Recording with Ciz....The Black Hoodies babyyyy
Purchase the Latest release from The Black Hoodies. The Black Hoodies Presents: Chea! The Mixtape Limited Edition Autographed CD Right Here!
The Black Hoodies, Permanent Records, anything Psychopathic
Anything Good. And I'm a tough critic.
Real News, The Daily Show and Adult Swim. Nothing more, nothing less.
Asside from the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth I highly recommend a more indepth volume titled The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.
"The only man I analyze is Adam West." - Jamie Spanolio "Batman was an expensive show and it was losing money. I became extremely frustrated and unhappy and wanted out. There was nothing I could do to convince the producers or the studio to make improvements. I was just a hired hand. Eventually, I lost all interest because I felt the series was being neglected. They weren't spending the money they should have, and we weren't getting the scripts we deserved. I didn't want any part of this situation any more. I was tired of fighting for better shows. The program I wanted to do was no longer possible. But I hated to leave the character because Batman had been good to me." - Adam WestAnd someone who is all our hero whether we choose to accept him or not