New Radiohead remix up - listen and vote! Ah, go on. |
Ello! As some of you may be aware, Radiohead recently made all the separate tracks that make up the song 'Nude' from 'In Rainbows' available for remixing into oblivion. It is also a competition of sor... Posted by Fine Excuses - debut album coming soon... on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 03:51:00 PST |
February Album Writing Month 2008 album DUN! |
Hi all,Well, another album-in-a-month challenge is out of the way, so joining 'Three Pinned Assailants', is a 15-track assortment of oddities called 'Chorine'. Have a listen here, why don't you. FAWM ... Posted by Fine Excuses - debut album coming soon... on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 01:54:00 PST |
EP released! Come and have a listen! |
Holy shit! We managed it!The EP is finally here, along with the seventh and final newsletter! Come and have a listen, and download the buggers from our profile!Also, here's newsletter no 7...Click for... Posted by Fine Excuses - debut album coming soon... on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 02:33:00 PST |
Newsletter number 6 joy! The week before the EP... |
Morning folks!Newsletter number 6 is here, and like 4, it's something of a stopgap before a main event - the EP release next week! Nonetheless, it has the last part of the production 'diary', plus poo... Posted by Fine Excuses - debut album coming soon... on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 02:46:00 PST |
EP packaging and Newsletter 5! |
Afternoon people,Here we are again, armed with the fifth missive in the week-by-week countdown to Fine Excuses new EP, 'Mild Peril' (out Dec 3rd, innit). This week has something mighty special to its ... Posted by Fine Excuses - debut album coming soon... on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 04:44:00 PST |
EP preview MP3 up now! |
Aha! I know, I know, it's not morning anymore, but no matter! Finally, it is time to sling you a preview of the new EP! We've been slaving over this for a good while now, and if I may say so, it's sou... Posted by Fine Excuses - debut album coming soon... on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 06:27:00 PST |
More joy! Newsletter 2 and Making Of video! |
Alright people! Who said 2nd was nowhere? I don't know, but they're idiots. Newsletter number 2 is here, and even aside from our 'Making of the EP' video, it's got plenty of oddness to go round: Clic... Posted by Fine Excuses - debut album coming soon... on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 03:13:00 PST |
Saints be praised! It’s the Fine Excuses Newsletter Issue 1! |
Morning folks!Ah, the rapture! The first FE corporate newsletter is here! This week, it has a production diary in amongst the useless blather:
jpgJus... Posted by Fine Excuses - debut album coming soon... on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 02:56:00 PST |
More ace stuff to come... |
Oi oi,Following the announcement about the date of the new Fine Excuses EP (Dec 3rd, innit!), here's a quick couple of things that have transpired since.First up, the main site (http://www.fineexcuses... Posted by Fine Excuses - debut album coming soon... on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 09:41:00 PST |
New EP on the way at last! |
Hello, my excuse-ridden bedfellows,Yes! It's been a bloody long time coming, but at last I can unveil the date for the release of the new Fine Excuses EP - December 3rd, 2007. Pencil it in. Then penci... Posted by Fine Excuses - debut album coming soon... on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 03:43:00 PST |