Music is endless, everlasting and a window to the soul. Life is too short to let opportunities pass you by, no matter what the risk.
Without courage, life is meaningless. If you do not follow your heart, you are already dead..I search for inspiration through life in everything that surrounds me. Music is my main emotion mover. A good line in a song and the right melody on the right beat can change your entire day.
The glint in a passing persons' eye, the smile on their face or a brief conversation with someone you may never meet again, can change your mindset in an instant, but also change your life forever. I love the idea that a butterfly flapping it's wings can cause tornados on the other side of the world. I love the chaos and spontanaety of life. Alive today, or maybe dead tomorrow. Life is just so beautiful that it is finite and has an ending. Just like reading a good story, you go through the many chapters, some good, some bad, some boring and everyone wants to know what happens at the end.. One problem with people is that some get more fixated on what happens after the end and fear it, these people miss out on the enjoyment and the entire point of the story. Don't be one of these people, being afraid of death will lead you to be afraid of life and you will miss out all the good bits in between. I think we have our own choices, if there's no such thing as fate, then you can't take life for granted and we should feel privelidged to be able to choose our own destinies.. I Live for the moment but I also plan ahead just in case :)
If you want to know what makes me feel alive, all you have to do is listen to my music. I also have a lot of alternative (heavier) stuff to listen to with my new band in Hong Kong at for all the great comments I'm getting from everyone! It really makes me feel high on the low days and really inspires me to keep on writing through uninspiring times.One thing I realised recently is that dreams rarely come true unless you make them. I also realised that with dreams as big as mine I do need a little help! so thanks to all the people who are showing me support right now and believe in me! You give me the strength to carry on believing and stay strong and focussed. :)Six months ago I finally had the courage to live my life to the statement above, and I left my life in the UK to follow my dreams here in Hong Kong.
I sacrificed a lot to be here and it has made me a stronger person to carry on fighting for what I believe in and helping me to persue my dreams further.My new band Gong Wu has finally recorded our first demo and more music from them is browsable at check out out and leave your comments!
If you got this far down, thanks for reading my nonesense!