jean derby profile picture

jean derby


About Me

My name is Jean Derby, formerly Jean Orbaker. But I have not had that name in about 5 years. It’s weird, i seem to be much cooler these days, and all it took was something so simple as a name change. go figure.Anyhow, I am not a band. I have always loved to sing, and have had a love for music. All kinds. I remember when was in school, all i wanted to do was music related. I use to cut class and hang out with the choir instructor and take vocal lessons. I didn’t mind the detentions, i liked the musical stuff better than class. And I never wanted college, I wanted to play a guitar and sing. After school, i traveled for a while, sang in bars while friends played music, got sand in my shoes, hitch-hiked, and almost let myself get dreadlocks. I tucked that part of myself away for the last ten years, for a very dumb reason. And within the last year I decided that i wanted to learn the guitar, finally. I didn’t want to look back in ten years and say "i wish i could’ve done that" So I am going to do it now. I already have the writing and singing, just need the music. Not trying to be famous, just need to say "i tried". I’d put up a file of me singing a tune, but it’d be sounding a bit karaoke-ish, as i still am not that well at my guitar playing yet. I practice when I can, in between tending to my two kids. There is Camden, he is 6, and in kindergarten, and very smart for his age. He has been my little buddy for the last 6 yrs. and now he has to get use to sharing me with his sister. Her name is Ashlyn, she is 5 months old now. And I couldn’t ask for anything better. I’m in love with life today. I have finally made sense out of who I am, and who i want to become. I have met alot of great people. And I’ve done alot of things in my 28 years. But when I look back and reflect on all the craziness, I regret nothing. And I’m sure there will be alot more craziness to come. I am looking forward to the journey. Maybe one day, I will put something up above on that player. Maybe, being the key word. For now I’ll be happy with my updated BIO section.3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

My Interests


Member Since: 10/11/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Cam, Ash,K and Me...oh yeah,Chewy too.

Sounds Like: me practicing my guitar... i can sing, i just do that to other's songs. none of my own yet.
Record Label: the one i made up in my head
Type of Label: None

My Blog

semi-famous by association

Check out this video: Where Music Meets Film feat. Jason Mraz Add to My Profile | More Videosi made jason's guitar strap! and it was on tv too! what bitches??!!pretty rad though? yes sir! ...
Posted by jean derby on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 06:18:00 PST