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Deti deste

About Me

Deti deste = D2ti de3t2 = Les enfant..s de la pluie

A hey hey! Neuveritelne se stalo skutecnosti po osmi letech existence a nekolika stylovych a personalnich kotrmelcu (které se ustalily v r 2004) se nam konecne podarilo vydat desku!. Ano trvalo to dlouho, ale porodní bolesti uz odezneli a my se s Vami konecne muzeme podelit o nasi predstavu dezolatniho garazovyho rokenrollu... 3 ukazky z kotouce tady na spajzu!

Deska vysla 23.5. na nasem oblibenym labelu Silver rocket , nese jmeno Love and piss a je na ni 10 zarezu. Diky vsem za pomoc a podporu.

"Se napij Ludo... ti rikam furt a budes v pohode!" Porazit strom - boli.
D2ti de3t2


A hey hey! Unbelievable just happen. After eight years of being, few stylish and personal changes we finally release THE album! Yes it take a long time, but throes are gone a we can finally share our idea of desolath garage rocknroll. You can taste it right here on myspace.

Album was released on May 23rd on our favorite Silver rocket label, it calls Love and piss and bears 10 tracks.

"Take a drink Luda... You'll be fine..." Cut down the tree - hurts
D2ti de3t2

17.11.2006 Live, klub Edgar Jihlava

Ot8zka de3t2

My Interests


Member Since: 09/08/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:

    Bugrr with guitar Ondra with one feet on monitor Luda with traction-engine Filda with crucial-board Marta without lost cymbals



Todd, Melvins, Sonic Youth, Svehlík, Lyssa, Motorhead, Partchimp, Unsane, Trial of Death, Givemanakick, Vaz, Einsturzende neubauten, Valina, Swans, Deverova chyba, Aran Satan, Tábor, As, Plzen, Metropolis, 007, Everything Heavy, Everything Blues, Everything Dezolath...
Sounds Like: DEZOLATH!
Record Label: Silver Rocket
Type of Label: Indie

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