Traveling, Singing, Shopping, Reading, Skating, Comedy, Exercising, Theater, Plays, Music, Salsa, Walking in the Park,
flowers layout @ HOT
Gospel, Soft Jazz, R&B, Classical, Salsa, Reggae,
Twister, Color Purple, Hitch, Roots, Tyler Perry Movies and Plays,Passion Of Christ, Apollo 13,
Sopranos, "24", Martin, House, G. Garvin, CNN, Patty Labelle, Amer. Idol, Dancing With The Stars, Dick Van Dike, Lucy, Three Stooges, Munster, Adams Family, Kojak, Creature from the black Lagoon, My favorite Martian,
Bible, It's Your Time, (My Bishop, Eddie L. Long)and all his other books, It Had Already Happen (Pastor Terrel L. Murphy), Why We Want You To Be Rich (Donald Trump/Kiyosaki), Passion Of Christ