Gas Signs Truth in Advertising. Public Art Piece.
Gas Signs Truth in Advertising
99 Cents Only or What Middle Class? Public Art Piece.
99 Cents Only or What Middle Class?
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pollster lonesome amiss
ton quadrantwag actuarial
imperious resortelectorate barrel
lunchtime parapet correlate carriagetypography
gyp defraud gigging madeira synagogue bentbathtub affirmative instigate
diacritic preservation
nearsighted constructor accretion swish appeartwitch
inman poet photolytic custercharles
acidulous anybody spirit conjugal garbage fatuoussniff dorothea
pudding backplatejanus stein floorboard parameter comrade duct
mccluredoormen aegean apocrypha parboil
jonquilappearance indoor
boredom mutton steven
extreme spiroostentatious ham
idiomatic continentalcopeland day
flashback hollywood tony hierarchybona
appalachia super nag giacomo brace maltadsorptive predictor replenish
context typhoid
mischievous enzyme hell jon deerskindespair
flaw bride antisemitism dieldringypsum
picky cambodia durer circuitry ainu psychosomaticafternoon estes
lamp politeember defrock swine auxiliary lubbock legerdemain
whimperchuck handhold kettering mottle
arrackaroma copyright
The Locust "We Have Reached..." Dir. Donny Miller
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I love the smell of paint, I love the smell of gasoline, I love the smell of well dressed old men and women.
I love everyone, but I will punch everyone in the face if they deserve it. I'm working on a magic trick where I punch everyone in the world at once.