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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

hello there all, i am annie, unemployed at the mo due to the fact that i took a whole ounce of weed in one spliff, twas 2 foot long and required two guys to aid its consumeability!! I was born in Czechoslovakia to a virgin bride called MARIA, grew up in a slum,knew it wasnt for me as I digged more quaint scenes! update to cum soon on the rest of my sorry story!"!!!!
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My Interests

Parties, Drinking (gin), Spartacus, Clubbing, Mythology, Crack,smoking fine skink and resin, Stock market, angling, horses, sex, sex with horses, snooker, cricket, polypropelene production, long walks, robots, Engine overhaule and restoration, beef, ringtones, beans (of both varieties) Annie, Philatelic Investment, North korea, pyrotechnics, the boer war, scuba diving, bird watching, and men/ladies

I'd like to meet:

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Hiem, Lemonjelly, The pouges, beethoven, roman horns, doorbells, DMX, charlotte chuch, busta rhymes, busted(not McFly), the fugees, the beegees, the cure, MC hammer and Heim. (these are the only artists i will listen to. anything else does not register as enjoyable)


Great expetations, Pi, spartacaus, The guns of navarone, Das Boot, fantasia, the blair witch project, casablanca, stripper, toy story 2 (NOT THE FIRST ONE), the full monty, and that one where theres a bunch of miners that are poor but play in a brass band and they win the day


BBC news (NOT ITV or indeed any other broadcasting corparation although i do like trevor Mcdonald) , hollyoaks, Phoenix nights, trisha(i was in "my mother stloe my boyfreind in safeway"), brasseye and pokemon(how do you get pikachu onto a bus? poke-im-on.


the nautical almanac 1998, autotrader, big issue, macbeth, Midge Ure If I Was... ,Engelbert What's In A Name?, Ronan Keating autobiography `Life is a rollercoaster` and Shane Richie autobiography `Rags to Richie`

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superman, churchill, Damon hill, harry hill, gimely, tupac, the Pringal man and Mr bean(no not rowan atkinson)
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