The integral being is attached to nothing and can relate to everyone with an unstructured attitude. Because of this, her very existence benefits all things.
Lao Tzu - Chinese philosopher & mystic, founder of Taoism
12 years IT Consultant
12 Years Martial Arts Training (Budo)
Splash Magazines World Wide - Special Features Editor (Atlanta)
Listening to Music
Martial Arts
Classical Philosophy - the good, the beautiful and the true
Computers / Internet
Self Awareness
What I am up to at the moment:
workin out a lil
working; working
not to much these days.
I would like to network with people around the globe who share simular interests in the worlds of Finance, IT Technologies, Business, Music, Art, Martial Arts, Philosophy, Religion, Foriegn Languages, all aspects of mysticism and cultural explorations of the hidden elements of life.
Things I like:
1.When people demonstrate something greater then themselves - like kindness or strength.
2.Peeps who value sincerity.
3.My animals - Holy Moly Super Dog & Asha Mara Kat
4.My life - I could not be more grateful for the way my life is going....still. 10/06 Updated 12/07 (even better now)
5.Intergrity, Honor and Loyality- rare gems these days...
6.My new home. I still like it here.