Joey Crypts, Grave Robbing on Demand profile picture

Joey Crypts, Grave Robbing on Demand

I am here for Friends

About Me

Extended Network Banner made with! Click here to make your own! luck is for losers,XXX, Im straight edge been part of the movement for a while and i aint doin it as a phase its for life and i intend to be doin it for life, so i dont do drugs and i dont drink i aint fucking myself up with that crap. i only hve one eye get over it and stop asking me about it. Hi, im jan also known as Joey Crypts i go by a lot of names cuz people keep giving me them, Joey is wat Coco(love you loads)calls me:D, im 18 iv lived in Dundee, Scotland all my life, Im at college doing Media Studies.Im a bit weird, but who isnt. i would love to be a film director, and am currently working on my first full length script. Apart from a pipe dream of directing, my other main passion is wrestling(and if u say its fake, step in the ring with any wrestler and see how fake it is) and its an ambition of mine to train and hopefully become a wrestler. I love music, as long a its good and original, i will listen to it, i am also the lead vocalist for the bands called Love Hope Destruction and Survivors of Elm Street, u can find us on bebo just now. im lucky enough to have great friends Danzig, Stu and Becky, i love all u guys and if i havent mentioned you and you complain about it, get a life and stop being emo. im also in love with an amazing person i love them more than anything(COCO I LOVE YOU), and can't wait to spend my life with them and have them with me, always supporting me, and making me feel better when im down. they make my life worth living. I'd be so lost without you.TOO PUNK TOO BE DRUNK

Background from Yahoo search result

My Interests

my friends, doctor who (it kicks ass), my lover, wrestling(RoH and FIP are th best)but wwe and tn re still gd, playing my bass, guitar hero, retro gaming (luv the N64 and then SNES), my PSP, making Films, listening to music(Real Punk), having a good time, witch i can always do at stu's house. its fucking great, i've met sum great people , had amzing weekends, and just great times since i started hangin out there, i also read alot of fan fiction, mostly harry potter, suite life and wizards of waverly

I'd like to meet:

i lov to meet nw people, but id love to meet a Ramone(tasha you dont count), the guys From Iron Maiden, anybody in the idols section of this page,


Iron Maiden, The Eddies, the sex pistols, the clash, led zeppelin, The Jam, The Dangle Berries, Vice Squad, The Ramones,The Sensational Alex Harvey Band, 7second, Nine inch nails, johny cash, My chemical romance, Panic at the disco, fallout boy, Marlyn Manson, Tenacious D, Pink Floyd, The Misfits, Rancid, REM, Come Back Kid, Minor Threat, Throwdown, Stretch Arm Strong, Limp Wrist, XfilesX, Crucial Attack, Sharp Edge, Dirty Wee Midden, Paramore, Stephen Lynch, Billy Talent, The Valentine Project, Nofx, The Village People, Love Hope Destruction, The Dobbers, Survivors of Elm Street, Stephen Lynch, Tim Minchin


Texas chainsaw massacre, the ammityville horror, Anything by George A Romero, Team America(Fuck Yea), The Excorsist, Phsycho, village of the damned, children of the damned, south park the movie, bigger, longer and uncut, children of men, Talladegea Nights the ballad of Ricky bobby, City of god, The Star Wars Saga, Jurassic Park 1, 2, 3, The Lion King, anything by kevin smith set in the veiw askew universe, The Harry Potter Movies, LOTR, The Wickerman(original)


doctor who, red dwarf, south park(swueet),WWE RAW, Dinnerladies, TNA Impact, Fairly odd Parents, Becker, Two and a Half Men, any thing on paramount comedy realy, The Suite life of Zack and Cody, ROH, Only Fools and Horses, Blackadder, Anythin On DAVE, Lost, Wizards of Waverly Place, and Power Rangers some of the series are a bit dodgy but there still gd, Star Trek DS9(ye i'm a Niner),


It may be childish but the Harry Potter Books i fucking love them, comics are books, so x-men and the young avengers


CM Punk,Classic Colt Cabana, and Ace Steel(the second city saints)(can't wait to see all three of these guys in WWE showing the fans what real wrestling is), Shawn Micheals, George A Romero, Johny Depp, Eddie Guerrero(RIP) , Kevin Smith, Jason Mewes, Joey Ramone(RIP), DOCTOR WHO, Bruce Dickinson, Ian Mckaye, Michale Graves, Homocide, PAC, bryan danielson, Samoa Joe, Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley, Stephen Lynch, Tim Minchin