Goddammit, you pushed me to it...alright: the best I can offer is whatever's rattling 'round me skull this week or that. Try and hold me to any of this in a month's time and I'll call you out for being the dirty liar you are.Currently, but rarely current:Sly & the Family Stone, Oasis (Pleasure? G U I L T Y), new LCD Soundsystem (good!), new Stooges (not so good!), Y Pants, the Clash (Sandinista!...hear it again, for the first time), Bowie (Young Americans), CSS (sexy time!), Arto/Neato ("Pini, Pini!..."). . .
I'm starting to resent these attempts to marginalize me.
Dear "Lying Piece of Shit in Philadelphia"...despite razing the earth of my life in terrible ways, I will begrudgingly admit that you improved my quality of life with the gift of TiVo...but don't forget: while I am no longer a mere Amtrak ride away (you never realized how lucky you were that I didn't capitalize on both my anger and our proximity), remember: never stop looking over your shoulder, you'll only make it worse on yourself.For everyone else: omigod, I just cannot wait til more BATTLESTAR!!
From the Comic Booksshh Sshhop: DMZ, PHONOGRAM, PIRATES OF CONEY ISLAND, DEAD@17...and writing to Sandy Claws, begging for more SUPERMARKET.