This is Me!:
Name: Tasha
Last Name: Butler
Birthday: July 3rd, 1986
Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Sun-kissed Brown
Right or left hand: Right handed
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Current location: West Allis
Marital Status: Happliy Married :)
Favorite Things
TV Show: Forensic Files & America's funniest home videos.
Movie: None at the moment
Singer: Debbie Boone
Rapper: None.
Genre of Music: Gospel, Classical, Hymns, Country, & a little R&B
Album: None at the moment
Animal: I love Cat's, small dogs and birds. also; Lion and tiger's.
Food: Gryos, deep dish pizza & Tacos.
Drink: Water, white grapefruit, peach and coconut.
Color: Silver
Number: Seven (7) ...It means completion, & (1) means unity.
Clothing Brand: Gap, I guess, but it doesn't really matter.
Shoe Brand: K-swiss or reebox, becase it feels so comfortable.
Season: Spring & Summer
Month: July
Sport: Swimming....
Team: Chicago Cubs.
Actor/Actress: None at the moment
Website: www.Jesus is the only way to !!!! :)
Best Friend: Chris, my Husband.
Do You...
Smoke: No!
Drink: No!
Sing: Yes!
Rap: No.
Play an instrument: Yes, the piano.
steal: Not what's not mine!! (only my husband attention). :)
Skipped School: No.
Been in a fight: In the past.
Been in Love: My first Love is Jesus Christ, because He first loved me.
This Or That
Birthday/Christmas: I would have to say Both.
Shoes/Sandals/Flip Flops: A pair of comfortable sandals.
Nike/Puma/Adidas: Puma, most likely
Love/Single: Love.
Night/Day: Day!
Computer/Handy: I use both when nesscerary.
Music/Films Good ole' music.
West coast/East coast: Either.
McDonald's/Burger King Hmmm. Mcdonalds, but not my favorite at all!
Who is the strongest person you know? My Husband.
Who has been your biggest inspiration? Why? Jesus and His example on this earth. He Overcamed death and this world.
Who has made you laugh the most? My Husband.
Who has made you cry the most? Myself.
If you become famous, what will you be famous for? I wouldn't want to make myself of no reputation.
When you wish upon a shooting star, what do you wish for? My wishes are to do my Father's in Heaven will.
Do you use any Instant Messengers? No.
Biggest fear? Breaking fellowship with God.
Color of your room? Soft white
Do you wear contacts/glasses? Yes.I wear glasses.
If you could be anywhere right now where would you be? In Heaven, in my Father arms.
Who is the prettiest person? Those who are sincere and honest.
Who would you like to meet? Jesus, when He comes back for me.
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at My Purpose is to fulfill the will of my Savior Lord Jesus Christ! And Remember, It's not a "RELIGION"'s a RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS CHRIST!!:)God Bless You!
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