Guitars, Metal, Women, M-TOWN, Cooking, Car s, Drawing, Playing video games, Dragons, Swords, Knives, Fantasy crap, Medieval crap, Shiny Objects, Eating, and all other kinds of ill shit.
People that are true to who they are. I'm tired of bullshitters and liars and people that take others for granted.Here is a sneak peak at how M-Town rolls at H2O International...the best weekend of the fuckin year!
H20 Madness Part 1
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Nevermore, Pantera, Opeth, Dissection, Necrophagist, Decapitated, Emperor, Dimmu Borgir, Keep Of Kalessin, At The Gates, Iron Maiden, Arsis, Death, Enslaved, Carcass, Immortal, Amon Amarth, Jag Panzer, War Torn, Locus Factor, Darkest Hour, Megadeth, Testament, and pretty much any music my friends make because trust me, I know some talented people!
The Crow, Braveheart, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Boondock Saints, Dawn Of The Dead, The Matrix, Dumb And Dumber, 40 Year Old Virgin, Aliens, Predator, etc.
Myspace Layouts at / Spider
The Speed Channel, Metalocolypse, Venture Bros., The Simpsons, Seinfeld, Arrested Development, Mr. Show, Assorted bad mid-afternoon sitcoms.
Eurotuner, The Bently Service Manual
Dimebag Darrell, Jeff Loomis, Chris Broderick, Ihsahn