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very hit vole

About Me

Start: 1991
Skalp (7“ EP, 1996)
Nebestan (7“ split w/ Love 666, 1997)
Srdce v kusech zvuku (CD / LP / MC, 1999)
Pisek je zkaza (7“ w/ Thema 11, 2001)
Milimetry ticha (CD / LP, 2002)
Shared the stage with:
The Young Gods, Pelican, Melvins, GvsB, Rollins Band, Unsane, Zeni Geva, Michael´s Uncle, Today Is The Day, Hammerhead, Ed Hall, Pachinko, Guapo, and many more...
"As overall songwriting goes, the group is as far from accented emo as it's possible to get -- they have far more in common, sonically speaking, with groups like the Young Gods, Killing Joke and Joy Division than with disaffected twenty-something WASPs. Don't even bother trying to listen to Millimetry Ticha at low volume; the volume knob is best set no lower than eight. You'll either listen with fists and jaw tightly clenched, or sing along in a joyful, wordless howl." (Splendid Magazine)
"First off it's rock music, really powerful and hard hitting. It could have been released by Amphetamine Reptile or Touch & Go as well. Bands like Girls Against Boys, Cop Shoot Cop, Helmet and Shellac come to mind." (Dance Of Days)
"Different than the usual shit. This unique sounding music has a ´70s and early ´80s new wave experimental feel that, thanks to a cohesive drive an memorably simple, solid song structure, is saved from regressing into boring pretentiousness. Unlike a lot of records of this sort, the guitar experimentalism works in part because the emphasis is on playing only what´s necessary and not on endlessly noodling all over the place. The result comes off sounding like a far more down to earth vision of what a Girls Against Boys is trying to achieve. The percussions and the rhythms remind me of The Ex with some Joy Division bass lines and darkness thrown in. The production is raw and up front keeping it from sliding into removed, ambient background noise. Good." (Maximum Rock´n´Roll)

My Interests


Member Since: 10/12/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Martin - bss
Olda - drms
Petr - gtr
Adam - bss, vcs

Influences: Lyssa, AmRep, The Jesus Lizard, Unsane, Dischord Records, Wollongong, Swans, HydraHead Industries, Black Sabbath, Cop Shoot Cop, Michael´s Uncle, GvsB, Black Flag, Touch And Go, Treponem Pal, Bad Brains, Mad-Mouse Chicago I.R.A., Unwound, Tar, Big Black
Sounds Like: epochal
Record Label: Silver Rocket
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Fotky z nahravani

..> Cau, kolem desky zatim zadny novinky, nekdy na zacatku rijna to pujdu do JaMoru nakrakat a vyjit by to snad melo do konce listopadu. Dekujeme moc za vsechny nabidky ke koncertum, ale znova ...
Posted by Gnu on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 09:35:00 PST

Nahravani - treti den

Ty vole to snad uz ani nebylo nahravani. Petr dneska dohral do nekterejch veci kytary a bylo to. V pul ctvrty jsme to balili a nazdar. Peclive jsme to s odstupem jednoho dne poslouchali, jestli je pot...
Posted by Gnu on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 02:19:00 PST

Nahravani - druhej den

Co to jako ma bejt? "Sabbath Bloody Sabbath" pro novy tisicileti nahrany za zhruba sest hodin? Co vam mam rikat. Dneska jsem si uzil studio nejvic za tech patnact let, co hraju v posrany kapele. Nevim...
Posted by Gnu on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 01:19:00 PST

Nahravani - prvni den

Takze, vyzbrojeny Dadovejma granatama, zazitkama ze SRSS, strunama od Pelican a talentem od Boha jsme v pondeli 13. srpna napochodovali do JaMoru, Ondrej to tam zadratoval, my jsme si to vyzkouse...
Posted by Gnu on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 02:52:00 PST

K veci

Cau, Martin odjel na svou kazdorocni dovolenou na druhej konec sveta, kde se na mesic odstrihne od civilizace. Letos vyrazil do "zeme s nejvetsim poctem nevybuchly munice", coz je bud Laos nebo Vietna...
Posted by Gnu on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 09:09:00 PST


Zdravim! Co se tyka novy desky (diky, ze se furt ptate, uz je nam to trochu trapny...), tak uz konecne zname termin nahravani. Zaciname 13. srpna klasicky u Yoze, ale znate to: jde o nas a o Yoze, tak...
Posted by Gnu on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 09:00:00 PST

Mlady bozi

Cau! Vcera jsme hrali s Young Gods... A ty vole, ze to teda stalo za to. Zevnitr ty muziky se to tezko posuzuje, ale my jsme si to uzili hodne. Lidi na nas byli taky moc hodny, az skoro necekane....
Posted by Gnu on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 06:15:00 PST

V Brne s Young Gods!

Cau, tak ve ctvrtek hrajeme v Brne na Flede s Young Gods. Strasne se na to tesim a jsem zvedavej na celej ten koncert. Young Gods byli (a jsou!) hlavne pro me a pro Martina jednou z tech fakt zasadnic...
Posted by Gnu on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 07:02:00 PST

Post - Pelican

Cau, tak koncert s Pelican uz je minulosti. Skoda. Jestli jste tam byli, tak snad jste byli spokojeny. Ja byl ze zivy podoby Pelican uplne nadsenej, byl to velkej masakr a jak uz jsem psal a rika...
Posted by Gnu on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 06:30:00 PST

Zpatky z Francie, pred nama Pelican

Cau! Konecne mam trochu casu napsat o tech ctyrech koncertech venku s Lyssou. Predevsim - Lyssa vladne. Novy veci, ktery ted hrajou, jsou famozni, vsechny ctyri vecery jsem to sledoval s otevreno...
Posted by Gnu on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 01:47:00 PST