Stop Torture profile picture

Stop Torture

Honestly, can you picture yourself burning out an animal's eyes? But we all continue to let people g

About Me

The "Meet Your Meat" Video
Remember to "View All Blog Entries"!
Watch the video on that site, too.
QUOTE: "When the fur is finally peeled off over the animals' heads, their naked, bloody bodies are thrown onto a pile of those who have gone before them. Some are still alive, breathing in ragged gasps and blinking slowly. Some of the animals' hearts are still beating five to 10 minutes after they are skinned. One investigator recorded a skinned raccoon dog on the heap of carcasses who had enough strength to lift his bloodied head and stare into the camera."
This is the holocaust. God said He gave these beings the same breath of life He gave humans. They feel the same terror and pain that a human would feel going through this torture.
Therefore, to do this to them is to do this to humans, to stand side by side with Nazis and Al Qaeda terrorists.
Ebay must not simply stop supporting it: They must speak up and place on their site the truth in order to get it stopped!
WRITE!: Torture of Bunnies (1-page article)
QUOTE: "Hung upside down, the rabbits have their heads slowly sawed off as they struggle and cry in pain."
The following video from Iraq will give you an idea of what the rabbits and others go through. Imagine this is yourself or your loved ones, and realize that torture of animals is just as wrong! Turn up the volume and hear it in your heart. Then use your life to make a difference!
For Education of the Heart Purposes Only! Armstrong Beheading Video. Use Discretion: If it is too much, turn it off!
Now watch this pig video from this site
It is, quote, "The most funny thing!"
Dolphins' heads sawed off, etc. It is common.
Now (Discretion!) back to a human beheading to develop more understanding.
This is from a site that has both hoax and real beheading videos, thus the name, but it says this one is real.
And here we have our own soldiers shooting a dog for "fun".
Though shalt not murder?!
Now watch bullets "tested" on these pigs and hear the screams and how the guy talks like nothing is wrong!
I've run out of things to say. Just watch it aghast in horror.
QUOTE: "As you read these words, thousands of bears are being unnecessarily tortured in bear farms for the purpose of bile extraction. The pain is so intense it causes some bears to even chew their own limbs in attempts to be free from the pain. The bears are locked in cages the size of their own bodies. Some live this horrific existence for over 20 agonizing years!"
READ! Petition against GAS CHAMBERS!
When someone gasses dogs and cats, they gas Jews, Catholics, Gypsies and everyone that Hitler gassed. Gassing animals, whom God says He gave the SAME BREATH OF LIFE that he gave to humans, is gassing Jews, Catholics, your own children, and Jesus Himself. God says that the devil has the power to blind people, and this is the blindness, right here. Imagine if you were in a gas chamber, Hell on Earth. Or imagine your family calling to you from behind the glass as you walk away without a care and they die full of terror, betrayal (Why would you do this to me!) and desperate agony.
"Tina-Marie" and "For The Animals" (in the friends section down below) sends out Urgent bulletins of dogs and cats about to be gassed. Please see if you know anyone who can help! Thanks.
Also, see this video about where the millions of cats and dogs and other animals come from to be dissected in schools.
Watch and learn more than your school teaches! Sign Petition!
I'm here for one purpose: Getting animal torture stopped as much as reasonably possible. To start, this means spreading awareness and hopefully convincing others to do likewise.
It is very important to convince people to stand against this holocaust. If younger people can be awakened to reject participation in the unbearably brutal suffering of tens of billions of animals, then those in power will have to listen and change, even if their own hearts are hardened!
There are over 300 Million humans in this country now. Just imagine how much Hell on Earth is caused to feed these people! Then consider it in the light of how much the animals suffered, and give a try at thinking this way: Eating them is swallowing the bodies of holocaust victims, pleasuring yourself with corpses of those that really did suffer terribly just so that you could have that little pleasure. It may taste good or make sense to eat animals, but this is what also makes sense: Those beings, as a fact, felt such ghastly, profound and horrendous pain that I sure hope you don't know anything about it, whatsoever.
PLAN: SCHOOL PLAN! (No Ghouls in the Schools!)
If younger people are shown how horrible this holocaust is, they can decide to be vegetarians and show others in their schools the truth of what is being done, causing a revolution against this Holocaust!
--If you are in school:
TALK to your principle and teachers, and show them these facts. Show your friends these pictures, sounds and facts. See if you can make a display table or bulletin board in your school to educate all others about this issue. Start a club about this issue. -And as fun as it may be to call people ghouls, I'd only use the term in a factual sense, not to arise hate and divisiveness, which is counterproductive to helping someone make a change. I don't think of eating meat as ghoulish simply because the material is meat. Rather, the hidden ghoulishness has to do with the fact that this carcass belonged to a real victim that experienced dreadful suffering and loss so that it could be devoured. Yes, that is where the ghoul really comes in.
So, since it is simple for someone to realize they don't want the unbearable terror and agony of being boiled alive, skinned alive, or horribly tortured in any way, and since that is what happens to tens of billions of animal people per year, in the slaughter and fur industries, and in university, corporate and military labs, you therefore have an excellent point in making the case that doing this to others is abhorrently wrong.
The Golden Rule?
Don't torture others!
This has to stop!
No more Holocaust!
Photo Evidence of Animal Torture
Humane Farming Association
Farm Sanctuary
FIGHT! Foie Gras Evil!
QUOTE?: No! You Click!
French Site:
International Fund for Animal Welfare
BC SPCA; Sign Petition
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
PETA for Kids & School
Christian Vegetarian Site
Kindness is one of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. Mercy to Animals. Fasting is denying the self for the sake of another (the animals, in this case). It is not a doctrine of meat eating being sinful, since that is not what the Bible teaches for us now. I'll explore this view more at a later date.
"Lonely dogs driven mad from confinement to barren steel and cement cells. Dogs dumped on cold concrete flooring after having chunks of muscle cut out of their thighs. Experimenters who severed dogs vocal cords in order to keep them quiet. Sick dogs who were languishing in their cages without veterinary care."
Beleive me: If you want to experience terror and horrible suffering every moment of every day, just go through this, trapped with no help, where the tortures can get to you at any moment.
Fast and Pray for PROCTOR AND GAMBLE, Because Animals Feel TORTURE in their Labs.
Fast and Pray for KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN; see Video of Chickens BOILED ALIVE
I Typed "Cats Boiled" into a Search Engine on Earth ... I Mean, in Hell (They are boiled alive)
2 Interesting Books, etc.
I just found these, have not read them. You should look for reviews on them (books can be wrong), but if this is what you are looking for, they may contain useful facts. Remember: There are lots of books out there on all sorts of topics, and you have to be careful about them.
See these books, too.
Feed The Children
Darfur Petition and Info
Keep a Child Alive

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

PLAN: Use your photo to cause awareness of animal cruelty!
[Edit: You may have noticed I've currently stopped mine at someone's request for now.]

Email celebrities on Myspace, and it will stand out it in their mailbox!

NOTE: You can write words like "Stop Animal Torture!" on the photos of the animals with the Paint program that comes with Windows. This way people will understand when they see it instead of thinking you are psycho if there is no explanation! ; )

If many people start using their default photo as an animated gif like mine, then whenever it is on a page, people will see the evidence of what is done to the animals. If a lot of people do this, then it will get publicity!!!! We need to make this a myspace phenomenon for the sake of the animals!

1. Take your photo of choice and get some photos of the animals from sites on animal cruelty.

2. Crop and adjust so they are all the same size.

3. You can use the following site to make the animated gif:

Make Your Animated Gif

4. When you place a comment on someone's site, you will bring awareness to this holocaust! When you email someone you don't know, they will see it, too.

5. Put something related, like some links, on your own site, so if they click on your ad, they will see those links and be able to follow them to more info, like the links I have on my site, which open in a new browser page.

Thank you.

GOAL: Manufacture a Myspace phenomenon that leads to positive publicity about this holocaust, in order to stop this holocaust.

I'd like to see "Tom" have this on his photo, of course. Maybe if plenty of others do it, he might, also. I mean, no way he would want to be tortured any more than the rest of us, so why not?

Barry Horne, Martyr

It takes inner strength and a strong conviction to do what this link says Barry Horne did (even dying from a hunger strike), and it only can help if you have a lot of followers and get media attention. These days, even if groups of people continually even set themselves on fire in front of the white house and malls and other places, it could take thousands, it could take real pressure to make a change. It might (maybe) get some media attention if some did it (don't!), but it would not cause a change, would simply pass with the days, unless it kept happening with a whole lot of people! And it could take years, with thousands burning. And where do you get enough people who can do that? And would it really be right? Is that faith in God? I do not feel as one who can do that nor who would want to convince others to harm themselves (especially non-Christians).
Therefore, we have to spread awareness in schools and work on influential people to make a real difference and break the monster, bring this evil into the light and reject it individually and in groups.
It is our responsibility, and it can be done!


Click on the "friends" links below: A lot of them have good info on the animal cruelty holocaust.
Of course, I am not responsible for the content on any of the links from this site, and there are even things I am opposed to, but those are not why I send you there.

Spread the word about my site: Give it to your friends, and even bulletin my site. You must motivate yourself to spread the truth, that the truth may set us free! Thank you.P.S. I want to put a lot more on the top friends or get rid of it and put links or something. I'd like to put many more on there, just have to get around to fixing it.



You will be the Heroes!


Jesus is The Hero!

My Blog

Fun button to click! es.woa/54/wa/gotoSite?destSite=AnimalRescueSite&origin=b cstab&wosid=4O00002Z400xA000q2&revisionCode=ON_BCS_A RS_TAB   Click ...
Posted by Stop Torture on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 04:03:00 PST

About This Site! And I get to speak re the hate messages I get.

This site is not perfect, nor am I. I have not had time to somehow present everything perfectly, deal with counterpoints and all that. I get a lot of hate responses to this site, and maybe I will...
Posted by Stop Torture on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 10:28:00 PST

Quite a few groups you may have interest in.

Yes I'm posting the same thing you can find with a simple click. : ) If anyone wants to advertise this site in those places, that would be great to help bring awareness. Thanks. http://groups.myspace....
Posted by Stop Torture on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 05:37:00 PST

WSPA: Sign this for Governments to know this!

  ----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: tina-marieDate: Nov 16 2006 12:10 AM From: CathyDate: Nov 15 2006 6:04 PM The World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) is ask...
Posted by Stop Torture on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 06:17:00 PST

Instead of a Boycott, try a "Fast".

Boycotting is focusing against the company.Fasting is denying the self for the sake of another, in this case, so as to not harm animals.Don't encourage a boycott, focusing against the ompanies, but ra...
Posted by Stop Torture on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 09:38:00 PST

GO HERE!: Lots of horrendous, useful info on the torture of animals And I learned something new: dogs and cats used as LIVE BAIT for sharks! Can you imagine putt...
Posted by Stop Torture on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 02:23:00 PST


11-10-2006300+ views to my site but just the beginnings of assistance, not much yet.Solution:1. Please take INITIATIVE on your own for the site I'm doing!2. Please agree with my DELEGATING to you to g...
Posted by Stop Torture on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 10:17:00 PST

I get to send this to certain people now! (So pray for them).

  Subject:  This is SO Cool! Check this out!     Elie Wiesel, who survived the Nazi holocaust and concentration camps, says that the opposite of Love and Beauty is not Hate and Ugl...
Posted by Stop Torture on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 11:02:00 PST


PLEASE REPOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please write to Senator John McCain, who has some personal experience with torture, to help stop the torture of the anima...
Posted by Stop Torture on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 02:29:00 PST


REPOST !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I contacted the Elie Wiesel Foundation today. Elie Wiesel survived the Nazi holocaust, endured a concentration camp, is a...
Posted by Stop Torture on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 10:28:00 PST