God, family, friends, & music music music. I was blessed to have a mother who brought me up to have strong faith, which saved my life. I have a forgiving & loving family, many true friends and I always look forward to meeting new ones. I love & pray for my great country and it's faithful military (that virtue resulted from my father, who was a proud Marine). "May God watch over our military & their families, & may their needs be met. GOD bless the USA and all life in this beautiful world we all must share & call home! AMEN!" ************* ***I believe, it's NOT about "religion" it's about "RELATIONSHIP!"*************************** &***"There are three things that remain...Faith, Hope and Love AND the greatest of these is Love." ~1st Cor. 13:13*************************************** Personal interests: I enjoy music of all kinds, singing, playing my guitar (whenever possible), writing, reading, nature, praying, walking/running...I'm a sucker for a nice romantic date with my handsome husband, getting together with my sisters/friends, good entertainment & so much more!!!
The children with AIDS my family sponsors in Africa. The HEROES (they ALL are) fighting for our freedom in the US Military! *********************************************************** *********************************************************** The following video is in honor of our brave military & their families...**"MAY GOD BLESS AMERICA!" Enjoy:
I enjoy almost all types! "Most of us go to our grave with our music still inside us ~unknown" -Don't want to do that!
I'm IN for a good movie now and then, but my REAL-life is already filled with more than enough family & "karaoke business" drama! "Drama, drama, drama!" {That's from a movie, right? From: "How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days"}. One of my favorite "musical movies" (from when I was a child) is: "Rodgers & Hammerststein's CINDERLLA" starring, Lesley Ann Warren, Stuart Damon, Ginger Rogers...
The Closer, Law & Order. However, I don't have much time for TV these days, so I'll rent the shows I like on DVD or watch them online when/if I get time.
SO many books...so little time. I just finished reading "There Is More To The Secret," by Ed Gungor, as I felt there was something missing from the book I had read previously, (which is also a popular book right now), called, "The Secret." After reading Ed Gungor's book, I found what was missing, but you'll have to read it to find out for yourself. ;) My favorite book of all time: "The BIBLE"...w/o question!
Spiritual Hero: Jesus Christ Childhood to Adult Heroes: My parents, (may they both rest in peace), my family...the US military & their families!!