Music, Theatre, Writing (all those promising career prospects), Medicine (too late), Camping, Media Technology (What's that?), Late night kitchen-table conversations and jams, and my personal spirituality (oh this should be good)...
People who think about what they say and avoid resorting to fortune-cookies like: "It's all good", or "Buy Low, Sell High", or "Keep your enemies close", or "S*** happens". Also people who can smile a seemingly uncomplicated smile, and remain untouched, while everything around them gets sucked up in a tornado. You know who you are. We're watching you. Also people who laugh at my jokes and know when I'm bluffing, so I don't keep having to apologize and explain things I don't remember too clearly five seconds later.
All those art-rock bands from the 70's and 80's, and new stuff that most radio stations are unconcernedly oblivious of. Why, oh why, doesn't radio evolve with the rest of us? "you have nothing to lose but your squareness!!!...."
Weird, over-budget alternate-reality shows, with truism's like "Let Go, Luke," "Free your mind, Neo," "Life is like a box of chocolates," and "What a relief, I thought I was wearing a #@!% mask."
I can't carry a conversation about it. It's just as bad to terrorize yourself with the loathing and revulsion of contemplating being in it's presence. Just don't give it power. Just look in to my eyes, and say whatever comes to your mind. Don't be afraid.
Yes! If you don't want to talk to me right now, why not read a book! I can entertain myself for awhile. Maybe I'll try to finish that second CD. Talk later?
George Burns, Kurt Vonnegut Jr., Tom Robbins, Yeshua, Mark Twain, and anyone who does at least some of what they believe they should do, while circumstances seem to dictate just doing what they have to.