Film, Fetish, Freakshows, Photography, Surrealism, Seduction Cinema, Dadaism, Buddhism, Beer, Brothels, Rubber, Rainy Days, Art, Costume, Crash, Bang, Boom. Shazzam. The same old stuff.
You know, the usually smarmy crowd of Photographers, artists, and writers. Mostly Artists.
The kind that's good for shakin' booty and bosom and these boots.
Wong Kar Wai, Fellini, Beatty, The Marx Brothers. Ooooh, and back when I was a full figured broad I did my first movie for Seduction Cinema. I would have to say I had a great time.
The Prisoner, Adult Swim, Deadwood.
The Phantom Tollbooth, Silverstein, The Tibetan Book Of living and Dying.
Tom waits, and Superheroes in general. Also, Bob Coulter of and bad girl hotel.