Paul Allender profile picture

Paul Allender

Cradle Guitarist

About Me

Im a stand-in martial arts instructor teaching Yoseikan Jitsu mixing the principles of wing chun, seven star preying mantis and Dim Mak when im not touring, i've been training since i was 6yrs in various styles of karate. There thats enough about me, the rest is a secret. Ive teamed up with photographer Cindy Frey to produce some pretty sick dark art, the project is called "Vomitorium", our site will be up and running soon.

If you want to put the banners on your site please feel free to take the images below.

The wallpaper is an image from the Vomitorium, entitled "Pleasures of the Flesh"

Click here for Paul's official profile

Another shot from the Vomitorium, entitled "Banished" which is available as a 1024 x 768 wallpaper, click the image to download.