Yarmulke Day 2007 profile picture

Yarmulke Day 2007

(In Regards To Yarmulke Day) I think it may be that much better than that retirement home smell on V

About Me

Hello I am Dan Torres. Well any way in 2003 I created Yarmulke Day. Yarmulke Day is always celebrated the day before Winter Break when students of all races and religions wear Yarmulkes (or Yamikas as it is generally pronounced). It all started when teachers waived the "No Hat Policy" for Santa hats so I thought well, ya know what, then I want to wear a hat too! This year in New Paltz/The World Yarmulke Day is December 21st. The best part of this is Yarmulkes are not considered Holy items like a Torah, and legally they can't tell you to take them off. So show some support and add this profile to your Top Friends list! I am not sure how you want to look at this holiday, it originally was a rebellious thing, but my joke proved more important and is now more of a day of tolerance, uniting and peace. A day when kids of all races and religions can come together and show respect, a yarmulke in the Jewish faith is a sign of respect to a higher law so on Yarmulke Day people have respect for not only that but each other and that means all people. Any one can celebrate Yarmulke Day all religions and races are encouraged. But you can celebrate it how ever you want.

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

Jon Stewart, Adam Sandler, Robert F. Kennedy, Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali, John Lennon, Bono, Martin Luther King Jr,




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My Blog

Yarmulke Day Poster

Hey I created a poster in hopes that when Yarmulke Day time comes around you will help support Yarmulke Day by hanging it someone where in your community. I realize that I have people from almost 50 s...
Posted by Yarmulke Day 2007 on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 04:24:00 PST

Yarmulke Day Clothing Line!

Yes Yarmulke Day now has a clothing line at its own store. There are shirts for men and women, in multiple colors and styles. It would be really cool if you bought one!...
Posted by Yarmulke Day 2007 on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 03:39:00 PST

"New Quote"

Well I finally put up a new quote. It was long over due since the teacher (who asks to be anonymous) actually had me called out of class to the office so the principle could ask me to take her name o...
Posted by Yarmulke Day 2007 on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 09:38:00 PST

Barack Obama....Yarmulke Day?

Hey I left a comment on Barack Obama's myspace about how much I like him and how I hope he wins. I also told him how I wrote my research essay for English 10 on him and got a 95, and this is what...
Posted by Yarmulke Day 2007 on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 03:58:00 PST

Yarmulke Day Has A Sponsor!!! Everyone Askes Were To Get A Yarmulke, Now I Can Tell You.

Well for a long time people have asked me "Where can I get a yarmulke from." Well now , I have an answer. I have an endorsement deal with Zara Mart located in Israel, the largest yarmulke de...
Posted by Yarmulke Day 2007 on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 04:26:00 PST

"Freedom Hats" out of the thousands of emails I have gotten this one is the best

How could I turn down a request from a leader who has created such a wonderful custom. When my father (Rabbi Maurice Davis) marched with Martin Luther King in Selma (forgive the name dropping), h...
Posted by Yarmulke Day 2007 on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 04:29:00 PST

Yarmulke Day in spanish Las Noticias

Dan Torres: Judío hispano lidera campaña por el kipá Por Antonio Flores-Lobos, Las Noticias 12/26/2006 Garret Lown/Las Noticias Dan Torres de New Paltz se sienta con dozenas de kipá...
Posted by Yarmulke Day 2007 on Tue, 26 Dec 2006 01:29:00 PST

Letter to Editor Response To Daily Freeman article

It's been an amazing experience watching Yarmulke Day take off.  It has also been exhausting.  Creating a day of peace and tolerance has taken a whole lot more tolerance than I thought. ...
Posted by Yarmulke Day 2007 on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 03:45:00 PST

Daily Freeman

Going over their heads: Student hopes Yarmulke Day will promote religious tolerance By Joshua M. Rinaldi, Freeman staff 12/21/2006 Email to a friendPost a CommentPrinter-friendly Dan...
Posted by Yarmulke Day 2007 on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 03:13:00 PST

Yarmulke Day Distribution Plan

Well today I was told I am not allowed to give out yarmulkes on school property. So I will be in the gazebo at Hasbrouk Park on Thursday from 2:30-6:00 handing out yarmulkes. I know it is short notice...
Posted by Yarmulke Day 2007 on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 05:50:00 PST