champagne, sandwiches, the giants, traveling, fernet, camping, dive bars, sneakers,sushi, burritos, swimming, working out, hanging out with the family, mac n cheese, driving, driving people crazy...
AIM keeeksgomez
Jesus' Son, Elf, Waking the Dead, National Lampoons Vacation, Godfather I and II, Running With Scissors, Dumb and Dumber,I Heart Huckabees, Freeway, My Cousin Vinny, Drop Dead Gorgeous, Meet Joe Black, Goodfellas,Walk the Line, Almost Famous, Blades of Glory, Breakfast Club, Ace Ventura, The Royal Tenenbaums.
Sunset Tan
Jesus' Son, Sonny Barger's Hells Angels and Green Eggs and Ham
my grandparents.....----not them-----