Ionad NÃ iseanta CÃ nan is Cultar na GÃ idhlig
National Centre of Gaelic Language and Culture
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Get Your Own! | View Slideshow’S e Sabhal Mòr Ostaig an aon cholaiste ann an Alba far am faighear foghlam leantainneach agus aig à rd ìre, air a theagasg tro mheadhan na Gà idhlig a-mhà in. Tha a’ Cholaiste ann an Slèite, aig fìor cheann a deas an Eilein Sgitheanaich, agus tha cothrom ann do dh’oileanaich a bhith ag ionnsachadh ann an à rainneachd oideachaidh gun samhla.
Sabhal Mòr Ostaig is Scotland’s only college of further and higher education providing courses taught solely through the medium of Scottish Gaelic. Situated on the southern peninsula of Sleat on the Isle of Skye, the College offers a wonderful opportunity for students to study in a unique learning environment.
Ma tha ceist sam bith agaibh a thaobh a' Cholaiste no cail air an là rach seo, carson nach fà g thu teachdaireachd gu h-ìosal is thig sinn air ais thugaibh cho luath 's urrainn dhuinn.
If you have any questions regarding the College or anything on this site, why not leave us a message below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.