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Michelle Knudsen


About Me

I'm the author of more than 35 books for children, including the New York Times best-selling picture book Library Lion.You can visit my website here: www.michelleknudsen.comAnd my blog here: http://michelleknudsen.blogspot.comRight now all of my books are for younger children, but my first middle-grade fantasy novel will be out in Spring 2009. Once we figure out the title I will post it here!

My Interests

Fantasy and science fiction, books, books, books, musical theater, movies, Netflix, LOLcats, peanut M&Ms, punctuation, lions, libraries, chickens, dragons, pralines, breakfast cereal, breakfast in general, crunchy things, sparkly things.


Oingo Boingo, Meat Loaf, TMBG, The Violent Femmes, lots of 80s stuff, various Broadway showtunes, Danny Elfman movie scores, Muse, The Killers. Lately a whole lot of My Chemical Romance.


Original Star Wars trilogy, 12 Monkeys, Groundhog Day, Ghostbusters, The Shawshank Redemption, Secretary, Serenity, The Matrix, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Edward Scissorhands, Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2, Die Hard, LOTR, The Fifth Element, The Quick and the Dead, Young Frankenstein, Waiting for Guffman, The Hudsucker Proxy, The Terminator, The Sixth Sense, Disney's Beauty and the Beast, Legend, Moonstruck, Quick Change, The Princess Bride, Willow, When Harry Met Sally, Back to the Future, The Lost Boys, Labyrinth, Sin City, most things starring Bruce Willis.


Nothing in real time these days except Heroes and House. Otherwise: Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Space Ghost Coast to Coast, Veronica Mars, Scrubs, those old D&D cartoons from the early 80s (finally released on DVD - YAY!)


The Song of Ice and Fire series by George R. R. Martin; The Memory, Sorrow, & Thorn trilogy by Tad Williams; The Stand; The Eyes of the Dragon; The Talisman; The Gunslinger Books; everything by Lois McMaster Bujold; Alice in Wonderland; Mog the Forgetful Cat; The Grouchy Ladybug; Big Egg; the Minerva Louise books by Janet Morgan Stoeke. Other favorite authors are Connie Willis, Robin Hobb, Robert Jordan, Tanya Huff, Michael Swanwick, Esther Averill, Mo Willems, Lois Lowry, Peter McCarty, Richard Scarry, Leo Lionni, and Barbara Park.

My Blog

Library Lion at the New York Public Library Shop!

I'll be reading and signing Library Lion at the NYPL Library Shop at 2pm this Saturday, October 18 - please come by if you're in the area, and bring your kids! Reading starts at 2pm, and I'll be stayi...
Posted by Michelle Knudsen on Wed, 15 Oct 2008 08:40:00 PST

ridiculous procrastination

It's interesting to me how I continue to sink to deeper and more ridiculous levels of procrastination the closer I get to my next packet deadline. Here is what I have been doing lately to avoid writin...
Posted by Michelle Knudsen on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 12:37:00 PST

whiny and growly

If there's a fly in my apartment, doesn't my cat have a responsibility, an obligation, to chase that thing down and catch it? She should be running after it with her eyes all wide and crazy and her mo...
Posted by Michelle Knudsen on Wed, 17 Sep 2008 03:55:00 PST

Um, August?

Okay, so I kind of skipped August. Here's what happened: I did some writing, I did some reading, I tried to win tickets online to see Hair with my friend Steph but we never won, I went to the gym, I m...
Posted by Michelle Knudsen on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 09:58:00 PST

July 2008 Update

So clearly this posting-at-least-once-a-week thing is not exactly happening. Maybe I should be shooting for once a month. Ah, well. It's not like blogging is the only thing I'm not doing as much of as...
Posted by Michelle Knudsen on Tue, 29 Jul 2008 09:34:00 PST

My book has a title.

And it is:The Dragon of Trelian.
Posted by Michelle Knudsen on Mon, 23 Jun 2008 12:54:00 PST

There Can Be Only One

At least, that's what I'm trying to believe with regard to the super-creepy spider that was in my bathroom this morning. He looked like he'd escaped from a National Geographic special: big, black, jum...
Posted by Michelle Knudsen on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 08:44:00 PST

Quick June Update

Found out last night that an appointment today was being canceled, so I find myself with the gift of a suddenly free morning. The problem with gifts like these are that I spend too much time stressing...
Posted by Michelle Knudsen on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 08:20:00 PST

Two-Spider Sunday: A Haiku

Unwelcome beasties.Giant crawling in the tub.Wee one in the sink.* * * * *They were both relocated (i.e., trapped in a cup and dumped out my kitchen window). The little one was a jumper and didn't wan...
Posted by Michelle Knudsen on Sun, 25 May 2008 02:25:00 PST

Reading Lists

I need to find a better way to keep track of the books I want to read. How do other people do this? Right now, I have a list on notepaper in the back of my datebook/planner, I have a Word file on my ...
Posted by Michelle Knudsen on Wed, 14 May 2008 06:13:00 PST