Leland Stoelwinder
Actor/ Filmmaker
Musician/ Audio Engineer/ Record Producer
Prior to the film industry, actor/filmmaker Leland Stoelwinder started off in music as a musician/ audio engineer and music promoter in Northern British Columbia Canada. In 2003 he produced the “Back Off! Benefit CD†for his company Grasshopper Music; a non-profit organization uniting artists to address issues and raise awareness to create progressive change and diversity in the world. The CD charted in Canada on CKLN, CFMU, CHSR, CKDU, CIUT, CFRU, CKUL and CBC. With sales and support from around the world, he was able to help contribute to stopping an initiative, called the “Working Forest†the most anti-environmental legislation in the history of British Columbia. He is currently producing the new benefit CD "Emergency!" which is aimed at helping victims of poverty, set to be released July 27, 2007.
A vegan chef and certified nutritionist, in 2004 he was approached by underground film actor/director Johnny Terris and award winning director/cinematographer Steve Ashlee to do a screen-test for the latest Ashlee film “Silent Alarmâ€. The screen-test worked out and the Dutch/Icelandic actor got the lead role in the film, playing troubled “Garretâ€. In addition to Steve Ashlee films, Stoelwinder consistently stars in the films of Johnny Terris; most recently “Sordid†and “Scruff†as well as upcoming films now in production.
He has most recently created Black Cat Arts, an independent production and distribution company that creates and produces cutting edge film, music, clothing, and literature.
"SORDID" -actor-(2005)
"SCRUFF" -actor-(2006)
"INSIDE INOXIA" -actor-(2006)
In Production
"UNTITLED" -actor-
"THE WITCH" -actor-
"SILENT ALARM" -actor-
"THEM" -actor-
"LYCAON" -director-actor-
"FACTORY" -director-
"THE BLACK CAT" -director-actor
"SHADOWS" -director-actor-
"BACK OFF BENEFIT CD" (2003) Grassopper Music
In Production
"EMERGENCY! BENEFIT CD" (2007) Grasshopper Music