click click, boom boom, doof doof doof.
anti-sane not-dumb creative weirdos... if u make stuff (music/art/video)... bring it!! but dont bother tryin to sell me shit cuz I'm a broke ass bitch. p.s. I hated you first.
diGitAL hardKore, teKno, eleKtro, mnml, iDM, breaKcore, triphop and retro cheeZe.
lost boys, the dark crystal, baraka, the wall, may, society, alice in wonderland, jan svankmajer, 12 monkeys, fight club, tom green, dirty dancing, spirited away, legend, chobits, finding nemo, blow, tank girl, run lola run...
do androids dream of electric sheep, ender's game, tao of pooh, no logo, the vice guide to sex drugs and rock and roll, 1984, the crysalids, day of the triffids...
all my heros are assholes. you dont want to know them.