Steven profile picture


I'm just a dork making my way through the universe

About Me

Contact Table by On vacation out west from May 5th to May 16th, then farther out west at Celebration IV from May 24 to May 30 Apparently my account has been phished, but I've changed my password to save it from being ruined. However, if you still get weird ad shit from what seems to be me, its not me. I never advertise on people's comments. The URL to this page is:
Everything you ever wanted to know is here within these digital walls for you to explore.....Interesting facts:
I am a college senior with no immediate future, although it may involve getting dirty and playing with rocks.
I'm left handed.
(I enjoy using parentheses.)
I have a wonderfully dirty vocabulary.
I have the worst timing in the world.
I'm an avid follower of Murphy's Law , as things around here do tend to fall apart quite regularly.
I'm into too many things at once, so you might notice my eclecticism and my tendency to change things.
I'm into so many things, it's not even funny.
My limited amount of HTML is being overtaken by the newer CSS and Myspace Codes, but don't think of me as sloppy all of a sudden.
I find that I become misunderstood very easily, but I don't mean to confuse anyone with my quirky ways.
People tell me I look like Harry Potter. :S
I collect things, lots of things.
My workspace consists of towers of papers, notes, books, and items.
I love Wookieepedia.
I rarely get out when not needed to, however things are changing that too.
Though when outdoors finally, I still have trouble adapting to it.
Even as my life changes, and I integrate new things into it, I am still socially awkward, and hovering outside even my own friend's circle.
I long for many things, but don't tend to push it as they won't come to me anyway.
I almost feel tortured sometimes.
I never understand the opposite sex.
They ultimately never understand me.
On another note:
I am a Myspace addict!!! Help me!!! Facebook me!
How White and Nerdy Are You? Interesting, I'm not nerdy enough. If you want to AIM me, message me first. I wish people would at least say something on my profile, post a comment, anywhere, its driving me nuts!
This profile has been viewed over 35000 times as of February 2007.
Go visit my groups, I created a bunch for you people to join, but you all seem so stubborn.... I am now the moderator of 56 groups, and am a member in about another 300 groups . Wookieepedia now will have a booth in the Fan Fair Hall at Celebration IV. We will be holding a Stump the Wookiee contest where you can participate. We need all the support we can get.
I have a small insignificant fan club that people can join, but don't even bother as nothing good will come from this.
My new spring 2007 schedule. All times are in Central.
Times Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

930 GEOL 3001 GEOL 3001
1000 GEOL 3001 GEOL 3001
1030 GEOL 3001 GEOL 3001
1100 GEOL 3000 GEOL 3000 GEOL 3000
1130 GEOL 3000 GEOL 3000 GEOL 3000
1200 GEOL 3000 GEOL 3000 GEOL 3000
100 GEOL 3061 GEOL 3061
130 GEOL 3061 GEOL 3061
200 GEOL 3061 GEOL 3061
230 GEOL 3060 GEOL 3060 GEOL 3060
300 GEOL 3060 GEOL 3060 GEOL 3060
530 CHEM 1120 CHEM 1120
600 CHEM 1120 CHEM 1120
630 CHEM 1120 CHEM 1120
700 CHEM 1121 CHEM 1121
730 CHEM 1121 CHEM 1121
800 CHEM 1121 CHEM 1121
830 CHEM 1121 CHEM 1121
900 CHEM 1120 CHEM 1120
930The Vader Sessions
Shredisode IV Parts I and II
Visit for more.
RvD2: Ryan vs. Dorkman 2!

My Interests

S tar Wars, playing guitar (I'm not that great, but I'm sufficient). Listening to various selected musical interludes. Going to campus and trying to survive. Being on the computer--all--the--time (I can't get away from the damn thing!... unless my computer has a major gut rupture to which I'll then avoid it for months on end.) Wikipedia . Wookieepedia . Futurepedia . Being friends with the few friends I know, always hoping to add more. Being obsessed with Myspace, just look at my groups. Taking an uncountable numbers of pics with my digital camera (has since decreased). Rooting for a football team that has a slim chance of success, and then rooting for a different one. "Hanging out" with a few dozen myspacers whom I've never actually met personally. Dressing up like Darth Vader . Finding myself being one of a million emotions, including being neurotic, paranoid, freaked out, buzzed, lazy, laughing out loud, goofy, nuts, to myself, cool with things, monotone, at a loss for words, anti-social, inquizitive, schitzoidal, zombified, half-asleep, depressed, silent, exhausted, cold, and many more. Also looking for fairness, looking for a second chance, falling behind, checking myself for mistakes, finding an alternative route, turning the volume way up loud, procrastinating and watching the clock tick away more precious minutes of my lifespan when I could be doing something very productive on this wretched planet...

I'd like to meet:

People. Preferably those 18 and up. Here are more rules for people:
Talk to me before automatically adding me!
I rarely accept those under 18 on here as friends (I make a few exceptions), but I think myspace is going down the toliet now because of the flood of youth (see story on NBC about child molestors on this site). If you are younger than 16, forget about it kiddies. I will deny ALL requests by those with Private Profiles.
If you are a band trying to get my attention, note that I may add you if I like your music, or that I may tell the rest of the world how much you suck, so go easy on the solicitations.
If you are selling anything and I don't know you, you won't get my add.
If you are a pornbot, leave me alone so I can find a real woman to make love to.
If you can't spell even basic words like "the" and "you", its a red flag that I'm not on your level and will not try to talk down to your level. There are plenty of exceptions, but this is only if you can't stop using StIcKy TeXt to communicate.
If you have more than one video or flash playing on your profile, do not expect me to even deal with that and you will be denyed simply for hogging bandwidth that makes this site or my computer properly function. Thanks to all who eventually fucked my computer up.
Once again, let me remind you: NO KIDS, as I'd like to talk to those in my age group, and also MESSAGE FIRST, as I like to know people ahead of time every now and then. Then I might give it a good thinking.
If I deny you, do not take it personally.
NOTE: Now, if you are one of my local friends, let's try to get out do things out in the real world.

Second Note: If you message me, are not a friend, and have a private profile, I cannot return your message because of myspace restrictions, and you will be better off to ask on the forums of one of the groups.
Some of my more important groups are shown below. Visit my ring of Clarksville groups:


T aste of several genres including rock, metal, punk, other stuff, also trying to listen to some local bands. (If you are really interested, IM me, but why would you want to waste your time)


E very action, comedy, most scifi, fantasy, war, drama, and some horror movies. A little saga called Star Wars ...


V ery interesting programming. Most programs on Discovery, History, Travel, and National Geographic Channels. Sci-Fi Channel. News channels. Sports of any kind.


E verything and Anything


N ote the following: Ken Jennings, Steve Squyres, Geoffrey Marcy, Eugene Shoemaker, Neil Armstrong, Harrison Schmitt, Philip Christensen, Michio Kaku, Carl Sagan, Burt Rutan, George Lucas, Abel G. Pena, Will Wright, Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein, Paul Moller, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, more will come to me soon...

My Blog

My Thoughts on Virginia Tech

What a horrific day this has been. The worst massacre in United States history. 33 killed and around 25 injured as of tonight (4/16/07). I viewed the VT network on Facebook and one of their groups "I'...
Posted by Steven, King of Dorks on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 08:13:00 PST

I Wonder If This Function Even Works

Well Myspace has gotten me to a breaking point. I logon only to find that I can't post comments, reply to bulletins, blogs or messages, or even deny certain friend requests. (Court, I actually read yo...
Posted by Steven, King of Dorks on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 12:19:00 PST

Life With Mother and Family for New Years

2007 is here at last but it didn't come without plenty of twists and turns by way of a post-Christmas/New Years vacation to North Carolina for a week, home to my mother, her hubby Jim, and my brother ...
Posted by Steven, King of Dorks on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 06:56:00 PST

Geek confessions, Obsessions, Mofferences, and Such

I was finally able to pull off a local Star Wars geek meeting for people on my campus, the first of its kind. I had this idea for some time, if not to talk about the saga, at least have fun while play...
Posted by Steven, King of Dorks on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 02:34:00 PST

A Night on Blood Mountain

Hello to all once again. I have been requested to release another blog for the mindless zombies of myspace. Mmm, blogs... So I just got back from Georgia. Oh what a trip that was, being dragged to Dah...
Posted by Steven, King of Dorks on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 01:18:00 PST

Especially in Michigan

Thus marks another installment of the increasingly rare blog by me. Usually I'll wait for something big to happen before I cram it all down your throats to digest and then grasp what I'm trying to exp...
Posted by Steven, King of Dorks on Sat, 24 Jun 2006 02:06:00 PST

A Few Months Later

I suppose this is where I get the 'welcome back to myspace' greeting. Well I 've been checking in every now and then, though not with the same intensity I once had. Classes for the spring semester are...
Posted by Steven, King of Dorks on Wed, 05 Apr 2006 03:24:00 PST

End of the Year Blues

Sometimes I just feel like gouging my eyes out with a plastic spork. This is one of those days. However, I'm out of sporks right now. So to start another round of year-ending rants and bitchings. Fi...
Posted by Steven, King of Dorks on Tue, 27 Dec 2005 04:35:00 PST

I'm not worthy

Gone with this "King of Dorks" facade of which I chose to use for the longest time. There are too many others out there that could easily replace me in terms of their godawful dorki-geeki-dweebiness. ...
Posted by Steven, King of Dorks on Wed, 23 Nov 2005 08:45:00 PST

Yet another survey

Thanks to Court for supplying me with yet another survey to waste my time on, but at leaast you'll learn something. 10 FirstsFirst Best Friend(s): Did I ever have any best friends? Ok, Robert was one....
Posted by Steven, King of Dorks on Wed, 02 Nov 2005 12:42:00 PST