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Whaz good? Whaz good? Listen, I just wanted to invite ANYONE INTERESTED.... to come play some Basketball with us on Thursday nights in da Colorado Springs area for TEAM DESTINY. It's free and you can also get your grub on. There will be serving of a hot meal or pizza each and every week!NEWS UPDATE........NEWS UPDATE......NEWS UPDATE.....WE HAVE MOVED TO THE EMERSON/EDISON JR./HIGH SCHOOL: We meet at 6:30PM @ EMERSON/EDISON JR. HIGH SCHOOL in da Springs.(GOING FROM SOUTH TO NORTH-BOUND ON ACADEMY, TAKE RIGHT ON EAST PIKES PEAK AVE. YOU WILL SEE SCHOOL ON YOUR LEFT. TAKE FIRST LEFT THAT YOU SEE BY SCHOOL, CUZ WE MEET IN DA BACK WHERE DA GYM IS.) COME AS EARLY AS 6;00 PM, CUZ THAT WAY, YOU CAN GET YOUR PRACTISE ON!!!!)Whether anyone is good or doesn't matter, cuz we gots good, bad, and ugly. Don't be skiiiiiiiired! (lol) It's all a matter of sweatin' some toxins out, gettin' your ball on, along with your grub, and just havin' plain fun.So come on out, and have yo friends come with you! Any and all is invited!!! We have all backgrounds, ages, races, females, males, name it. (Most are between ages 12-40) that meet up. However; it doesn't matter, all is invited to come and play.Hope to see ya's all there!NEWS UPDATE ONCE AGAIN BOUT TEAM DESTINY!!!!! NEWS UPDATE ONCE AGAIN BOUT TEAM DESTINY!!!!!SEE BELOW:TEAM DESTINY IS MOVING!!!! Dats right yall!!!! This summer Team Destiny is moving to a new location, a new gym, and a new atmosphere. Due to our current location which is Emerson Edison Junior High closing this summer for renovations we will have to vacate for the summer and come back on August 14th, 2008 when the school starts back up in the fall. The new address for Team Destiny is below. We will have our last day at Emerson this thursday May 15th and will restart Destiny at our new location for the summer only on Thursday June 5th. So please pass the word around and let everyone you know the place and time. We will still have it every Thursday night at 6:30p til 9pm. we hope to see ya at our new summer location starting June 5th.Thanks and God blessSunnyside Christian Church 2025 N.Murray Blvd 80915 Corner of Murray & Constititution right down the street from Irving Middle School Every Thursday night 6:30p til 9p Starting Thursday June 5th