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Home of Chemical & Mrs. Ali

My Interests


Goddammit, you pushed me to it...alright: the best I can offer is whatever's rattling 'round me skull this week or that. Try and hold me to any of this in a month's time and I'll call you out for being the dirty liar you are.Currently, but rarely current:Sly & the Family Stone, Oasis (Pleasure? G U I L T Y), new LCD Soundsystem (good!), new Stooges (not so good!), Y Pants, the Clash (Sandinista!...hear it again, for the first time), Bowie (Young Americans), CSS (sexy time!), Arto/Neato ("Pini, Pini!..."). . .


I'm starting to resent these attempts to marginalize me.


Dear "Lying Piece of Shit in Philadelphia"...despite razing the earth of my life in terrible ways, I will begrudgingly admit that you improved my quality of life with the gift of TiVo...but don't forget: while I am no longer a mere Amtrak ride away (you never realized how lucky you were that I didn't capitalize on both my anger and our proximity), remember: never stop looking over your shoulder, you'll only make it worse on yourself.For everyone else: omigod, I just cannot wait til more BATTLESTAR!!


From the Comic Booksshh Sshhop: DMZ, PHONOGRAM, PIRATES OF CONEY ISLAND, DEAD@17...and writing to Sandy Claws, begging for more SUPERMARKET.

My Blog

He looked up and over at her with considerable attention.

"I just don't know any  more what's happened to all you children," Mrs. Glass said vaguely, without turning around. She stopped at one of the towel bars and straightened a washcloth. "In the old ...
Posted by gregory on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 06:53:00 PST