About Me
Welcome to the site of Becky Johnson's drummer/percussionist/No. 1 fan! My name is Ricky and I'll be your host for this evening. Our specials tonight are, for your listening pleasure, a couple of tracks from Becky's new album, "In the Middle and In Between", as well as a rough cut of the soulful single "I Am One". For dessert, we're featuring a little information about me, the drummist/percussioner, so here goes: in the past week (as of this writing), I had 2 big exams, 2 quizzes, nearly 300 pages of textbook reading to study for aforementioned exams (advice from your Uncle Ricky: don't procrastinate!!), a 10:30pm show the night before one of the exams, 5 research articles to peruse, 7 lectures to attend, a biochemistry laboratory to lead, then another lab session, 2 short essays to write, a discussion class, a lab meeting, quizzes and portions of exams to grade, a social psychology experiment, a friend's a capella performances to attend, 3 rehearsals, 2 slices of cheesecake, and a partridge in a pear tree. Oh--and the World Series was on. But during all this, Becky's lovely music was running through my head, and knowing there was a Becky Johnson concert at the end of the week kept a big smile on my face. So check out her SUPERSTAR talent at myspace.com/beckyjohnson
, and be sure to tip your waitress.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go learn that "snares" aren't just the things under one of my drums. There's a biological relevance: SNAREs are SNAP receptors, SNAPs are soluble NSF attachment proteins, and NSFs are N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion proteins. Thus, SNAREs are actually soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein attachment protein receptors! Aren't I a hoot?
Can you match the Becky Johnson lyrics to Do You Hear Me? to their modified versions on the right?