Carol Statella profile picture

Carol Statella

About Me

Originally from Silver Spring, MD by way of Athens, GA and at home in many musical styles, violist Carol Statella has played on albums as notable as Sinead O’Connor’s Faith and Courage and in backup orchestras for Joni Mitchell, The Moody Blues, Harry Connick Jr., and Brian Wilson, as well as in a string trio for Cat Power's Variety Playhouse performance.
She frequently performs with Lauren Fincham as part of the Rosary duo/trio. Carol (unknowingly!) contributed a live improvised track to the EP Wingspan by Sarah Pinsker. Other live and/or recorded collaborators in recent years include Ronnda Cadle, Ron Hipp (of Over the Wires), Marc English, Envie, Diana Obscura, Mary Delaney, Blake Rainey, and The Tom Collins.
As a reviewer for High Performance Review and contributor to Rockrgrl magazine, she interviewed Caroline Aiken and conductor Robert Shaw. While working as a public radio announcer in the 90s, she produced the series “A Celebration of Women Composers” for NPR affiliate 91.7 FM-WUGA-Athens, GA.
Carol has played in the Atlanta Opera Orchestra and sings with the Atlanta Symphony Chorus.

My Interests

viola, singing, hiking, reading, knitting, yoga, meditation, eating, cats and animals in general, hand drumming, fixing the computer, drawing, conversation, solitude, driving without a destination in mind


The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Nick Drake, Radiohead, Tim Buckley, Lauren Fincham, J.S. Bach, Shostakovich, Carlos Nakai, Lori Carson, Suzanne Vega, Preisner, Bruckner, Badfinger, Jimi Hendrix, Alice in Chains, Little Big Town, Ockeghem, The Raspberries, Bad Company, David Gilmour, Tori Amos, Todd Rundgren, The Moody Blues, Robin Trower, Kate Bush, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, Peter Gabriel, Ronnda Cadle, Fiona Apple, PJ Harvey, Sinead Lohan, Loreena McKennitt, Arvo Part, Pierce Pettis

Rosary (Fincham/Statella)
Ronnda Cadle/String Poets Michael A. Clifton


Bladerunner, The Piano, Wings of Desire, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, The Double Life of Veronique, Beauty and the Beast, American Beauty, The Crying Game, most of Kubrick, The Matrix, The Graduate, Lord of the Rings, Persona, Amelie, Blue, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, many many more.


Mr. Bean, AbFab, Benny Hill, Whose Line is it Anyway, Keeping Up Appearances--TV, when I watch it rarely, is purely for silly escape. Oh, and the Weather Channel...and at times I like to play VHI Classic or CMT on mute.


The OZ series, The Second Sex, War is a Force that Gives Us Meaning, One Taste, The End of Faith, The Myth of Freedom, A Path With Heart, The Time Traveler's Wife, Apples and Oranges, A Course in Miracles, Written on the Body, The Lessons of Terror, Light on Yoga, The World's Religions, The Gutenberg Elegies, The Translucent Revolution


My parents, Ramana Maharshi, The Buddha, Anne Frank, Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Teresa of Avila, J.S. Bach, Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo, Michelangelo, Jesus Christ, Winston Churchill, Ken Wapnick, Cornel West, Pema Chodron, Ken Wilber

My Blog

that is all.

To allow oneself to be carried away by a multitude of conflicting concerns, to surrender to too many projects, to want to help everyone in everything is to succumb to violence. More than that, it is ...
Posted by Carol Statella on Sat, 12 May 2007 08:35:00 PST

no matter what you do lonely you baby blue

Mark, play, over and over. Set the metronome one step up. Rinse and repeat. This is supposed to be good for everyone involved. So to distract myself and procrastinate on breaks, I'm di...
Posted by Carol Statella on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 02:07:00 PST

eve of the Ides of March

Currently wrapped up in the "cultivated" with singing and prepping for classical jobs, while the "vernacular" waits patiently. Down the road, Ronnda and the String Poets and Ron Hipp (I'll b...
Posted by Carol Statella on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 06:53:00 PST

please melt & podcast

Resting and fooling with my pickup before Ronnda and I (and some other fabulous musicians) open at Eddie's. Great news from Lauren Fincham, my partner in Rosary...two songs by her, with some cool comm...
Posted by Carol Statella on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 11:16:00 PST

the thaw

....perhaps? Is one coming? Please tell me it is. Feeling very Mediterranean, the ASOC trip to Miami in March will perhaps satisfy that craving. We're getting a room at South Beach and I plan to soak ...
Posted by Carol Statella on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 03:49:00 PST

the tizzy

I am not sure where you stand (if you're still standing), but after all of these holiday spectaculars I am ready for a week long nap. Have a peaceful season, wherever you are. pl...
Posted by Carol Statella on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 03:07:00 PST

the cold

The next weeks are full of holiday-related classical gig fun, but I do get a chance to play out a bit with Blake Rainey on December 21st at the Earl on a few songs. Have a safe Advent...yule....solsti...
Posted by Carol Statella on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 04:44:00 PST

With Ronnda Cadle at The Crimson Moon

On Saturday, November 11, guitarist Ronnda Cadle will be opening for Al Petteway at The Crimson Moon in Dahlonega. It should be an incredible show--I'll be joining Ronnda, along with bassist Sherry Il...
Posted by Carol Statella on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 08:49:00 PST

Upcoming Dates

On the evening of Friday 10/27, Ron Hipp is performing at Ragamuffin in downtown Roswell--I hope to be joining him on a couple of songs, schedule permitting. Then, Ronnda Cadle and I will be play...
Posted by Carol Statella on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 03:19:00 PST