mELiZa profile picture


tHE wORLd iS yOuRs ....img src="" border="0" alt="

About Me

iM FrOm MtY mExIcO....iM a vEry eaSygOinG peRsoN..I cAn maKe peOpLe SmiLe..... EnJoy haNgiNg witH fRiEndS,liSteNing tO muSic, aNd juSt plAin reLaXing somEtiMes , I'm kiNd of sHy aT fiRst, bUt I reAlLy oPen uP afTeR getTing tO knOw soMeOne

My Interests

mUSic, mOvIeS, dAnCiNg, cOmEdY, bOokS.

I'd like to meet:


alL kiNd oF muSic,Amr Diab,Nancy Ajram,Iwan,bENny bEnasSi mIx,moStLy sOuL,jAZz, hiP-hOp and r&b . img src=" igns/Dance/d28.gif"


gOne wiTh tHe wInd, SenSE ANd SensiBiLITY, ClicK, wHite cHiks!(haha), tHE gOdfaThEr, rEmEmBeR tHe tItAnS,adAM saNdLer moViEs,bEn sTiLlER moViEs,mY fAiR laDy, tHE gOonIeS, tHe wEdDiNg daTe,cRoUcHiN tIGGer hIdDen dRAgOn wEIrD sCiEnCe, sWeeT siXtEeN, sOuNdS oF muSiC, gReAse, i cAn nAme A tHoUSaNd cUz iM a bIg fAn oF mOviEs.


sIMpsoNs,dEsperAte hOusEwIvEs, lOsT, GrEy, boNeS, sMaLlViLle, AIda, 5 HeRmanOS


eL alQuiMiStA,vOlaR soBrE El paNtANO,giBraN KhaLiL giBraN pOeTry,eL caBellEro de La aRMaDura OxiDaDa,eL dIArIo dE aNa fRANk,LittLE woMEn...THE BIBLE of cOuRse


JEsUcRiStO.......................................iM hOldIng oUt fOr a hErO

My Blog

I Love Cake

Posted By:Big RichardGet this video and more at
Posted by mELiZa on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 03:29:00 PST

Check out this video: Tokyo Initial Drift

Posted By:Uchiha Sasuke *consumed by hate*Get this video and more at
Posted by mELiZa on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 05:15:00 PST