Music, Fishing, Biking, Camping, Reptiles, Football, Learning new things.Im way into zombies.. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- START YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --
Which Disney Princess Are You?
You're a tired old thing aren't you? We first came under Aurora's spell in Sleeping Beauty (1959)
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I like meeting and getting to know all different types of people. I like learning new things and meeting people is one of the best ways to do that
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Any Music...I'm open to anything. Right now I've been listening to a lot of James Taylor, Coltrane, and ZZ Top... Elliot Smith has been really freaking me out lately.
Im kind of a horror movie fanatic...old and new. I like old classics and anything that is well made or really funny. I dont like making can ask me and we'll talk about it.
I hardly EVER watch television...not that I think its uncool or anything. it just seems to get me down... except old mst3k and south park
OK I guess I have to make a small list: in no order...slaughterhouse five; Dune; Lord Of The Rings; Breakfast of Champions: For Whom The Bell Tolls; The Stand; IT; The first two Casteneda Books; Damian
My Parents; Iggy Pop; Miles Davis; Bowie; Emmit Smith; anyone who actually makes a living in the music business and manages to retain some self snake