Credits: The background photo on this page was taken by the wonderful Linzy cos she's full of self-importance. The page is coded and kept free of spam by Linzy and Shell and Kirsty and Rock n Roll Nerd. Lovely ladies.
Contacting Me: I love getting comments and messages through this page and I do generally read them all but be sure to check out and if you do have a question as chances are it's already been answered elsewhere. If you do ask a question I'll do my best to get back to you, but if I don't I'm really sorry! Please forgive me. I can't handle guilt. Sometimes Linzy or Shell will answer questions for me. If you have an important, work-related query, please go here to contact my management. They're very nice. Although come to think of it the Australian one is pretty scary and the American one I'm too intimidated to even ring myself.
Other Websites: Here is a link to , where you can find contact info, merchandise, MP3s, pics and all sorts of fun. And if you want more, the irrepressible Linzy runs the fine fan page, , where you can find all my lyrics, loads more pics, obscure downloads and a forum where you can talk to other crazy people about all the things crazy people talk about.This is the audio of my nine-minute beat poem, "Storm" from my new show, READY FOR THIS.
"Rock n Roll Nerd", filmed for the ABC's Sideshow in 2007:
"Not Perfect", filmed for the ABC's "Sideshow":
A video clip of Canvas Bags made for the BBC's "Comedy Shuffle":
By the by, my website has other downloads and stuff on it and is a tepid fountain fizzing with intriguing information.