena Briones Jr.. SSG. Abraham D. Penamedina.. Spc. Brian H. Penisten.. Sgt. Ross A. Pennanen.. SSG. Gregory V. Pennington.. Sgt. Rafael Peralta. Sgt Johnny J Peralez Jr. Cpl. Andres H. Perez.. Sgt. Christopher S. Perez.. Pfc. Geoffrey Perez. Spc. Jose R. Perez. SSG. Hector R. Perez.. Sgt. Joel Perez.. Pfc. Luis A. Perez. Spc Orlando A. Perez. LCpl. Nicholas Perez.. LCpl. Richard A. Perez Jr. LCpl Stephen J Perez. Spc. Wilfredo Perez Jr. Sgt. Andrew C. Perkins. Boatswains Mate 1st Class Michael J. Pernaselli. Sgt Carlos E Pernell. Sgt. Theodore L. Perreault. Sgt. Dustin J. Perrott. SSG. David S. Perry. Sgt. Joseph W. Perry,. Pfc. Charles C. Persing.. SSG. Dustin W. Peters.. Spc. Alyssa R. Peterson. LCpl. Dale G. Peterson. Sgt. 1st Class Daniel H. Petithory. SSG. Brett J. Petriken.. LCpl. Neil D. Petsche.. SSG. James L. Pettaway Jr. Capt. Justin D. Peterson. Capt Christopher P Petty. SSG Erickson H Petty. Pfc Jerrick M Petty Pvt Jonathan R Pfender. Spc. Jacob M. Pfister. SSgt. Joseph E. Phaneuf. Lt. Col. Mark P. Phelan.. Pfc. Chance R. Phelps.. Sgt. 1st Class Christopher W. Phelps. Spc. Coty J. Phelps. LCpl. Lawrence R. Philippon.. Sgt. 1st Class Gladimir Philippe.. LCpl. James R. Phillips. Sgt John P Phillips. Spc Micheal E. Phillips. LCpl Steven L Phillips. Sgt Edward O Philpot. Sgt. Ivory L. Phipps.. Capt. Pierre E. Piche. Cpl. Joshua D. Pickard. LCpl. Aaron C. Pickering. Spc Randy W Pickering. Cpl Jordan C Pierson. Pfc. Lori Ann Piestewa.. Cpl. Carlos Pineda. SSgt. Karl O. Soto-Pinedo. CWO Paul J. Pillen. Spc. Astor A. Sunsin-Pineda. Sgt. Foster Pinkston. Sgt Amanda N Pinson. Capt. Dennis L. Pintor. Sgt 1st Class Matthew I. Pionk. SSG. Christopher N. Piper. Spc. James H. Pirtle. Pfc. Michael P. Pittman. Sr Airman Jason Plite. SSG Raymond J Plouhar. Pfc Derek J Plowman. Maj. Steven Plumhoff.. Sgt. Adam J. Plumondore.. Spc. Eric J. Poelman.. Pfc. Jason T. Poindexter.. 2nd Lt. Frederick E. Pokorney Jr. SSG. Andrew R. Pokorny.. Spc. Justin W. Pollard. Sgt. Joe Polo. Spc. Robert C. Pope II.. Spc. Larry E. Polley Jr. Spc. Vincent J. Pomante III,. Master Sgt. James W. Ponder III. Sgt Benjamin B Portell. LCpl Robert G Posivio III. SSG Kenneth B Pospisil. LCpl. Christopher M. Poston.. LCpl Michael V. Postal. Pfc Michael J Potocki. Sgt. Darrin K. Potter.. Pfc. David L. Potter. Pfc. Jerome J. Potter. Sgt. Christopher S. Potts.. Sgt. Lynn R. Poulin Sr.. Cpl. Chad W. Powell. Cpl. Kyle W. Powell Spc. James E. Powell.. LCpl. Caleb J. Powers. Pvt Joshua F Powers. SSg Terry W. Prater. CWO2 Clint J. Prather. Sgt Austin D Pratt. Sgt. 1st Class Daniel J. Pratt.. Cpl. Dean P. Pratt.. LCpl. Taylor B. Prazynski.. Cpl. Brian P. Prening. Cpl Michael B Presley. Spc. Aaron L. Preston Pfc. James E. Prevete.. Pvt. 2 Kelley S. Prewitt.. Sgt. Tyler D. Prewitt.. CWO Bruce E. Price.. Pfc. James W. Price. LCpl Jonathan K Price. Cpl. Kevin W. Prince.. Sgt. 1st Class Neil A. Prince.. 1st Lt. Timothy E. Price. Pfc Tina M Priest. Sgt. 1st Class James D. Priestap. CWO John R. Priestner LCpl Michael S Probst. 2nd Lt. Mark J. Procopio. Cpl Scott J Procopio. Sgt Joseph E Proctor. Petty Officer 3rd Class Jason Profitt.. SSG. Brian C. Prosser .. LCpl. Mathew D. Puckett. SSG Kenneth I Pugh. Spc. Robert S. Pugh.. SSG. George A. Pugliese. Cpl. Victor H. Toledo Pulido. SSG. Richard T. Pummill. Cpl. Michael A. Pursel. Sgt. Christopher M. Pusateri. Cpl. Cody A. Putnam.*Q* LCpl. Louis W. Qualls. Sgt Marquees A Quick. Cpl. Richard O. Quill III. CWO 3 John A. Quinlan. Sgt Adam D. Quinn. SSG. Michael B. Quinn.. Spc Bryan L Quinton.*R* Cpl. Stephen J. Raderstorf, 1st Sgt Christopher C Rafferty. LCpl. Mourad Ragimov.. Spc. Joseph A. Rahaim.. LCpl. Carl L. Raines II.. LCpl. Rhonald D. Rairdan.. LCpl. Branden P. Ramey.. SSG. Richard P. Ramey. Sgt. Angel De Jesus Lucio Ramirez. LCpl Benito A Ramirez. Sgt. Christopher Ramirez.. Spc. Eric U. Ramirez. Sgt. Fernando Padilla-Ramirez. SSG. Gene Ramirez. Spc Ignacio Ramirez. Sgt Reyes Ramirez. Pfc. William C. Ramirez. Cpl Julian A Ramon. Pfc. Christopher Ramos.. LCpl. Hector Ramos.. Sgt. Miguel A. Ramos.. Spc. Tamarra J. Ramos.. Pfc. Brandon Ramsey.. Pvt. Carson J. Ramsey.. Spc. Christopher J. Ramsey.. Pfc. Joshua A. Ramsey.. SSG Jason C Ramseyer. Sgt. Edmond L. Randle.. Pfc. Cleston C. Raney.. SSG. Jose C. Rangel.. SSG. Ray Rangel. Spc. Shawn P. Rankinen Cpl. Nicholas P. Rapavi. Capt. Patrick Marc M. Rapicault. Sgt. Sameer A.M. Rateb. Capt. Gregory A Ratzlaff. Capt Nathan R. Raudenbush. Spc. Rel A. Ravago IV. 1st Lt Jeremy E Ray. SSG Joseph R Ray. Sgt. Pierre A. Raymond.. Spc. Omead H. Razani. Spc. Brandon M. Read. Sgt Regina C Reali . Spc. William J. Rechenmacher. LCpl. Jason C. Redifer. Spc Matthew K Reece. SSG. Jonathan R. Reed.. Pfc. Ryan E. Reed.. Sgt. Tatjana Reed.. Pfc. Christopher J. Reed.. LCpl. Aaron H. Reed.. Gunnery Sgt. Edward T. Reeder.. SSG. Aaron T. Reese.. Spc. Gary L. Reese Jr. Sgt. James J. Regan. Spc. Jeremy F. Regnier.. Sgt. 1st Class Randall S. Rehn.. Maj. Stephen C. Reich. SSG Gavin B Reinke. Sgt. Brendon C. Reiss.. Cpl. Kyle J. Renehan.. SSG. George S. Rentschler. LCpl. Justin D. Reppuhn. Capt. Mark T. Resh. Pfc. Juan S. Restrepo. ICE1 Thomas E. Retzer. Cpl. Douglas Jose Marenco Reyes. Sgt Jason Lopez-Reyes. Sgt. Luis R. Reyes.. Pfc. Mario A. Reyes. Pfc. Seferino J. Reyna.. Sgt. Sean C. Reynolds. SSG. Steven C. Reynolds. LCpl. Rafael Reynosa Suarez.. Sgt. Yadir G. Reynoso.. Sgt. David L. Rice. Cpl. Demetrius L. Rice. Cpl. Bryan J. Richardson. Pfc. Stephen K. Richardson SSG. William D. Richardson. Cpl. William D. Richardson. Sgt. Ariel Rico. Spc. Jeremy L. Ridlen. SSG. Juan M. Ridout. Pfc. Andrew G. Riedel. Pfc. Nicholas E. Riehl Spc. James D. Riekena. SSG. David G. Ries. Sgt. Greg N. Riewer. Pfc. Wesley R. Riggs.. Cpl. Garry Wesley Rimes.. Pfc. Diego Fernando Rincon. Cpl. Michelle R. Ring. Cpl. Steven A. Rintamaki. 1st Lt. Daniel P. Riordan. Sgt. Duane R. Rios.. Pfc. Hernando Rios.. Capt. Russell B. Rippetoe.. Pfc. Henry C. Risner. Spc. Brian E. Ritzberg Spc. Eric G. Palacios Rivera. Sgt. 1st Class Jose A. Rivera.. Spc. Jose A. Rivera-Serrano.. Cpl. John T. Rivero. Spc. Michael D. Rivera. SSG Rafael A. Rivera. Spc. Frank K. Rivers Jr.. SSG. Timothy J. Roark.. Sgt. Thomas D. Robbins. Sgt. Todd J. Robbins.. SSG. William T. Robbins. Cpl. Jeffrey G. Roberson. Cpl Allen C Roberts. LCpl. Anthony P. Roberts.. LCpl. Bob W. Roberts. Sgt. Derek T. Roberts. Aviation Boatswains Mate 1 Neil C. Roberts. Spc. Robert D. Roberts. LCpl. Trevor A. Roberts. Sgt. Michael T. Robertson.. Capt. Charles D. Robinson. SSG Christopher L Robinson. Spc. Fernando D. Robinson, Cpl. Jeremiah W. Robinson. Lt. Col. Michael A. Robinson. Spc. Lizbeth Robles.. SSG. Joseph E. Robsky Jr.. Sgt. Moses D. Rocha.. Sgt. Nathaniel S. Rock.. Pfc. Marlin T. Rockhold.. Spc. Ricky W. Rockholt Jr. Sgt. John D. Rode. Pvt. Damian Lopez Rodriguez Spc. Dominic N. Rodriguez. SSG. Joseph E. Rodriguez Spc. Jaime Rodriguez Jr LCpl. Juan R. Rodriguez Velasco. Spc. Michael J. Rodriguez. Sgt Ricardo X Rodriguez. Cpl. Robert M. Rodriguez. Pfc George R Roehl Jr. SSG. Alan L. Rogers. Sgt 1st Class Gregory S Rogers. Cpl. Jeffry A. Rogers. CWO 2 Joshua R. Rodgers. Maj Alan G. Rogers. Pfc. Jessy S. Rogers Spc. Nicholas K. Rogers. Spc. Philip G. Rogers. Cpl Lester G Roque. SSgt. Jonathan Rojas. Pfc. Kenny D. Rojas. Cpl. Michael M. Rojas SSG. Robb L. Rolfing. Spc. Justin A. Rollins. SSG Vincenzo Romeo. Sgt. 1st Class Daniel A. Romero. Cpl. Joshua G. Romero. Pfc. Ramon Romero. SSG. Jorge L. Pena-Romero. Spc. Brian M. Romines. Cpl Timothy D Roos. Spc. Edwin W. Roodhouse.. Sgt. 1st Class Robert E. Rooney. Pfc. Angel Rosa. Cpl. Randal Kent Rosacker. Spc. Alexander Rosa Jr. Pfc. Richard H. Rosas.. Sgt. Scott C. Rose. Spc. Adam J. Rosema. Spc. Jose E. Rosario. Cpl. Benjamin S. Rosales, Sgt. 1st Class Luis E. Gutierrez-Rosales. SSG. Victor A. Rosales-Lomeli. Spc Christopher D Rose. Sgt. Thomas C. Rosenbaum. Sgt. Randy S. Rosenberg.. SSgt. Eric Ross. Sgt. Kenneth G. Ross.. Spc. Marco D. Ross. Pfc. Jonathan M. Rossi. SSG Larry I Rougle. Sgt. Lawrence A. Roukey.. Spc. David L. Roustum. PO 1st Class Gary T Rovinski. Capt. Alan Rowe.. Spc. Brandon J. Rowe. Sgt Michael D Rowe. Sgt. Roger D. Rowe.. Lt. Jonathan D. Rozier.. 2nd Lt. Charles R. Rubado.. Spc. Isela Rubalcava.. Spc. David A. Ruhren.. LCpl. David A. Mendez Ruiz.. Spc. Jose L. Ruiz.. Sgt. Lorenzo Ponce Ruiz. HC 3rd Class Manuel A. Ruiz. LCpl. Gregory P. Rund. Cpl Luke S. Runyan. SSG Michael L. Ruoff Jr. SSG. Bruce A. Rushforth Jr.. Pfc. Aaron J. Rusin. Capt Blake H Russell. Sgt. John W. Russell.. Sgt. 1st Class Michael L. Russell. Spc. Ryan D. Russell. LCpl. Andrew D. Russoli. Sgt. Monta S. Ruth. 1st Lt. Christopher N. Rutherford. Cpl. Marc T. Ryan.. 1st Lt. Timothy Louis Ryan. Spc. Lyle W. Rymer II. Sgt. Yevgeniy Ryndych, Spc. Corey J. Rystad.*S* Cpl. Thomas E. Saba. Master Sgt. Wilberto Sabalu Jr. CWO2 Scott A. Saboe. Sgt. Dominic J. Sacco. 1st Sgt Carlos N Saenz. Spc Sergio A Mercedes Saez. Spc Lance S Sage. Spc. Rasheed Sahib. LCpl. Gael Saintvil. Sgt Steve M Sakoda. Pfc Ricky Salas Jr. Cpl. Rudy Salas. Pfc. Bruce C. Salazar Jr Spc Roberto L Martinez-Salazar. Cpl. William I. Salazar. Sgt. 1st Class Rudy A. Salcido. Spc. Adriana N. Salem.. Sgt. 1st Class David J.Salie. CWO Richard M Salter . 1st Lt. Edward M. Saltz.. Airman 1st Class Jesse M. Samek.. Capt. Benjamin W. Sammis. Pfc. Joey T. Sams II. Spc. Sonny G. Sampler. Spc Dennis K Samson Jr. Pfc. Antonio Mendez-Sanchez. LCpl David J Grames Sanchez. Pfc Enrique C Sanchez. LCpl. Efrain Sanchez Jr. LCpl. Emilian D. Sanchez. Sgt Ian T Sanchez. Cpl. Junior Cedeno Sanchez SSG Luis M Melendez Sanchez. Pfc. Oscar Sanchez. Sgt. Paul T. Sanchez. SSG Virrueta A Sanchez. SSG. Charles R. Sanders Jr. Sgt Christopher A. Sanders. Spc. Gregory P. Sanders. SSg. Ronnie L. Sanders. 1st Lt Ryan T Sanders. Sgt. Frank M. Sandoval Pfc. Leroy Sandoval Jr. Spc. Matthew J. Sandri. SSG. Barry Sanford Sr. LCpl. Daniel J. Santee. 1st Lt. Neil Anthony Santoriello. CWO Isaias E Santos. CPL. Spc Jeremiah S Santos Jonathan J. Santos. Spc Luis D Santos. Sgt. Ed Santini. HC Charles O. Sare. Pfc. Brandon R. Sapp. SSG. Cameron B. Sarno. SSG. Scott D. Sather. Pvt. Oscar Sauceda Jr Pvt. Anthony J. Sausto LCpl. Jeremiah E. Savage. Sgt. Stephen P. Saxton. Spc. Phillip N. Sayles. Sgt. Paul A. Saylor. LCpl. Michael P. Scarborough. SSG. Michael W. Schafer. Sgt. Kurt D. Schamberg. Sgt. Kenneth J. Schall. Capt. Robert C. Scheetz Jr. SSG. Daniel R. Scheile. SSG. Jens E. Schelbert. CWO4 Chris J. Scherkenbach. Cpl. Christopher G. Scherer. LCpl. Daniel R. Scherry. Pfc. Jason D. Scheuerman. Cpl. Jonathan E. Schiller. Capt. Rhett W. Schiller. Seaman Apprentice Shayna A Schnell. Spc. Bradley N. Shilling. Spc. Collin R. Schockmel. LCpl. Michael D. Scholl. LCpl. Nickolas D. Schiavoni. Sgt 1st Class Richard L Schild. LCpl. Juan M. Garcia Schill LCpl. John T. Schmidt 3rd. Sgt. Joshua A. Schmit. Cpl. Joshua M. Schmitz, Spc. Justin B. Schmidt. Cpl Peter W Schmidt. Spc. Jeremiah W. Schmunk. Sgt. Jacob S. Schmuecker. Spc Matthew E Schneider. Pfc. Sean M. Schneider. Sgt. Anthony J. Schober Pfc Brian J Schoff. Cpl. Richard P. Schoener. Sgt Jon M. Schoolcraft III. SSG Christopher J Schornak. Cpl. Dustin H. Schrage. Maj. Mathew E. Schram. LCpl. Brian K. Schramm. LCpl. Edward A. Schroeder II. Cpl. Nathan A. Schubert. Cpl Brandon S Schuck. Sgt. Jason A. Schumann. Capt David E. Schultz. Pfc Benjamin C Schuster. Spc. Christian C. Schulz. LCpl. Darrell J. Schumann. LCpl. Michael A. Schwarz. SWO 2nd Class Joseph C. Schwedler. Master Sgt. David A. Scott. LCpl Joshua A Scott. CWO2 Joshua M. Scott. Spc. Justin A. Scott. Pfc. Kerry D. Scott. SSG Rickey Scott. Cpl. Aaron L. Seal SSG Stephen A Seale. Pfc. Timothy J. Seamans. LCpl. Myles C. Sebastien. Sgt. 1st Class Benjamin L. Sebban Capt. Robert M. Secher. Sgt. Michael T. Seeley. 1st Lt. Aaron N. Seesan. Spc. Stephen M. Scott. Sgt Leroy Segura Jr. LCpl. Juan E. Segura. Capt. Todd M. Siebert. 1st Lt Robert A Seidel III. Spc. Marc S. Seiden. Capt. Christopher Scott Seifert. Sgt. Carl L. Seigart. Sgt. Danton K. Seitsinger. SSG John T. Self Pfc. Dustin M. Sekula. Spc. Dennis L. Sellen Jr. Spc.Bernard L. Sembly. LCpl. Matthew K. Serio. Sgt. Juan M. Serrano. LCpl. Nazario Serrano. Sr. Airman Adam P Servais. Spc Daniel L Sesker. LCpl Darin T Settle. Pfc Robert J Settle. Sgt. Raymond S. Sevaaetasi. LCpl. Devon P. Seymour. SSG. Michael B. Shackelford. Sgt. Edward W. Shaffer, Spc. Jason A. Shaffer. SSG. Wentz Jerome Henry Shanaberger. SSgt. Michael A. Shank. 1st Lt. Neale M. Shank. Cpl. Stephen D. Shannon. Pfc David H. Sharrett II. Sgt. Jeffrey R. Shaver. Sgt. Stephen P. Saxton. SSgt. Alan W. Shaw. Sgt Daniel J Shaw. Maj. Kevin M. Shea. Cpl. Timothy M. Shea.. Spc. Casey Sheehan. Sgt. Kevin F. Sheehan. Sgt. Ronnie L. Shelley Sr. Cpl Jimmy L Shelton. Pfc Adam R Shepherd. Sgt. Daniel Michael Shepherd. Spc. Joshua D. Sheppard, SSG. Kristopher L. Shepherd. CWO2 Steven E. Shephard. Lt. Col. Anthony L. Sherman. Sgt. Alan D. Sherman. Sgt. James A. Sherrill. Sgt. Stephen R. Sherman . SSG. Anissa A. Shero. 1st Lt. Andrew C. Shields. Sgt. Jonathan B. Shields. Spc. Bradley N. Shilling. Pfc. Darrell W. Shipp. LCpl. Jeremy S. Shock. SSG. Russell K. Shoemaker. Pfc. Harry N. Shondee Jr. LCpl. Brad S. Shuder. Capt. James A. Shull.1st Lt. Dustin M. Shumney. Pfc. Kenneth L. Sickels. Cpl. Dustin L. Sides. Spc. Eric R. Sieger. Pfc Thomas C Siekert. Spc Ashley Sietsema. Cpl John P. Sigsbee. Sgt. William M. Sigua. Sgt. Alfred B. Siler. Cpl. Erik H. Silva. SSG Marco A Silva. Pvt. Sean A. Silva. Pfc. David N. Simmons. Sgt. Leonard D. Simmons. SSG. Chad J. Simon. LCpl Aaron W Simons. LCpl. Abraham Simpson. Sgt. Jacob M. Simpson. Sgt. Jonathan J. Simpson Pfc. Charles M. Sims. LCpl Justin D Sims. LCpl. John T. Sims Jr. Capt. Sean P. Sims. Sgt. Isiah J. Sinclair. Spc. Uday Singh. Spc Channing G Singletary. Sgt. Todd A. Singleton. Pfc. Steven F. Sirko. Spc. Aaron J. Sissel. Pfc. Christopher A. Sisson. Petty Officer 3rd Class David Sisung. Spc Christopher F Sitton. SSG Bradley J. Skelton. Pfc. Nicholas M. Skinner. Pvt. Michael J. Slater Pvt Benjamin J Slaven. SSgt. Garth D. Sizemore, 1st Lt. Brian D. Slavenas. SSG. Russell L. Slay. Sgt. Eric W. Slebodnik. LCpl. Antonio J. Sledd. Pvt. 2 Brandon Ulysses Sloan. LCpl. Richard P. Slocum. LCpl. Thomas J. Slocum.. Maj. Douglas E. Sloan. Pfc Andrew R Small. Pfc. Corey L. Small. Sgt. Erich S. Smallwood Lt. Col. Albert E. Smart. Sgt. Keith L. Smette. LCpl. Antoine D. Smith. Capt. Benedict J. Smith. Spc. Benjamin A. Smith. Sgt. Benjamin K. Smith. Pfc. Brandon C. Smith. 2nd Lt. Brian D. Smith. CWO Bruce A. Smith. Pvt Daren A Smith. Cpl. Darrell L. Smith. 1st Sgt. Edward Smith. CWO Eric A. Smith. Pfc. Jeremiah D. Smith. LCpl. Jason E. Smith. LCpl. Jonathan L. Smith. CWO 2 John D. Smith. Sgt. John M. Smith. Spc. Jonathan K. Smith. 1st Lt. Justin S. Smith. 1st Lt Kevin J Smith. LCpl. Kevin S. Smith. LCpl. Matthew R. Smith. Cpl. Matthew R. Smith. Sgt. Michael A. Smith. Spc. Michael J. Smith. LCpl. Michael J. Smith Jr. Spc. Orenthial J. Smith. Sgt. 1st Class Paul R. Smith. Cpl. Raleigh C. Smith. Spc. Richard A. Smith, Cpl Ross A Smith. Sgt. 1st Class Scott R Smith. Spc Tristan C Smith. Spc Brandon W Smitherman. Sgt Mark T Smykowski. Sgt. 1st Class Brandon K. Sneed. Sgt. Eric L. Snell. Pfc Stephen P Snowberger III. Capt Adam P Snyder. Cpl. Joshua D. Snyder. LCpl Matthew A Snyder. Pfc. Norman K. Snyder. Capt. Christopher F. Soelzer. Pfc. Katie M. Soenksen. LCpl. Jesus A. Suarez del Solar. SSG Gordon G Solomon. Sgt. Roderic A. Solomon. Spc. Ismael G. Solorio. SSG. Juan M. Solorio. Cpl. Adrian V. Soltau. Maj. Charles R. Soltes Jr. Maj. Kevin H. Sonnenberg, Spc. Mike T. Sonoda Jr. Sgt. Matthew Soper Sgt. Skipper Soram. LCpl. Ryan J. Sorensen. Pfc. Armando Soriano. Cpl. Tomas Sotelo Jr. Sgt. Danny R. Soto. LCpl Nicholas J Sovie. EODT 1st Class Luis A. Souffront, Sgt. Richard A. Soukenka. Pfc. Kenneth C. Souslin. Sgt. Nicholas R. Sowinski. Maj. John C. Spahr. Spc. Philip I. Spakosky. Pfc Jacob D Spann. Pfc. Jason L. Sparks. SSgt. Theodore A. Spatol, Sgt Corey E. Spates. LCpl. Jonathan R. Spears. Sgt. 1st Class Christopher J. Speer. Cpl. Michael R. Speer. LCpl. Joseph B. Spence. Pvt. Cole E. Spencer Pvt. Clarence T. Spencer. Pfc. Raymond N. Spencer Jr LCpl. William D. Spencer. Sgt. 1st Class William C. Spillers. SSG. Trevor Spink.. Maj. Christopher J. Splinter. Spc. Curtis R. Spivey. Spc. Michael K. Spivey. Spc. Clifford A. Spohn III. Sgt. Marvin R. Sprayberry III. Spc. Lance C. Springer II. Pvt. Bryan Nicholas Spry. Cpl. Brad D. Squires. Cpl Shannon L Squires. SSgt. David R. Staats, Cpl. Jeremy L. Stacey. Sgt. Maj. Michael B. Stack. LCpl. Steven A. Stacy. Pfc. Nathan E. Stahl. Cpl. John R. Stalvey. Cpl Derek A Stanley. Spc. Matthew J. Stanley, SSgt. Robert M. Stanley. Pfc. Kenny F. Stanton Jr. Pfc. Seth M. Stanton, Pfc. Lucas V. Starcevich Cpl. Jeffrey B. Starr. LCpl. Michael L. Starr Jr. LCpl. Shawn V. Starkovich. Capt. Joshua E. Steele. SSG. Eric M. Steffeney. Lt. Col. John Stein. Spc. Nicholas P. Steinbacher. Sgt Derek T Stenroos. Sgt. Blake C. Stephens. Sgt. David A. Stephens. Sgt. 1st Class John S. Stephens. 1st Lieutenant Andrew K. Stern. Sgt Andy A Stevens. SSG. Joseph W. Stevens. Spc. Randy L. Stevens. SSG. Robert A. Stever. Spc. Carla J. Stewart. Cpl. David S. Stewart. Sgt. Patrick D. Stewart. Cpl. Ian W. Stewart. Sgt. James D. Stewart. Spc. Matthew P. Steyart. Cpl. Joshua C. Sticklen, Pfc. Shane M. Stinson. Pfc. Jon B. St. John II. Sgt. 1st Class James J. Stoddard Jr. Spc. Michael J. Stokely. Cpl. Sean A. Stokes. Sgt. 1st Class Douglas C. Stone. Maj. Gregory Stone. Sgt 1st Class John T Stone. Pfc. Kristofor T. Stonesifer. SSG Clint J Storey. Spc. Brandon L. Stout. Spc. Chrystal G. Stout. 2nd Lt. Matthew R. Stovall. Maj Michael D Stover. LCpl. Adam J. Strain. Sgt. Francis J. Straub Jr. Sgt. Morgan W. Strader. Pfc. William R. Strange. Sgt. Kirk Allen Straseskie. Sgt Matthew F. Straughter. Sgt. Thomas J. Strickland. Sgt. Jesse W. Strong. LCpl. Johnny R. Strong. Spc. Joseph A. Strong, Spc. Sasch Struble. Capt. Mark N. Stubenhofer. Quartermaster 2nd Class James Suh. CWO Adrian B. Stump. Sgt Michael R. Sturdivant. Pfc. Brandon C. Sturdy. Spc. William R. Sturges Jr. Spc. Paul J. Sturino. Spc. Joseph D. Suell. SSG. Wilberto Suliveras. Capt. Christopher J. Sullivan. Sgt. John M. Sullivan. Spc. John R. Sullivan. Spc. Narson B. Sullivan. LCpl. Vincent M. Sullivan. Cpl. James E. Summers III. SSG. Vincent E. Summers. Pfc. Ming Sun. SSG Daniel A Suplee. Sgt. Robert A. Surber SSG. Stephen J. Sutherland. Pfc. Ernest Harold Sutphin Sgt. 1st Class Greg L. Sutton. SSG. Michael J. Sutter. Sgt. Timothy J. Sutton. Sgt. Philip J. Svitak. LCpl. Daniel F. Swaim. LCpl. Harry R. Swain IV. LCpl. James E. Swain. Pfc. Robert A. Swaney. LCpl. Shane C. Swanberg. Sgt. Brett D. Swank. SSG Christopher W Swanson. Cpl. Timothy A. Swanson. CWO5 Sharon T. Swartworth. SSG. Paul A. Sweeney. Sgt. Robert W. Sweeney III. William F. Manuel. Pfc Jack T. Sweet. Cmdr. Philip A. Murphy-Sweet. Sgt. Thomas J. Sweet II. LCpl. Franklin A. Sweger. Sgt. Jason W. Swiger. Sgt. Nathaniel T. Swindell. SSG. Christopher W. Swisher. Capt. Tyler B. Swisher. Pfc. Pendelton L. Sykes ll. Maj. Paul R. Syverson III. Cmdr Adrian B. Szwec. LCpl. Steven W. Szwydek.*T* SSG Donald T. Tabb. Sgt. Joseph M. Tackett. SSG Ayman A Taha. Sgt. Patrick S. Tainsh. Sgt. DeForest L. Talbert. LCpl. Fernando S. Tamayo, Spc. Eddie D. Tamez LCpl. Jeremy P. Tamburello. Pfc. Nickolas A. Tanton. LCpl Samuel Tapia. Photographers Mate 1 David M. Tapper. Sgt. 1st Class Linda Ann Tarango-Griess. Capt. Michael Yury Tarlavsky. Sgt. Nimo W. Tauala. SSG. Loasa F. Tavae Jr. LCpl Bryan N Taylor. Sgt. Christopher J. Taylor. Spc. Christopher M. Taylor. Maj. David G. Taylor. Hospital Corpsman 1st Class Jeffrey S. Taylor. Sgt. 1st Class John E. Taylor. Lt. Cmdr Keith E. Taylor. Maj. Mark D. Taylor. Sgt Michael C Taylor. Maj. Michael V. Taylor Sgt. Norman R. Taylor III, Sgt. Shannon D. Taylor. Cpl. William G. Taylor. Capt. John R. Teal. SSG. John Teal. Spc Brandon L Teeters. Spc Prince K Teewia. SSG. Riayan A. Tejeda. Sgt. Joshua A. Terando. LCpl. Miguel Terrazas. Sgt. 1st Class Jonathan Tessar. LCpl. Jason Andrew Tetrault. LCpl. Juston T. Thacker. Pvt Nathan Z Thacker. Builder 1st Class Jerry A Tharp. Pfc Sean D Tharp. SSG. Frank Tiai. Spc. Joseph C. Thibodeaux. Master Sgt. Thomas R. Thigpen Sr. Cpl. Jesse L. Thiry. Pfc. Adam L. Thomas. Sgt. Carl Thomas. Sgt. John F. Thomas. Spc. Kyle G. Thomas. SSG. Kendall Thomas. Pfc. Kristofer D. S. Thomas. SSG. Michael D. Thomas Sgt. Paul W. Thomason III. Sgt. Anthony O. Thompson. Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Christopher W. Thompson. Spc. Jarrett B. Thompson. Cpl. Lance M. Thompson. Pfc. Nils G. Thompson. LCpl. Jonathan B. Thornsberry. Pfc William E Thorne. LCpl John J Thornton. SSG. Robert C. Thornton Jr. Major Steven W. Thornton. Sgt. Robert B. Thrasher. Capt Benjamin D Tiffner. Sgt. James R. Tijerina. LCpl. Jesse D. Tillery. Cpl. Patrick D. Tillman. LCpl. Harry H. Timberman. Sgt. Tina S. Time. 1st Lt. Jason G. Timmerman. Spc David N Timmons Jr. Sgt. Humberto F. Timoteo. LCpl. Jeremy L. Tinnel. Pfc Patrick A Tinnell. Spc. Douglas L. Tinsley Capt. John E. Tipton. Pfc. Joshua K. Titcomb. Spc. Brandon T. Titus. Sgt 1st Class John J Tobiason. Spc. Brandon S. Tobler. Capt. Jeffrey P. Toczylowski. Sgt. Lee D. Todacheene. Cpl. John H. Todd III. Spc. John O. Tollefson. Sgt. Norman L. Tollett Cpl Joseph A Tomci. Sgt. Nicholas A. Tomko. Master Sgt. Timothy Toney. Pfc. David T. Toomalatai. LCpl. Joshua L. Torrence. Sgt. Daniel Torres. Spc. Ramon Reyes Torres. Pfc. George D. Torres. 2nd Lt. Richard Torres. Spc. Juan M. Torres. LCpl. Michael S. Torres. Spc Teodoro Torres. LCpl. Elias Torrez III. Sgt. Michael L. Tosto. CWO 3 Eric W Totten. SSG Robin L Towns Sr. Sgt. Tromaine K. Toy Sr. Pfc. Jacob T. Tracy. Spc. William J. Tracy. Spc. Seth R. Trahan. Spc. Quoc Binh Tran. SSG Philip L Travis. Cpl. Joseph S. Tremblay. Spc. Richard K. Trevithick. Pfc Brett L Tribble. SSG. Marvin L. Trost III. Sgt. John B. Trotter. CWO4 Chester W Troxel. Cpl. Tyler S. Trovillion. LCpl. Tyler J. Troyer. Sgt. Daniel A. Tsue. Pfc. Andrew L. Tuazon. LCpl. Marc L. Tucker. Cpl. Francis M. Trussel Jr. Spc. Robert W. Tucker. Master Sgt. Sean M. Thomas. Pfc. Steven C. Tucker. Pfc Thomas L Tucker. SSG. Steven R. Tudor SSG. Salamo J. Tuialuuluu. Lt. Cmdr. Morgan C. Tulang, Master Sgt. Tulsa T. Tuliau. Spc. Gregory L. Tull. Sgt Lui Tumanuvao. Pfc. Nicholas D. Turcotte, Steelworker 3rd Class Emory J. Turpin. SSG. Roger C. Turner Jr. Sgt Thomas B Turner Jr. Sgt Bryan J Tutten. SSG Abraham G Twitchell. LCpl. Bobby L. Twitty. Spc. Wade Michael Twyman. Sgt. 1st Class Peter P. Tycz II. Pvt. Scott M. Tyrrell. 2nd Lt. Andre D. Tyson*U* Spc. Eugene A. Uhl III. Pfc. Brian S. Ulbrich. LCpl. Sgt George M Ulloa. Jr. 1st Lt. Colby J. Umbrell. Drew M. Uhles. Pfc. Daniel P. Unger. Cpl. David M. Unger. Spc. Robert Oliver Unruh. Spc Clinton R Upchurch Pfc. Wilfredo F. Urbina. Sgt. Iosiwo Uruo. 1st Sgt. Ernest E. Utt. Sgt. Michael A. Uvanni*V* Spc. Angelo J. Vaccaro Sgt Nathan J Vacho. Cpl Steve Vahaviolos. SSG. Gary A. Vaillant. Cpl. Ramona M. Valdez. LCpl. Ruben Valdez Jr. LCpl. Steven A. Valdez. M-a-A 1st Class Jennifer A. Valdivia. LCpl. Emmanuel Villarreal. Sgt. Melissa Valles. Sgt Timothy R. Van. Sgt Joseph M Vanek. LCpl. Brandon J. Van Parys. Pfc. Bufford K. Van Slyke. LCpl Adam J Vanalstine. Sgt. Gene Arden Vance Jr. Spc. Allen J. Vandayburg. Spc. Josiah H. Vandertulip. Spc. Jacob T. Vanderbosch. SSG Christopher J Van Der Horn. CWO 3 Brian K. Van Dusen. LCpl. John J. Van Gyzen IV. SSG. Darren D. VanKomen. LCpl. Gary F. VanLeuven. Sgt Travis A Van Zoest. Pfc. Alexander R. Varela. Spc. Robert D. Varga. SSG Milton Rivera-Vargas. SSG. Daniel R. Varnado. SSG. Justin L. Vasquez. SSG. Mark D. Vasquez. Spc. Brian A. Vaughn. Sgt. Jason W. Vaughn. Sgt. Michael L. Vaughan Spc. Travis R. Vaughn 2nd Lt John S Vaughan. LCpl. Dennis J. Veater Sgt Mark R Vecchione. Spc. Frances M. Vega. 1st Lt. Michael W. Vega. SSG. Paul A. Velazquez. Spc Andrew Velez. Spc. Jose A. Velez. LCpl. Juan C. Venegas. Pfc. Justin A. Verdeja. Sgt. Russell J. Verdugo. SSG David M Veverka. Cpl. David M. Vicente. Pfc. Jerimiah J. Veitch. SSG. Eric R. Vick. Pfc. Caesar S. Viglienzone. Sgt. Franklin R. Vilorio. Sgt 1st Class Ruben J Villa Jr. Sgt. 1st Class Joselito O. Villanueva. Spc. Javier A. Villanueva. CWO Johnny Villareal Mata. Spc Felipe J Garcia Villareal. Pfc. Ramon A. Villatoro Jr. Pfc. Timothy R. Vimoto. Cpl. Scott M. Vincent. Sgt. Anthony M.K. Vinnedge SSG. Thomas E. Vitagliano. Spc. Eric Vizcaino SSG. Kimberly A. Voelz. Spc. Robert J. Volker. Spc. Chad J. Vollmer, Pfc. Kenneth G. Vonronn. Sgt Matthew J Vosbein. SSG. Michael S. Voss. Pfc. Brent T. Vroman. Spc. Thai Vue*W* CPO Patrick L. Wade Pfc. Brandon J. Wadman. LCpl. Michael B. Wafford. Pfc Peter D Wagler. Sgt. Christopher A. Wagener. SSG Gregory A Wagner. Sgt. Gregory L. Wahl. Spc Andrew K Waits. Sgt. Pfc. Steven J. Walberg 1st Class Brett E. Walden. SSG. Allan K. Walker. Sgt. Antwan L. Walker. Sgt. Jeffrey C. Walker. LCpl. Jeffrey D. Walker. Spc. Kristofer C. Walker 1st Lt. Laura M. Walker. Spc Ryan D Walker. 1st Lt. Frank B. Walkup IV. SSG. Thomas A. Walkup Jr. SSG Mark A Wall. Sgt. Andrew P. Wallace. Sgt. Brandon L. Wallace Pfc. Jeffrey R. Wallace. Cpl Matthew P Wallace. Sgt. 1st Class Terry O.P. Wallace. Cpl Richard P Waller. Sgt 1st Class Johnny C Walls. Master Sgt. Thomas A. Wallsmith. Sgt. Justin T. Walsh Pfc. Sgt. Nicholas R. Walsh. Rowan D. Walter. Sgt. Donald Ralph Walters. Spc. Gary W. Walters Jr. Tech. Sgt. Howard A. Walters. Pvt. Brett A. Walton Pfc. Andrew M. Ward. Pvt. 2 Jason M. Ward. Airman 1st Class Carl Jerome Ware Jr. Cpl. Joshua J. Ware. Cpl Christopher T Warndorf. Pvt. Heath D. Warner. LCpl. Richard D. Warner. Cpl. Robert P. Warns II. Sgt. 1st Class Charles H. Warren. Lcpl Kristopher Cody Warren. LCpl. Kristopher C. Warren. Sgt. 1st Class Mark C. Warren. 1st Sgt. William T. Warren. LCpl. Kevin G. Waruinge. Pfc. Nachez Washalanta. Cpl Rusty L Washam. Sgt. Bennie J. Washington. SSG Javares J. Washington. LCpl. Christopher B Wasser. Spc. Forrest J. Waterbury. SSG. Kendall Damon Waters-Bey. Pvt. David L. Waters. Spc. Glenn J. Watkins. Cpl. Joshua C. Watkins. Spc. Timothy D. Watkins. Maj. William R. Watkins III. LCpl. Cody G. Watson, LCpl Craig N Watson. Sgt. Kimel L. Watt. Signalman 2nd Class Christopher E. Watts. Sgt. Maj. Donovan E. Watts. Cpl Justin J Watts. CWO Aaron A. Weaver. Cpl. Christopher L. Weaver. LCpl Drew W. Weaver. SSG Shannon V. Weaver. LCpl Brandon J Webb. Sgt. Charles J. Webb. SSgt. Christopher R. Webb. Sgt Matthew A Webber. CWO 5 Jamie D Weeks. SSG Kyle B. Wehrly. Spc. Michael J. Wendling. Spc. Michael S. Weger. Sgt. Michael R. Weidemann. SSG. Joseph M. Weiglein. Capt Ian P Weikel. Cpl David G Weimortz. Tech. Sgt. Timothy R. Weiner, SSG. David J. Weisenburg. Spc. Douglas J. Weismantle. Spc. Andrew R. Weiss Pfc. Michael Russell Creighton Weldon. LCpl. Joseph T. Welke. LCpl. Larry L. Wells. Sgt. Lonny D. Wells. CWO 2 Stephen M. Wells. Spc. Wesley R. Wells. Pvt. Raymond M. Werner. Sgt. Brad Wentz. Spc. Cody L. Wentz. Spc. Jeffrey M. Wershow. Spc. Christopher J. Rivera Wesley. Pfc. Kevin S.K. Wessel. Spc Bobby R West. Cpl Christopher J. West. Capt Jason M West. LCpl. Jeromy D. West. 1st Lt. Kile G. West. LCpl. Phillip G. West. Sgt. James G. West. Master Sgt Robert H West. Pfc. Theodore M. West. Sgt. Marshall A. Westbrook. Col. Theodore S. Westhusing. 1st Lt. Alexander E. Wetherbee. Spc. Donald L. Wheeler. Sgt. 1st Class Dexter E. Wheelous, Sgt. Mason Douglas Whetstone. Sgt 1st Class Jerald A. Whisenhunt. Pfc. Joey D. Whitener. Pfc. Marquis A. Whitaker. SSG. Aaron Dean White. Pfc. Anthony J. White Pfc Christopher N White. Pvt Dewayne L White. Spc. Doonewey White Pfc James P White Jr. Sgt. Lucas T. White. Lt. Nathan D. White. Spc. Raymond L. White. Pvt. Robert C. White III. SSG. Robert F. White. LCpl. Russell P. White. Sgt 1st Class Stephen J White. Sgt. Steven W. White. LCpl. William W. White. SSG Justin R. Whiting. SSgt. Jason D. Whitehouse. Spc. Chase R. Whitham. LCpl. Dion M. Whitley. LCpl Nicholas J Whyte. LCpl. Travis M. Wichlacz. Spc. Vernon R. Widner. Spc. Lee A. Wiegand. SSG David A Wieger. Sgt Jeffery S Wiekamp. Hospital Corps 3rd Class Jeffrey L. Wiener. Cpl. Kory D. Wiens. Spc. Michael J. Wiesemann. SSgt. Michael J. Wiggins Pfc. Eric R. Wilkus. Sgt. Cheyenne C Willey. LCpl. William Brett Wightman. Cpl. Joshua S. Wilfong. Sgt. Charles T. Wilkerson. Spc. David A. Wilkey Jr. 1st Lt. Charles L. Wilkins III. Sgt. Adam A. Wilkinson. Capt Bryan D Willard. Sgt Gary D. Willett. Sgt. Arthur C. Williams IV. Cpl. Andre L. Williams. Sgt Christian B Williams. SSG Dwayne E Williams. Sgt. Eugene Williams. Spc. Jeffrey A. Williams. SSG Jesse L. Williams Spc. Luke C. Williams. LCpl. Michael J. Williams. Spc. Michael L. Williams. Pfc. Phillip B. Williams Spc. Ronnie D. Williams. Sgt. Taft V. Williams. Pvt. Wesley J. Williams. Sgt. 1st Class Christopher R. Willoughby. Cpl. Bryan S. Wilson. Spc. Christopher M. Wilson Spc. Dana N. Wilson. SSgt. Jamie D. Wilson Command Sgt. Maj. Jerry L. Wilson. SSG. Joe N. Wilson. LCpl. Lamont N. Wilson. Pfc. Le Ron A. Wilson. AO 3rd Class Nicholas Wilson. Spc. Nicholas E. Wilson. SSG Robert J. Wilson. SSG. Stephen J. Wilson LCpl. Nicholas Wilt. Spc Thomas J Wilwerth. Sgt. David N. Wimberg. Spc. Daniel W. Winegeart, Cpl. Christopher D. Winchester. 1st Lt Ronald Winchester. Sgt. 1st Class Nathan L. Winder. LCpl. Nathanial D. Windsor. Spc. Trevor A. WinE. Pfc. Harry A. Winkler III. LCpl. Jordan D. Winkler. Pfc Ryan G Winslow. Sgt. Justin D. Wisniewski Sgt. Jeannette L. Winters. Cpl. Jonathan D. Winterbottom. LCpl. William J. Wiscowiche. SSG. Clinton L. Wisdom. Spc. Robert A. Wise. SSG. Joshua R. Whitaker. Spc. Phillip L. Witkowski. Sgt. James Witkowski. Spc. Michelle M. Witmer. Pfc. Owen D. Witt. Pfc. Brett A. Witteveen SSG. Zachary R. Wobler. Spc. James R. Wolf. Lcpl Colin J Wolfe. 2nd Lt. Jeremy L. Wolfe. Sgt. Elijah Tai Wah Wong. Sgt. Brian M. Wood. Capt. George A. Wood. Spc. John E. Wood. LCpl. Nathan R. Wood Army Sgt. 1st Class Ronald T. Wood. Sgt. Roy A. Wood. Sgt. Ryan M. Wood Col. William W. Wood. Cpl. Julian M. Woodall. Sgt. Peter Woodall. SSG. Romanes L. Woodard. Sgt. Daniel E. Woodcock Spc. Michael R. Woodliff. Pfc. Eric P. Woods. Spc Shane W Woods. Spc. Dustin L. Workman II. Maj Matthew W Worrel. PO 3rd Class Julian Woods. Pfc. Curtis L. Wooten . Robert A. Worthington. III. Sgt. James M. Wosika Jr Lt. Col. Thomas A. Wren. Spc Brian A Wright. Sgt. Gregroy A. Wright Spc. James C. Wright. Pfc. Jason G. Wright. Sgt. Jeremy R. Wright. Sgt. Thomas G. Wright. 2nd Lt. John T. Wroblewski. 1st Lt. Luke C. Wullenwaber. LCpl. Daniel R. Wyatt. Cpl. Matthew A. Wyatt. Pfc. Stephen E. Wyatt. Sgt. Charles E. Wyckoff Jr*Y* Spc. Benyahmin B. Yahudah. Pfc. Dustin A. Yancey. Sgt. Michael E. Yashinski. Cpl Nyle Yates III. Spc Clifton J Yazzie. Sgt. Henry Ybarra III. LCpl Hatak Yuka Keyu M Yearby. LCpl. Luke C. Yepsen CWO4 Keith Yoakum Pvt. Justin R. Yoemans. Spc. Viktar V. Yolkin. Master Sgt. Anthony R. C. Yost. Sgt Joshua V Youmans. Spc. Christopher D. Young Pvt. Kelly D. Youngblood Hospital Corp 3rd Class Travis L. Youngblood. Pfc. Rodricka A. Youmans. Pfc Joshua A.R. Young. Sgt. Ryan C. Young*Z* LCpl. Andrew J. Zabierek. Spc Jesse M Zamora. Spc Jose Zamora. Spc. Nicholas J. Zangara. Cpl Adam O Zanutto. Spc. Mark Anthony Zapata. Sgt. 1st Class William A. Zapfe. LCpl. Thomas J. Zapp. Sgt. 1st Class Mickey E. Zaun. Pfc Angelo A Zawaydeh. Spc Edgardo Zayas. Pfc Kenneth E. Zeigler. Pvt. Matthew T. Zeimer SSG Kevin L Zeigler. . Douglas A. Zembiec. 2nd. Pfc Benjamin T Zieske. 1st Lt. Dennis W. Zilinski. Pfc. Nicholaus E. Zimmer. Sgt. Luke J. Zimmerman Pvt Travis C Zimmerman. Cpl. Christopher E. Zimny. Cpl. Matthew R. Zindars. Pfc. Daniel Zizumbo. LCpl Brent B Zoucha. Cpl. Nicholas L. Ziolkowski. Cpl. Ian T. Zook. LCpl. Scott A. Zubowski. LCpl. Robert P. Zurheide Jr. SSG Michael S Zyla. Cpl. Casey P. Zylman
From left, LCpl Christopher Serio, LCpl Chris Ramos, LCpl Shane Goldman, Cpl Jesse Thiry. They got killed in Zedon Iraq on the same day this picture was taken, April 5, by SGT. Aaron Allmon II
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