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*******Shara Ponce Fan Page,from Ujena*******

About Me

Create a Myspace LED Scroller In 2004, Sarah was named Ujena Model of the Year. She travelled with the Ujena Photo Crew and Around Town Productions to Mallorca, Spain to shoot the Cover of Swimwear Illustrated Magazine and to film Bikini...Weapon of Choice. In 2004, after travelling with Ujena to Cancun and California, Sarah completed the filming of Bikini...Weapon of Choice. For the first time, she saw the completed film. along with her Ujena Model co-stars and 800 on-lookers at The City nightclub in Cancun, Mexico.This Texas beauty is stunning and athletic. In addition to appearing on several Ujena Catalog and Magazine covers, she holds three national and international titles in Kickboxing.Ujena Stats: Ujena Model of the Year, 2003 Placed 3rd overall in Ujena Fitness Challenge at Bikini Jam 17 Featured in Ujena Catalog and website Co-star in the film BIKINI...Weapon of Choice Travelled with the Ujena Photo Crew to Mallorca, Cancun, San Juan Bautista and Palo Alto, CA Featured on several front covers of the Ujena Catalogs and Swimwear Illustrated Magazine Summer 2004........................................................ .......................................................... ...................
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My Interests

Bikini Jam 22 May 2007 - Sitges, Spain Bikini Jam Week (Jam 23) and Bikini Image Awards: August 2007 - Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Bikini Jam 24 January 2008 - Sydney, Australia WWW.BIKINIJAM.COM WWW.UJENA.COM WWW.UJENATV.COM -----------------------------------------------------------Y OU CAN GET ALL OF SARAH PONCE,OUTFITS,DRESSES AND SWIMWEAR AT WWW.UJENA.COM ..


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My Blog

Check out this video: Tokyo Initial Drift

Posted By:Uchiha Sasuke *pointing at you and laughing*Get this video and more at MySpace.com...
Posted by ***SEXY*** on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 07:03:00 PST