Playing music, writing, sacrificing children to The Dark Lord, chit chat, going off on tangents about all sorts of exciting topics, collecting and organizing many MP3s, viewing all sorts of visual nonsense, computer wrangling, overthinking things, being impolite and evil yet looking mighty fine while doing it.
I like everything. Don't try to pin me down with your labels and boxes, man. I am not a number, I am a free man. RAWK ON. And lounge music. And motown. And metal. Just the good metal. The kind you can shoot up to. And noise. Just the good noise. The kind you can do anal to.
The best music is being made right now. In the 21st century. Don't let cynical or nostalgic or lazy folk tell you otherwise. They're full of shit.
Most Played Overall:
What's Played This Week:
Anything with geek appeal, surreal humor, decadent undercurrents, strong cinematography & sound design.
Battlestar Galactica, Lost, NY Noise, Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
W. Burroughs, D. Cooper, C. Palahniuk, W. Bronk, N. Chomsky, C. Mieville, J. Vandermeer, T. Berrigan, J. Noon, E. Hand, H.P. Lovecraft, L. Eigner, J. Womack, B.E. Ellis, J. Ellroy, R. Creeley, P. Dick, w. Gibson, L. Ferlinghetti
Nick Cave, Scott Walker, Duchamp, Warhol, Howard Zinn, Noam Chomsky, Frank Black. No, not that pixies jackass. That fellow from that TV show. Yes, I know he's fictional. So is most of life.Also, anybody who can tell when I'm being serious or just being an asshole is my hero too.