Trevor Brown is a composer, sound designer and multi-instrumentalist. He has performed in a multitude of situations from Symphony Orchestras in Australia and the UK, to International Dance Troupes to post-industrialist performance art to street theatre. He has also worked in theatre as a performer and director, receiving Australia Council and NSW Ministry funding for many projects since 1990. Trevor is also an award winning composer for film and theatre. He has played and recorded and toured with groundbreaking Sydney bands and artists including, currently, Waiting for Guinness and the Gyp$y Dub Orche$tar and previously Ju Ju Space Jazz, The New Acoustic Collective, Meta bass n Breath, Morganics, La Fiesta Sound System, Proffesor Itchy's Kitchen and many more...
Trevor has, for many years, worked in many aspects of community cultural development, from Darwin to Horbart, and in the UK and France, in various activities including directing festivals, developing and running workshops with disavantaged communities, Juvenile Justice Arts Programmes and working with people with disabilities. He is also respected for his collaborations with poetry and spoken word artists including Miles Merill, Tug Dumbly, Lisa Greenaway, Edwina Blush.Trevor has also been strongly involved in electro-acoustic audio manipulation, building instruments and systems leading him to be invited to perform and collaborate at IRCAM (Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique) in 1995. Oh, yes, and he also enjoys surfing, bushwalking and gardening ;)