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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

MySpace Editor

MySpace Layouts MySpace Editor Icons Collage MySpace Graphics Photo Collage I am a Calgary born Musician who is so happy to be alive knowing I've gotten through thirty plus years without doing anyone any irreparable harm. I think it's a good way to live, even if everyone around you seems like a character out of "Cruel Intentions". Yeah. There's lot's to be thankful for, and really I am. Enough about that. I also do audio at Soda Lounge, here in Calgary, and build guitar cases for famous people. Look at that, we've just met and I've already spent most of the time talking about what I do. Every conversation I get into seems to revolve around shameless self-promotion in-the-round. I like camping in the rockies, swimming in the buff, and houses with garages on the BACK, in colors not currently available in Calgary's suburbia. So, I try to live close to downtown. It might be an obsession.

My Interests

Music, Theatre, Writing (all those promising career prospects), Medicine (too late), Camping, Media Technology (What's that?), Late night kitchen-table conversations and jams, and my personal spirituality (oh this should be good)...

I'd like to meet:

People who think about what they say and avoid resorting to fortune-cookies like: "It's all good", or "Buy Low, Sell High", or "Keep your enemies close", or "S*** happens". Also people who can smile a seemingly uncomplicated smile, and remain untouched, while everything around them gets sucked up in a tornado. You know who you are. We're watching you. Also people who laugh at my jokes and know when I'm bluffing, so I don't keep having to apologize and explain things I don't remember too clearly five seconds later.


All those art-rock bands from the 70's and 80's, and new stuff that most radio stations are unconcernedly oblivious of. Why, oh why, doesn't radio evolve with the rest of us? "you have nothing to lose but your squareness!!!...."


Weird, over-budget alternate-reality shows, with truism's like "Let Go, Luke," "Free your mind, Neo," "Life is like a box of chocolates," and "What a relief, I thought I was wearing a #@!% mask."


I can't carry a conversation about it. It's just as bad to terrorize yourself with the loathing and revulsion of contemplating being in it's presence. Just don't give it power. Just look in to my eyes, and say whatever comes to your mind. Don't be afraid.


Yes! If you don't want to talk to me right now, why not read a book! I can entertain myself for awhile. Maybe I'll try to finish that second CD. Talk later?


George Burns, Kurt Vonnegut Jr., Tom Robbins, Yeshua, Mark Twain, and anyone who does at least some of what they believe they should do, while circumstances seem to dictate just doing what they have to.

My Blog

I Can’t Believe I’m Still Here

I will here confess that (for those who haven't noticed) I have a love/hate thing going on with MySpace. As I write this I am seeing evidence there are still people checking in to see what I'm up to. ...
Posted by Morley on Wed, 28 May 2008 07:30:00 PST

Soda Jam Oct 24

Now that the jam has been running for a few weeks a trend has begun which I hope continues. Every week so far, someone shows up out of the blue and totally makes the evening. Last night it was Mishel ...
Posted by Morley on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 04:29:00 PST

The People Verses and Better Friends than Lovers with Cities and Plains

Would it be fair to say I dropped the ball? After all, I did read the poster this weeks to figure out when I've got shows to run, but somehow forgot we had a show on Monday. I was thinking Monday woul...
Posted by Morley on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 05:15:00 PST

Calgary Multiarts Festival III

It seems that no matter how good I get at twiddling the knobs, I haven't mastered two things: being at both the top and bottom of the stairs at the same time, and remembering that a keyboard signal co...
Posted by Morley on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 05:30:00 PST

Filling Station Blowout

Had a feeling getting to know Laurie Fuhr was going to pay off. So I got called to run the sound for the Filling Station Blowout at Carpenter's Union Hall. Firsts: Contracting an outside show, running...
Posted by Morley on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 01:58:00 PST

Jim Brenan with Kristian Alexandrov at Cantos - CJazz Carnivale

It was almost like losing my virginity, miking a piano for the first time. I anticipated it a couple of nights before and did a little mental geometry while I was waiting to fall asleep. When I showed...
Posted by Morley on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 12:42:00 PST

I Love it When Smut Sites Spam Me, So I Can Help Get You Busted!

Don't think it's because I'm a prude. It's because of your otherworldly lack of taste. I know you're just a spider program. You're not intelligent enough to notice you are crawling to your doom, and t...
Posted by Morley on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 05:12:00 PST

A full day on the jobs

After a few months of struggle, a few things are finally falling into place. For instance, I'm getting good at remembering which things are in which pockets again. At least two nights a week I get to ...
Posted by Morley on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 11:50:00 PST

Vancouver: expected and unexpected

So far, the amazing thing about Vancouver is that some things I expected to be gone are still here. Case in point, Richard's on Richards, Bar None, Incognito at that  blues bar on Granville, and ...
Posted by Morley on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 02:48:00 PST

Jordan Cook and Drohan

Sometimes magic requires effort and planning. What, you don't just wiggle your nose?We opened to set up at five o'clock, expecting Jordan to arrive shortly thereafter. He didn't arrive until eight. He...
Posted by Morley on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 11:23:00 PST